>A network error occurred. Could not connect to lobby.
Dragon Ball FighterZ
>tfw bought it on pc and it'll be dead in a month
>beta has problems
Holy shit, no way. In before I get accused of working for somebody, being Jewish or giving a shit about the ninety seventh fucking dragonball game.
Your thread's shit and you should feel bad.
I'm having trouble angling Goku's kamehameha while in the air. Any tips or do I just keep practing?
Don't talk negative. We need as many people buying it as possible. Try to be encouraging.
Get a load of this JewSys fanboy.
I think you can only angle the super version, so just point up or down when he charges it
Maybe they should extend it like decent devs do
Here's some videos that showcase a decent level of competent play:
Is anyone else having a hard time using 2H to counter super dash? The dash comes out so fast it seems like you have to predict it.
It's not up to them, it's all bamco
In 45 matches, I played against 1 (one) player that didn't spam super dash.
I practiced 2H and just couldn't seem to do it consistently either. Don't feel bad.
No it's both.
nah, it won't. Tekken 7 and Street Fighter V do well on Steam, and before that SFIV did well and even grew over time.
DBFZ has way too much hype and excitement behind it to just die after a month. Didn't happen to Tekken and it won't happen to this.
how do i block lihgt combos?
I never said it was arcsys. Bandai is indeed calling all shots.
hold back
Are there any good set ups for Beerus' QCB Ultimate?
that doesnt work
Tekken has 1-2k players which is pretty damn low.
This game could use broly
You said "devs"
We will get Broly for sure
Auto combo until he does the back chop then do it is pretty easy.
A few days at most.
Literally in 1 more day.
how is this game on stick? I'm feeling really shit on pad, inputs seem very inconsistent or loose
>play at least a 100+ matches this beta period
>never got Shenron
Did you guys ever summon him because I lucked out and didn't fight anybody that mashed square enough to collect all 7 dragon balls.
no complaints
Vegito and Majin 21 leaked in V-Jump
Thread theme
Stick to pad, the issue is you
I consider bamco to be part of development. I do not believe arcsys were iiven unrestricted free reign
How do I Piccolo? His moves look so cool but he plays so weird and his super is so hard to land
That's because the game has a bunch of laggers, thus input delay. It's very easy to get trapped in autocombos with lag.
Thanks user
it actually peaks closer to 3k most days
but do you honestly think that is a bad playerbase? most people have a god awful perception of what a "good" online playerbase is and especially when it comes to fighting games.
I can find matches in Tekken 7 at any time of the day... same with SFV... and it was the same with SFIV.
I fought against one dude who specifically tried to summon him and succeeded. Besides that I've never seen it. I've played over a hundred matches as well.
That overhead chop and his counters in general are really good.
He's really a utility character reminds me of Super skrull of all people.
and beyond that, what do you think consoles get? do you think PS4 has more than a few thousand players on at any point? niche genre, frinedo.
and did you know that Tekken 7 sold more on Steam than it did XB1? fighting games on PC are growing overall.
I tried to get in one purpose, and my god was it boring. I just mashed auto-combos for the whole match.
I have no idea how people can just do auto-combos with no variation. That was the most tedious match I've played on a fighter.
I've summoned Shenron like 20 times. One time I even summoned him twice against the same guy, using the rematch.
>block the button mashes
>insert launcher here
>100-0 someone who doesn't know how to burst
>rematch denied
I was going to buy the full game because I thought it would be fun to stomp for once but turns out it's just boring. I also really hate the lobbies, it works in Xrd with the smaller playerbase but I'm getting really annoyed of having to switch lobbies because of AFK players or people in training, the full game will probably have the background match search feature like in Xrd but they're always dead in that game.
No xbox is just dying
>blacking out the persons name
If they lost they deserve to be mocked online
>100-0 someone who doesn't know how to burst
sparkling blast isnt your usual Arcsys burst.
it doesnt get you out of combos.
Summoned him during my second match. Wished for my Health back and won. Would have won anyway. I didn't even know how to summon him. It just happened
Just imagine his intro and dramatic finish to the sun. His omega beams will be amazing. Just hope he has that special where he kicks you off the ground while running. That always made me laugh.
Hey fags, here's Gohan vs Cell Dramatic intro and Finish.
The fuck does it even do?
You can change the combo at the end.
Its really not worth it though since you have to hold 7 bars. If you do get it either
A. You'd win anyways because your opponet is lossing when your gimping yourself
B. You'll lose even with bonus since you gimpped yourself so hard trying to get it.
Only problem with Broly is like 90% of players would use him. He's too popular for his own good.
its like Marvel 3 X Factor
makes you do more damage, regens health, changes some properties.
it lasts longer if you use it on your last character.
you can also activate mid combo and the burst will damage people, it just doesnt get you out of combos.
yeah and that sucks
there's no traditional recovery in this game so if you lag and some spic cunt traps you in an autocombo there's nothing you can do unless the brainlet drops it
It's X-Factor dude
Just hit RB and RT
How did they manage to get that?
Also god damn I fucking hate clinkenbeard as SS2 Gohan, she's such a good VA for women, but then she does Luffy and Gohan and I want to fucking stab my ears out
Saiyan master race reporting in, post your match stats and rank to prove you're not a dirty namekian
Jesus christ, Cell's VA is almost as bad as Gohan's. That sounded like absolute trash.
He was good 20 years ago unless they changed him for kai.
No it's still Dameon Clarke, but he somehow got worse
>kai voices
This will never be okay.
Show yours
>tfw when just got to Namekian a few matches ago
Cell's VA in dbfz is amazing, what are you talking about? He's so smug and captures Cell perfectly.
>"Farewell, FOOLS."
>tfw 80% win rate
Learn to git gud you fucking worthless faggot ass scrublords. None of you can touch me. Pic related, some queer who couldn't handle my power.
>using the blast from Gohan’s ultimate burst to KO
is there any better bm?
How do I improve. I am still trying to what combos off Kid Buu's 2 M. I do it twice, but I dont know a good followup.
teen gohan's voice is an utter disgrace and embarrassment, why did they ever get rid of the original person from DBZ
>winning with cells barrier super has him laughing into the win pose
Games a must buy
>unironically being proud of using buzzword insults
Because he's been overly hamming it up lately even though he doesn't need to, we know he can do the voice without doing that
>Doesn't post his
I spotted the dirty namakian
Nigga I'm not doing anything but mashing light attack until I get a training mode
He's much worse than he originally was. Go listen to Cell in Budokai 3 or Tenkaichi 3 if you want good vidya Cell.
He can act like Cell, but he doesn't sound like Cell.
holy shit, amazing. it will be godlike with the japanese audio.
>unironically using nu-male cuck and soyboy outside of Sup Forums
what a loser, lmao.
I'm definitely struggling with countering that.
>Block and counter with any heavy
>They block me or dash again
>Can't counter with a L or M with most characters due to little range
>Countering with a super EVERY TIME they try is too much of a waste
>The grab maneuver isn't foolproof, sometimes I get punched right through it
>Full-screen beams like Kamehameha and Masenko work, but many characters don't have one and if there's enough lag I might just get hit during my startup
There are just some characters that have a massively hard time countering the super dash. Frieza can counter it super easily since his 2H has big range, but someone like Krillin struggles.
Anybody want a option for cell to use 17 and have 18 as the assist
Nah, it's because there aren't many weebs on XB.
They're gonna patch out autocombos out of ranked mode, or at least be able to turn it off in multiplayer right? Learning combos is the most fun part of arcsys games
>last twelve matches
>open kid buu on point
>"Surely they won't let me just hit 5M and go into a combo"
>every fucking time it hits
>have one guy rage quit when I almost OCV with kid buu
>have a few people just afk
The new blood with this game is crazy. Hoping newbies learn to take losses. I had some nice messages back and forth with some people when we had close matches.
with around 80 matches played.
it starts getting a little bit more competetive around Android Rank
and i am starting to dislike my teamm more and more
It will diminish if he is shit. Too bad my boy Cell is perfect and he is in lots of teams.
autocombos will not be able to be turned off
they said this already
whats a kid buu combo?
new to tag games and cant figure shit out
you can literally disable autocombos by holding back. stop being a scrub then you wont need to worry about it.
Dragon rush. When to use it and why?
He literally sounds the exact same as he did a decade ago. you're insane
Snore, I'll just wait for SFAC then
>end air combo with Beerus with 214L divepunch
>he recovers in the air
I have no idea if this is beneficial since all his options afterwards are slow enough that your opponent can probably just superdash through it.
Ball kick is slow, j.S ki blast doesn't reach far enough, maybe yomi level 3000 and just divepunch again would work if they try to superdash all the time
Mash triangle
That’s pretty sad man.
2 M> 2M to start, but I dont know what else to do after that.
When they're blocking, that's the basic throw>blocking>attacking triangle of all fighting games
I get into a lobby and get disconnected within 20 minutes
Is it my internet's fault or just the servers
He sounds like he someone is pressing down on his esophagus
>get hit once
>get autocombo'd into oblivion because you can't move and there's no defense mechanics
nothin personnel