How can CDPR top this scene?
How can CDPR top this scene?
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They give you a cyborg waifu with cyber tits that can change size at will.
Yo should I rent or buy this movie? Already saw the 1st one and I really enjoyed it.
more diversity
I died
>not a 'jew' edit
You look like a juicy bunch of grapes
>Nasty teacher
Give it a rent first. It seems like it's pretty divisive in what people think of it, regardless of what they thought of the first one.
For what it's worth, I really liked the first one and ended up really liking the 2nd one too, though they're very different.
too soon
HUH... A MESSAGE... ON THIS NOTICEBOARD IN NEO-SHIROKAJYUEN (tl note: shirokajyuen means White Orchard)
*gets on Kawadatsun Roach bike*
*is attacked by cyberdrowners*
Hopefully we we'll get some Cybersenses and Cybertrails to make up for Cyberpoints of interest. We need more arrows than what we got in Witcher 3, I still sense some freedom in that game.
Also some decent loot system would be good. As in, one that works. I know I'm asking for too much, but still, I'd appreciate meaningful, or even mediocre but useful loot.
Also if we could have some 4/10 combat instead of the Witcher 3 1/10 combat that would be great.
All 3 games had different combat systems and ways to deal with quests and items so I don't see why Cyberpunk should be an exact copy of TW3.
bigger tatas
I like the first one because it was original and cyberpunk was a relatively new concept, I don't like the new one cause it's just copy paste shit from the previous decades of trends.
Two Jois
So did he
It wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't anything special either. Also they dragged the scenes so fucking much to give it a sense of deepness that wasn't there.
>tfw no hologram gf
They won't, they said 2077 is 'less Blade Runner and more Punk/Tarantino'
but there's your hologram hombre, user
There is no way josé is 166 cm. That'd make his friend a legal midget.
>Dissatified Gonzales is the same height as me
That's one more reason to be angry about being a manlet
disgusting pig
>parents ask me why BR2049 is my favorite film this year
>"Because its about a lonely man who thinks hes special but then finds out he isn't."
>Just kidding, I just say I liked the atmosphere
mind that he's only few inches taller than Dodger
Isn't she married to a HUGE guy?
>sister pokes fun of me that I said the movie was really relatable
>"hah, I guess that is pretty funny"
>feels settle in even more
what a day in manletland, uh?
Strippin is 193 cm tall. 6'4".
He's 6'4
She kinda looks like Luv desu
>beta manlets whiteknighting chad
Just telling the truth in the face of someone telling a lie is not whiteknighting.
as a 6'5 guy that dated a 4'9 girl, it's fucking great. the looks you get are the best
>tfw working on a personal cut of the movie this fucking second
What would you add/take away from the film if you could Sup Forums?
Stupid movie, just another Hollywood cashgrab.
She really let herself go? She used to be hot.
If I get this scene right, did K realize that his Joi didn't actually love him and only doing what they're programmed for? The scene before this one only makes it worse because it tells that he's not special at all
Remove Ford and Leto.
so the movie ends at the scene on the OP?
holy fuck why haven't I seen this on Sup Forums before
I'm already adding more Dave Bautista so it's doable, but how do you remove Ford from the ending?
i haven't seen it, is it worth watching?
Well, I'm editing it for a reason, so in my opinion it's not perfect, but I like it more than the original, and it's really nice to see a slow, brooding sci fi film come out today, instead of a shitty watered down Marvelised splode-fest
So I'd say check it out, but be prepared for mood and atmosphere
>I'm already adding more Dave Bautista so it's doable, but how do you remove Ford from the ending?
He saves Batista from the car. Batista is the actual dad.
so it's basically the complete opposite of the new star wars?
Sure, plus he has a 2d waifu
This might take more work than anticipated, anyone know how much it costs to hire Dave for some pickup shots?
She's Armenian/Iraqian.
Keep in mind though, that K lost her just before this scene and here he sees her again but she doesn't obviously know him and she's marketed purely as a sexbot additionally he loved her and as far as he knows, she loved him
hell yeah it is. This one stayed true to the original, fans love it, normies don't understand it that's why it bombed, but it's kino alright
I would add some fucking colors. I was disappointed that more of the movie didn't look like the tfw holo waifu died and was only designed to love me scene.
>add some fucking colors
her parents, she has canadian passport you dunce
70% of the pictures are dustbowl orange
So what was this scene supposed to convey?
Did the Goose have some kind of epiphany and realize his relationship with his waifu was fake? Or was it the opposite?
90% of the movie is top right fog or orange. Enemy did the piss filter much better.
nationality and ethnicity are two very different things though
it's no coincidence that the brackets were used
So if her parents were born in China and she was born in Canada, her ethnicity would be "Canadian"? You dunce.
honestly villenvue is such a fucking hack. should have known after that retarded shitfest known as the "arrival". to take such a great source material such as bladerunner and turn into this boring slugfest, how he did it is beyond me
beyond a couple of really great shots (like the opening one) and some nice scenography the movie falls short in almost every other category. but then again sequels almost usually do
Take that back you pleb fuck. Watch Enemy, Sicario, and Prisoners. Arrival was boring trash. The ayy lmaos were the only good thing about the movie.
>muh color
I'd like it if amateurs like you stopped fucking with other people's work and would start making their own. You're never going to make it better because you literally can't, you're not talented enough. Make your own shit.
re-editing existing works is a great way to learn and practice you useless fuck
>Not watching Bladerunner for the aesthetics
How did your parents react to you coming out of the uggo retardo closet?
not everything has to be colorful for ur manchild brain
They can't. There will be no new ideas or anything profound in Cyberpunk 20XX. Bladerunner was actually good.
Not at all
It wasn't very good. Autists love it because of waifus and since they think Godling's character is "just like me XD". It's a pretty aimless, boring film with a few nice scenes. The guys calling it "kino" or a "pleb filter" have probably never watched a serious film.l in their lives.
The original Star Wars was literally retarded garbage until it was fixed in post, why should I settle for a mediocre movie collection when I can improve it
t. pleb
The original for comparison
>muh colour
>how to be wrong with everything
Ever read Neuromancer? Gibson constantly rattles off about neon, phosphor, and shit.
But there are also points where colors are muted and a more noir atmosphere is described.
Unless they make Joi a real, they can't.
pretty sure the entire book is just meant to be muted colors/gray/rain, with dull neon etc. same with snow crash
>another blunder runner 2049 thread
THAT really makes me think.....
There are a bunch of color palettes in the book, but neon is consistent as a commercial or low-life motif.
there had better be a quest where you have to track down "cyber elfs" and it turns out it's the wild hunt fucking around looking for ciri
She has American citizenship now too buddy, you're not off the hook yet. You're circling the drain with me.
i dont remember that at all and i have read the book like 5 times.. the only thing that i remember, as far as color goes, is the beginning of the book when he says how fucking gray and rainy it is. i feel like he never goes back to talking about color after that. i'll have to read it again
all I could think about when luv was onscreen was how much she looked like dana dearmond
>The hobbit movies were only enjoyable when a bunch of fans removed all the pointless and retarded shit that made it to the final cut
Suck a dick.
The last time I read it was over a year ago, and I was actually pretty surprised that the neon clichés were in there, but I distinctly remember reading them in the first act of the book.
when she died he was like
like what the fuck mang
>user doesn't recognize the face of a broken man
That's a sign of autism, friend.
oh well, it's a great book so rereading it won't inconvenience me. you should also check out the diamond age if you haven't read it yet, that book is soo good
Remove your cut
already topped
I'm not reading anything right now because writing my own cyberpunk book... but I'm adding more biopunk as an excuse to write in the Zdzislaw Beksinski art as this weird paranormal element.
They can. Hell, this movie just did with Joi alone, cause while the concept of a cyber waifu has been part of cyberpunk since the beginning, no one could've predicted the current rise of the holograpihc waifu and they used that to great effect. It's all about the current trends and how to use them.
It's like Miinority Report. The trend at the time for cell phones was getting thinner and smaller, which is why they chose to take it to the ultimate logical step and just make the bluetooth headset the cell phone itself, next thing you know the iPhone came out and now everyone wants 5 inch tablets in their pocket.
Yes, that's all well and good, but that's not what I'm talking about.
This is a matter of profundity and skill.
good luck with the book, user :)