Is Persona 5 so good that it makes the rest of the series obsolete? I started with it, and now I have to regress to randomly generated dungeons? Has anyone replayed them recently, can p
they hold up?
Is Persona 5 so good that it makes the rest of the series obsolete? I started with it...
Yea, I'm not even memeing when I say P5 is better than the rest even P3. It does everything better.
Persons 3 story is GOAT. Persona 4 dungeons are fun, but are definitely outdone by P5.
I find P4s characters far more likeable than anyone P5 has to offer. Recently went back to it, and yeah the dungeons are a bit of a drag, but everything out of dungeon I still feel is better.
I would say that it makes the other games pretty obsolete, yeah.
P3 has a better story, better social link systems and arguably better music, but the combat system is shite compared to 5. The random dungeons are also extremely tedious.
4 has a better main party, but the combat is slightly worse and the dungeons are still random gen crap.
Overall, if you’re interested in a series you should always start from the first game (or in this case the 3rd, because 1 and 2 are different enough to go back to). Let that be a lesson to you. Now try to avoid making the same mistake with Yakuza, Metal Gear, The Witcher etc.
Are 1 and 2 worth playing? I might just go to Persona 4 Golden from here. I guess I need a PSTV, whatever that is...
>there are people that play games from 20 years ago just to experience """""the way it was meant to be""""""
lmao. I'll take my witcher 3 plat not really caring about the story, my persona 5 plat not caring about igor and the velvet room, AND my metal gear solid 5 plat not giving a FUCK about the big boss retcon
I agree that P4 has the most likeable characters in the series, although I’d say that 5’s are just as well written, if not more so. 5’s characters felt extremely real to me - it’s just that with real people come real flaws. P4’s cast felt a bit more “perfect” to me.
p4g is still the king. honestly cant think of anything that 5 excels at. it was so boring to play compared to 3/4. i had to force myself to finish it and will never replay it.
I know that you’re shit posting on purpose, but I just want to point out that Witcher 1 and persona 3 are only a decade old (and I played them both on release).
Also, the reason isn’t to experience something the way “it’s meant to be”, its to get more enjoyment out of a series. In your case you get to enjoy 3 games. In the case of someone who plays the whole series they get to enjoy 3 Witcher games, 3 persona games, and at least 6 metal gear games (more if you play MG1 and 2 or the spin offs). I don’t really understand the aversion to playing things are old.
These points are all gonna be super subjective but:
>best music
>best art style
>best menus
>best battle system
>best boss fights
>best dungeons
>best story (although there is way too much repeated dialog)
In terms of social links, I think 3 and 4 were better, but otherwise 5 is the best for me.
Because they're shit to play and shit to look at. If I hadn't played ME1 before playing ME3 I would have stopped playing it before getting past the first Mako section the gameplay is so shit
ME2 all the way
I'll never understand someone liking 4 or 5 and hating the other one. It's the same shit. If you like/hate one, you'll feel the exact same way as the other.
The persona games pretty much play the game with some quality of life improvements homie
Witcher 1 and 2 are way too obtuse for me nowadays, I do agree with that.
Other than maybe the Witcher 1 (arguable) and Yakuza 1, all of those games are still fantastic and play a lot better than most games released today though.
You’re either underaged or shitposting though if you’re going to argue that ME3 is a better game than ME1. You’d probably have a better time on the IGN forums.
I agree that they’re all the same thing but I could definitely understand why someone wouldn’t enjoy one when they enjoyed the other. I didn’t enjoy P4 very much because it felt to samey after playing P3. By the time P5 came out enough time had passed and enough things had changed that I was able to enjoy it.
ME3 was objectively a better game than ME1.
ME1 was a better experience than ME3
Get your terms right faggot
Persona 5 really nailed the mechanics I want to see in the series, but I was floored at how they didn't seem to know how to write the damn thing.
It starts off seeming like it's going to touch upon more serious themes (sexual abuse, suicide, bureaucratic corruption, etc.), but quickly veers off into overly cartoonish antics and villainy. For all the more serious themes it attempts to present, it treats the players less like young adults and more like drooling morons (useful info is hidden in the pause menu tutorial section, whereas the in-game tutorial wastes almost an hour teaching you how to move and attack despite having prompts for all of that baked into the UI). The writing also treats you like a fool by hammering home obvious/redundant information constantly, and having flashbacks to conversations held minutes ago.
It simultaneously feels too long, while also feeling too rushed at the end, and although the game has a great deal of wiggle room when to comes to finding time to do everything, the constant spans without letting you take control from plot advancement and having to listen to "Let's not do that today, you should go to bed!" made me feel robbed of time, even if I didn't really need it. There had to have been a better way to limit your time without the game making it feel like it was wasting a bunch of your time.
Also, your party members never really felt like they went anywhere as characters (and several had garbage confidant paths) relative to what they had gone through. Lastly, this is a very small nitpick, but I wish they dropped the anime-style cutscenes and instead replaced all of them with the styles they used for the scenes animated with the more-detailed in-game models, such as the ones for the awakening scenes. Those really clicked with the game's style, whereas the anime scenes were sort of a weird transition visually both to-and-from, although it is more a matter of personal taste.
P5 might be a better video game but P3 still has the best story, and characters, and VRA... and protagonist and music
it's fucking shit. 4 is still the best
fuck Atlus
ME3 + DLC > ME2 + DLC > ME2 > ME3 > ME1
I strongly disagree (although I didn’t bother with the ME3 DLC), but I’d much rather argue about Persona ITT.
4 is literally the worst game in the series. That’s including Persona 1 and 2.
P4G is still the best in the series.
OP is a nu-jrpgfag that only play Persona 5 and Xenoblade 2
After playing 3 it's pretty comfortably better
>Story is WAY fucking better
>Characters are in a completely different league, from main cast to supporting to villains (Except Kamoshida who was top tier)
>Way better social links
>Music is better
>Party members actually have character development
>Better girls
5's updated gameplay is better but at the same time 3 is closer to having actual difficulty like SMT, but regardless playing Persona for gameplay is pretty redundant. Palaces are a better concept than randomly generated dungeons yet all of 5's palaces except for the Castle, Pyramid and Casino are shit, casual filter floor bosses were ultimately more memorable
The only other thing 5 has an objective, irrefutable advantage with is it's overall aesthetic which is one of the best ever
2 is definitely worth it. Easily the best cast and story. Only play 1 if you like drpgs.
Which are you playing? P3 dungeon is pretty much completely unplayable after you play P5, but P4 dungeons are easy and quick enough to be done.
I can still play P4G, it still holds up really well after playing P5
What's the sleeping table of Persona 5?
Nice delusional nostalgiafag
All of the older SMT games are utter garbage to be honest. poorly thought out mechanics, ridiculous amounts of RNG, everything is designed to be as grating and time consuming as possible. Just utter trash.
I never got the appeal of playing games which are developed almost exclusively for edgy japanese teenagers.