How do you even kill giant cat boss?

How do you even kill giant cat boss?
Bitch hits like a truck and literally fakes her openings for lulz.

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kill it with fire

try belly rubs, cat's love belly rubs

Wait until you have to fight 2 of them at once.


You gotta bait out its attacks, bait out its attacks OP! Leave space between you so it charges.

Fuck no they don't, your hands are going to be stubs of meat once you find the single cat that does.

Second one joins late
They have less hp than aava
No insane resists

I guess I got lucky then, sisters cat love belly rubs

It's slow as fuck, and only has like three moves in total, each one having obvious tells.
Event being pitted against 2 of them at the same time, doesn't make me feel like I'm pressured in any way.

Fighting a small leopard or a tigerlet with sharp sticks is one thing. Some people with balls the size of Jupiter used to do this back in gladiatorial games in ancient Rome. However, fighting a cat the size and with the strength of a hippo with the agility and reflexes of an actual cat is fucking retarded.

>b-but muh fantasy, m-muh magic!
There's a limit to the suspension of disbelief even in fantasy settings.

>There's a limit to the suspension of disbelief even in fantasy settings.

This might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen posted on Sup Forums. There are many many games where you fight giant dragons and even gods yet you think a giant tiger is a stretch?

Wut gaim?

>muh magic
If only your character had been magically increasing their Agility, Strength, and Dexterity

oh wait

That's a dangerous strategy. My cat loved to pretend beg for belly rubs and then claw and bite when you fell for it.

nigga all you gotta do is give em the ol one-two

Dragons are completely imaginary creatures, so yes, it's much easier to apply suspension of disbelief when dealing with them. Actual IRL creatures with actually well documented capabilities are a completely different thing. Shit like dragons or cyclopi or beholdes are "just turn off your brain, bro" tier. When you're dealing with creatures in fantasy that have IRL analogues, your suspension of disbelief is threatened by your subconscious fear and fascination with these IRL analogues, because you simply know what they're capable of and what they've done throughout history like some maneater cats that have devoured several hundred people each.

To me it just seems that you like cats to an autistic degree so you get mad when they're not respected. You realize the player character in dark souls is super human right?

The player is technically immortal, he isn't really superhuman. More like peak physical condition if you consider the size and weight of weapons you can swing in DS.

>size and weight of weapons
pic related, using even one of this IRL would be impossible. Imagine dual wielding them.

Not to mention the fact that you can use magic.

what if it was a giant tiger god

Then you'd probably hit it until it dies.

>How do you even kill giant cat boss?
You have to press R1 or R2 when you stand near it. This will attack the Boss. Attack deal damage. Once you'Ve dealt enough dmg the Boss will die.
You're welcome, user.

>You have to press R1 or R2 when you stand near it.
I've just tried that and the boss killed me while I was casting the spell. Thanks a bunch, faggot.

I just can't agree with this post.
White cat is the only boss in the entire series that actually uses it's weight and size in the fight. Also just like op said she uses false openings so there no way they can be obvious.

How does it?
Left swipe, right swipe, turn around swipe, icicles.
All are fucking slow and easy to roll through and punish.

I don't remember there being any trick just dodged and magicked away. Mean bastard, but after a few tries you'll find the openings. They're short though.


get a load of this faggot

This is more of a test of patience than anything.

You shoot it.

Not him but it's obvious you've never played the game. The cats have two different paw attacks that can easily fuck anyone up: left non-delayed paw swipe and a delayed right paw swipe. When the cat attacks you have to instantaneously do a mental note in your head which paw it's using and then make a decision whether you should delay your roll or not. It sounds "easy" in words, but in practice it can be quite hard, because it's this random alteration of left-right swipes that fucks people up, similar to the delayed swings of the blue smelter. One fuckup and half your hp is gone regardless of armor, unless you're overlevelled. The 2cat boss is the hardest in the entire series, the KFC king from 3 is a jobber compared to them.

>it's obvious you've never played the game
It's really funny hearing this when I platinum'd every Souls game (except DeS) and played through multiple NG+ cycles on multiple characters.
How did you even beat the rest of the game, if you find the cat, of all things, hard?

>It's really funny hearing this when I platinum'd every Souls game
Sure you did, shitter. Meanwhile, the only game I haven't 100%ed is 3, because it requires 3 playhtroughs with the same character while being trash with zero replayability.

nice guides faggot

Why are YOU calling ME a shitter, when you're the one crying about 2kat and calling them the hardest boss in the series?

Because I've actually beat the boss in the game , not in my head, shitter.


I went through the DLCs for the first time on NG++ on my main char after I 100%'d the main game, and I beat the 2kat on the first try (although I didn't count how many times it took me to actually get through the fucking Outskirts). And I actually have this recorded. I could link it, but then I'd get accused of shilling my (now virtually defunct) channel.

your playtimes mean nothing pvefag come back when you have at least 500 across platforms/accounts in each game

Woah, that certainly makes fight easier.

It's really funny watching mongoloids make tall statements while having absolutely zero proof of their own words. The fact that you haven't posted anything to back up your claims up to this point tells me all I need to know about you.

What do you want me to do? Post my play times? Like they matter. Alright, help yourself.
twitch tv/videos/40632796

>watch video
>gets hit by the very first delayed right paw swiped just like I've said
Lmao, go fuck your self, subhuman shitter. You've only proven my point.

And I still killed them on the first try. Some hardest boss that is.

>on the first try
Sure you did, shitter, sure you did.

Normal players can't survive two pawns in the row even with 40 endurance on the ng. And second buffed cat hits even stronger
So yeah, your "all attacks are obvious I easily dodged them" while having fucking enough hp to walk off 4 straight hits sounds like bullshit

Unlike you, shitter, I don't need someone's approval of my playthrough. I know what and how I did, and what was hard and what wasn's, and the precise reasons why. You can keep your shitter opinion to yourself, I won't try to persuade you.

>more hours in dark souls 3 than in dark souls 1
pleb alert

Shitter, the fact that you've simply ran to the side in order to dodge the ice shard barrage instaed of trying to roll for the first time is 100% undeniable proof that it was NOT your first attempt. You were also completely destroyed by the delayed paw swipes the dangers of which I have specifically emphasized in my earlier post. By posting that video you've proven everything I've said, kill yourself, you fucking shitstain.

In the end, you're a lying subhuman piece of shit, not like I would expect anything else from a commie scumbag.

Of course it's not the first time I fought a cat, I already killed Aava prior to that. And this boss is just two of the same.
If you roll to dodge the icicles, there's a chance of a fuck up, if you just sprint counter-clockwise it's 100% safe.
>completely destroyed
More like got caught off guard a couple of times since it was my very first time getting to the fog door at all. And then I proceeded to dodge both cats at the same time easily.

In the end you got completely BTFO'd, like any shitter thinking he's hot shit for just playing through "the hardest video game ever" - Dark Souls.

>Of course it's not the first time I fought a cat
In other words, your entire "argument" is nonsense.

>If you roll to dodge the icicles, there's a chance of a fuck up
No shit, you fucking retard. That's why not trying to roll through the ice shards is 100% proof that it wasn't your first time.

You've lied yourself into a corner, subhuman genetic trash, the only thing left for you to do is kys.

Your discussion is very interesting, but it's unironically surprising that Aava was full of summon signs right now on the ps4

Your entire argument is nonsense, because the cats have very limited moveset with obvious tells. Unlike, say, the Fume knight from the same game, with his trick follow-ups to the combos and varied moveset.
How very convenient of you to ignore the fact that an observant player had plenty of time to get used to the boss' moveset during Aava fight. (I actually did that fight with the Dragon Bone Fist for fun, which I regret since it took forever) Something you quite apparently didn't.

Wanna hear something else? I beat Friede on NG++ on my first time too. Of course you'll be seething and crying "liar! liar!", but it won't change the fact. I *know* that I did, and I'll be just laughing at you.

Not him, but .
> because the cats have very limited moveset with obvious tell
You got hit by all "obvious tells" and as I said before any normal player it would kill in 2 hits, you facetanked 3 in row like it was nothing.
> I beat Friede on NG++ on my first time too.
You can literally stunlock bitch to the death, why wouldn't anyone kill her from the first try
>(I actually did that fight with the Dragon Bone Fist for fun
Cat is one of the few boss fights where no difference exist between range of weapons you use.

It's happens very conveniently at the start of the fight, so it's easy to bash me for that. Yes, I was sloppy at first. I can't argue with that, and I didn't say I'm good enough at these games for a no-hit playthrough or anything.
>any normal player it would kill in 2 hits
I dunno what exactly do you mean by a "normal player", but it was just my first playthrough build, not optimized or anything. Just an str build.
I was even playing fashion souls as I went through the DLC. I just put on the armor I thought fit a cold weather area. With fur and a long cape. I'm even wearing that bell helmet, because it was funny.
>You can literally stunlock bitch to the death
I know, right? A Souls boss with no poise is put in a rather bullyable position by the devs.
First of all there is. You can see me missing quite a few roll attacks on the cats, because I ended up too far away from them. Well, maybe it's more of an engine issue, because you don't automatically face enemies you're locked onto in DS2.
But as for the fist weapons, I meant the damage, because it was really disappointing. I spent a long time chipping away at Aava's health bar. Which is amplified by DS2 fast weapon degradation.

Actually it's cyclopes you fucking philistine