He killed thousands

He killed thousands...

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And didn't get the treasure.

Almost all third world oogie boogies so noone cares

but he's handsome and does a lot of banter so it's okay

...to save millions

ludonarrative dissonance

but he's white so it's okay

It was self defense

He should have killed the nigger lady.

>Your honor it was self-defense
>if so, why didn't you just leave for your own safety, you don't need to be in some tomb, it isn't yours
>but self-defense

>big bad evil that possibly threatens the world
>goonies are ordered to shoot on sight
>just leave lmao

Kill a man and you will be named a killer. Kill thousands and you will be named an hero

>your honor, it was self-defense, if I hadn't shot the thug he would've killed me
>if so then why didn't you just leave for your own safety? You didn't need to be in that alley, it wasn't yours

>if I hadn't shot the thug and then gone through his entire thug friends camp in a foreign country, and then chased after them around the world, they would have killed me !

Yes he did.

Uncharted 4 is the absolute worst offender because the "bad guys" aren't even doing anything wrong until Drake escalates the situation and causes a shootout at a shady-but-legal auction and gets dozens of people killed.

Then he follows Rafe to Scotland and murders another hundred people at land Rafe had legally purchased for the sake of excavating the treasure.

Yes, exactly.

Yeah... and now he's gonna kill you :))

He should just an hero

Not even the worst thing he did.

Not choosing Based Big Booty Chloe was 100x worse.

He did? Well, maybe I didn't press the right buttons on the last boss QTE.

While you are correct Scotland is after Madagascar

They find the map of King's bay in the Scottish Cathedral. You're getting yourself confused

The last boss wasn't a QTE though.
That is like saying opening a door in games is a QTE

Oh shit I meant before I fucked up the correction.

Still it's not as bad as in 3 when everyone begs him to stop and he still "muh treasure"s his way through an army.

Only Delsin Rowe and the guy from Haze were bigger dumbasses.

Not to mention the button prompts are removed in Hard mode, making it even less of a QTE.

his guns all used rubber bullets

I like how playing the game on Hard/Crushing suddenly makes him super fast and adds spinny shit that's really confusing to counter to his moveset

Remind me why do people care?

>the sexiest girl in vidya ends up with a good looking serial killer who didn't care about her but the gold.

also he used rubber explosive barrels

He mainly killed slavs and nig nogs so he was doing the world a favor

What about that time he threw a guard off a cliff as part of an unskippable tutorial?

>Not a QTE
>you gotta counter with the right button as he does sequence

>dark souls
>you have to roll out of an attack right before it lands on you


Should I get Uncharted 4 as my first soystation 4 game?

there's not even depth to the fucking fight. you just spam the right button. In dark souls you can do shit besides rolling when you get attacked.

0/10 shitty bait.

It's pretty good, maybe the best-looking game in the console.

>In dark souls you can do shit besides rolling
Yes, like roll to the other side or roll backwards. Truly a masterpiece and not overrated in any way. You can also enjoy and the muddled graphics, the shitty camera and the non-existent story. Wow. what a game.

>you just spam the right button.
Ironically if you spam the button you are more likely to get hit than if you spam dodge in Dark Souls.

Rafe only owned the land where the cathedral was, he didn't own the graveyard where the treasure map was actually located.

>Kill 1000 people in Uncharted 4
>You get a trophy that says exactly that
It's the little things.

Blanket on the bottom

Removing the QTEs doesn't make this any less of a scripted game of Simon Says. If you can't tell the difference between that and an actual video game, well you might just be the target audience.

Fuck, that was the worst in Batman: Arkham Knight.
>lol the tank uses rubber bullets and the enemy tanks are all drones without drivers

>play on easy
>"Look how easy the game is guys!"

See the fight on the harder difficulties. It is not the same.

It doesn't suddenly change the gameplay mechanics, It just removes the prompts and requires faster timing. You could literally achieve the same level of gameplay with an FMV game.

A doll, using which the player has "destroyed" thousands of somewhat less detailed dolls...
How horrifying...

You're fucking retarded m8. It wasn't a QTE, you were fully in control of Drake for that fight.

>fully in control
To do what? You press square until its time to press triangle. Its a QTE, no matter how you try and dress it up. Its completely scripted and trash.

He did not even play the game.

>See the fight on the harder difficulties. It is not the same.
it was annoying as shit on crushing

Yeah like how in Dark Souls you press Roll until it's time to press Right hand

A QTE consequently takes away control.
Not only does it not do that. The moveset changes on the harder difficulties because he spins around and it plays with the players anticipation.
You only use triangle to dodge left. You also move around in the arena which isn't just QTE.
There is also returning damage, dodging right and breaking out of a hold.
It takes the melee gameplay and adds in some elements.

In Dark Souls its not a scripted event that you are pressing in sequence. Are you actually really stupid or are you being pedantic?

>You also move around in the arena which isn't just QTE.
What does moving around actually add? Is positioning a factor during the fight? Or is it just there so people can say its not a QTE?

Define what a QTE is then.
We clearly don't have the same definition.

If you get cornered it's not easy to see where his attacks are coming from so you get him to guard your moves a bit and move around to get away from the corner

Interesting that with "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy" suddenly no one gave a shit when it was two "women of colour" pulling the trigger...

this. you had to use triangle and circle to dodge his sword swings depending on which direction they came from. there were zero button prompts beyond the initial five second tutorial.

also if you finished the game on any other setting than hard then you're a casual and your opinions don't have any weight.

I guess Mario is a QTE now because you just press right until it's time to jump.

>In video games, a quick time event (QTE) is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game. Performing the prompted action improperly or not at all results in the character's failure at their task and often in an immediate game over.

>suddenly no one gave a shit when it was two "women of colour" pulling the trigger
You say that as if anyone ever actually cared about Drake shooting thousands of people in previous games. Uncharted 2-4 all got above a 90 on metacritic, most reviewers and players never cared that the amount of shooting was absurd.

Mario gives you full control of your character, you don't progress forward until a set time when its ok to press jump. You can jump at any time.

> the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt.

What now Soyboy?

qtes are defined by their button prompt. no button prompt and it's just a context sensitive action. good or bad, restrictive or not, it's no longer a qte at that point

They just made his animations the prompts. Its still a game of Simon Says.

stopped reading right there

What a weakass damage control

Triggered Soyboy

Yeah like how in Uncharted 4's final boss, you can press left counter, right counter, or hit at any time.

Its functionally the same, don't tell me you're so dumb all they had to do was remove the buttons and you suddenly think its not a scripted event.
And unlike in Uncharted 4's final boss you don't have to jump at specific points to succeed. Every video of U4's final boss will look the same, because the fight is always going to play out the same. No two videos of Mario will look the same unless its a speedrun route.

>They just made his animations the prompts
so literally every game mechanic is a QTE then?


kek fuck off

But you do have to jump at specific points to succeed such as when there is a gap in between Mario and the next platform.

Many things are functionally that.
QTE's are different though. A QTE is when you remove control from the player to use a button prompt instead.
This is not that.

Aah okay, so all the "ludonarrative dissonance" crap was just a figment of my imagination.

No. Restricting the player into a situation where you press the right button at the right time and nothing else is a QTE. Something like this is not.
You don't jump at fixed points, you can jump from any point that gives you enough distance to clear the gap.