Dragon Ball FighterZ

Every Gohan is top tier pls nerf

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just as it should be


They'll get nerfed before release. Even Buu will.
Meanwhile Goku wont. It's all a deja vu from [another game series starring Ryu]

too sick
the combos with the full roster is going to be absolutely insane

What was the reception of the game like from players who aren't familiar with fighting games? I noticed a lot of people mashing but they seem to be having fun.

And that's day1 or 2 shit, some people are going to fucking cry when this game drops, scrubs are gonna get stomped prettyy hard when we figure out the dirty shit

>young Gohan can do 50% a life bar without using meter
who designed this character?

Someone who thought the series should have ended at Cell

A lot o silly SD is broken, stop spamming block etc but in general it seems to be positive even from the people saying dumb stuff. I haven't seen anyone going i won't get this now, the only actually bad aspect seems to have been the server troubles

I'm more surprised at the FGC positive reception especially from people who did not like the game

using Beerus was super fun. i saw a lot of people saying he seemed weak but honestly if his orbs couldn't be homing dashed through then he'd be the best character in the game. i could maybe see a change like his orbs not going away when he blocks, but otherwise i think he's fine

i just wish i could've labbed more with him, the dirtiest stuff i could come up with felt pretty basic (set orbs > teleport / knock down > set orb for oki)

Nappa also has the lowest HP of all beta characters


setting balls up into vanish has proven to be a really good thing to trash out scrubs

they all have the same far as I can tell

>gohan players

the series should have ended at Cell though

has anyone got any cool Piccolo WEBMs or combos? not have the chance to play the beta

>no one really knows too much about the best usage of characters
>Nakkiel suddenly gets good with 18 and his bnb was in almost every youtube video of him playing
>next beta she's mysteriously nerfed and his combo no longer works
Adult Gohan is getting a nerf in the final build, guaranteed.

I didn't fight a single one, oddly enough.
Expected him to be more popular.
Maybe people need time in the lab to figure out his shenanigans.

Really intersting assist, his command grab, diving smash, and extendend arms are really really cool, wish i tried him more, and boy the hellzone grenade

>game's art-style looks fucking amazing
>ruin it by making a generic 3 v 3 shitfest

Just make this with Burst Limit or Infinite World's gameplay.

Makes sense, he's the only character from pre-Namek saga.

18 did kind of need a nerd but they went a little too far with it. Some of her set-ups in the previous build were fucking bonkers. This time though they made it so 17 comes out so slow and can't even extend combos like he used to that he may as well be useless.

>"generic" 3 v 3
>actual deep fighting game gameplay
>"they should make it an A button masher instead!"
user I'm afraid you have clinically shit taste

Anyone know when the encore is gonna be?

>Unblockable basic ass combo you can pull off in less than an hour of practice that can pretty much 1HKO any member of the cast with a single assist.

Why are people excited again? It looks nice, but fucking hell. There's no barrier to entry whatsoever. Combos are too easy to pull off.
When DB Xenoverse has fairer fighting game mechanics AND better fanservice, don't you think something is incredibly wrong?

Don't tell me you're just going to pick it up for the flashy visuals.

Played the Beta, as far as fighting games go, it's a fucking joke.

While I do disagree with you on the shitfest comment (I find it fun). Your suggestion for burstlimit really is the best idea in this thread. I miss that fucking game

>Burst Limit
You should've said Budokai 3 at least, Burst Limit had bad gameplay.

hopefully nappa and krillin fly under the radar, theyre looking like sleeper top tiers

>When DB Xenoverse has fairer fighting game mechanics

>better fanservice
For autistic children who used to crossdress, yes.

so what does that v-jump page say for the DBFZ section? and is it confirmed nothing else about dbfz is in the magazine?

Guess how many times my Super Dash got punished with 2H within 100 matches?

Fucking ONCE (Uno) (1)

Meanwhile I was able to get about five 2H punishes with Frieza each match on average.

>actual deep fighting game gameplay

Simply fucking ebin

Apparently just a move list

well i don't blamehim, i played 18 and fuck was i disappointed, nothingi saw in previous build wored anymore, and her command grab is super fucking slow and doesn't give you any opportunity or advantage either for damage, movement or set ups. 17 has become way too slow for her to be any dangerous too, meaning weaker pressure and less combo routes

The vjump for the super character confirmed that there's at least one more playable character to be announced.
So this weeks vjump will be a reveal.

i hope they don't touch the manlet, he's absolutely godlike

The only combo I could mash out since you could not see the move list in the beta was the basic stuff that I had already seen in webms before the beta.
>Sweep into jumping normals
>aerial launch
>super dash into smash
>vanish attack
>qcf+S arm grapple into qcb+M chop back to the ground
>OTG Special Meme/Light Grenade (I could not figure out what the input for Hellzone Grenade was)

I had a hard as fuck time figuring out the timing.
I'd either do it too fast or slow.

Didn't Punk say the game was shit 3 days ago? SF players can't even make up their fucking minds anymore.

>try to punish a close range superdash
>get hit on your 2H startup

You can teleport out of a combo, and you can also not one hit KO someone unless you dump all of your points into KI and they have no health. Combos also do not wreck an entire healthbar.

The damage values in fighter z are completely fucked.
They should be doing less than 1/2 of the amount they're doing.

Lol, kay kiddo.
It's a stupid franchise anyway. I like the gag stuff. Don't tell me you take it seriously?

ye this

I can't 6P in xrd either

>The vjump for the super character confirmed that there's at least one more playable character to be announced.
i dont remember that, where was that?
>So this weeks vjump will be a reveal.
isnt the scan i posted this weeks vjump?

"Character guide book / manual" so special attacks I guess

The tough part about it is that many characters have completely different timings and ranges for 2H.

This looks very cool ?

How was the Beta and is this worth buying ?

I sadly didn't have the time to try it, but I do enjoy playing Guilty Gear.

All the ones I know/have talked to fucking love it. Even the one dude who plays fucking Xenoverse ranked is hype about it. Common reactions seem to be they're either just treating it as a party game or they've decided that if they can learn mobas and shit they might as well finally try learning a real fighting game.

That's the cover

You'll get another chance in a couple of days to try it for free

While I agree with you about Capcom's obvious favoritism towards Ryu, and the fact that they have made him TOO easy to be effective with (to the point where shoryuken-mashing scrubs can still eke out online wins with some consistency)... Ryu is pretty shit right now in Street Fighter V, and it's not looking like he'll be much better in the upcoming season (he might end up being a little worse actually)

I really loved it. Broke my "no pre-order" rule.

>where was that?
Bottom left corner of the Goku Black / Beerus / Hit reveal. Translated text said something like "new combatant to be announced" or some shit. I read it on reddit a while ago so I wouldn't be able to find the source. Unless you speak japanese I can post the page.
No that's like the cover for this week's vjump, we haven't gotten the actual scans of the insides yet.

next time just 5h after you block, most of the shitters love pressing buttons, so they will eat it

whats the general feeling on gosku?


The beta has got me hooked but I hear some stuff about some really shitty DLCs? I wasn't really paying attention about the game before this, anyone mind giving me the rundown?

is it the japanese text on the bottom left that didnt get a translation? interesting. i guess most people overlooked that.

>The damage values in fighter z are completely fucked.
>hur dur let me easy link my stamina break and then LHLH into an ultimate for 17k damage
XV2 is poorly balanced and combos are way more effective in that game.

You can't even understand the basics of XV and you want to shit on fighterz, stop any time.

>Didn't Punk say the game was shit 3 days ago?
Yes, and he's not the only one. There are a lot of pro players who were bashing DBZF while praising Marvel VS Capcom Infinite. Now, however, many of those same players are changing to jump ship to DBZF. If you listen to the conspiracy theories, it isn't because:

>SF players can't even make up their fucking minds anymore.
... they can't make up their minds. It's because they have been paid to shill certain games, and now the DBZF money is starting to come in, whereas before they were being paid by Capcom to promote Marvel

Capcbros suffer cognitive dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome.

DBZF is not only already clearly a better game than XV 2, it'll outsell it.

I assume it's that one. Unless I'm thinking of the Beerus in the beta scans, but I'm sure it's that page right there.

The average FG player response seems to have been like this
>shitty bab auto masher kusoge 0/10
>lol break throws by pressing buttons
>every bnb is a simple staircase combo gg
>wait did they just parry my attack with a tag
>fuck I keep losing to fucking throws
>oh wait there's button dashing hidden in here so you can IAD off a backjump
>the fuck was that combo desk just did
>ok gonna need to give this game some time

Only issue was servers got overloaded, they are apparently working on it. Was fine in the closed beta and yesterday after they fix.Netcode itself was very good for delay
Game seems solid at worst, people are finding more complexities but in general there seems to be a good balance between all the mechanics. It is simplified in a way where you have a lot of options, not they made stuff shit so you can scrub it out

If I had to compare it to anything it would be P4A, with a bit of Uniel if the neutral slows down like I think it will. It is mostly babies first anime game (though that could change), but that still makes it somewhat complex compared to other stuff

>The beta has got me hooked but I hear some stuff about some really shitty DLCs?
those are autistic "activist" spammers. the game has really good dlc practices. 8 characters for $35. so $4 per character, way below industry standard. also the base characters were shown unfinished very recently, so they didnt hold anything back for the dlc like other companies do. also the DLC means we wont have to buy a new disc for the "updated version" like fighting games traditionally had. in the end, this is actually a good practice for fighting games and a step up from what we used to have. you can also buy the character pass later so no need to force to get it now if you dont want to.

If they announce something it will be the first dlc character. They won't spoil the 21 final boss reveal

Frieza has such a good 2H that you can block their Superdash and then use 2H because usually they don't block afterwards.
But I agree that other characters have very different 2Hs like Nappa who attacks above his head

There's a Season Pass for 8 upcoming characters. Additionally there are announcer packs and anime music packs.
Everything will be sold seperately but you'll get the best prize for everything in the Ultimate edition unless the DLC goes on sale years later

Not real. Piccolo could just dash through all balls.
I agree with you though, but I'd say the ex balls should at least have higher priority

someone translate this please

Of course beerus is gonna seem weak. He's a setup character literally nobody has gotten to lab yet. With his jab auto combo and divekick he honestly seems way more setplay based than zoning based to me. He's probably gonna be a fucking monster once the lab monsters get their hands on him.

>I hear some stuff about some really shitty DLCs
that was BBtag, half the cast is DLC but it is also not a full price game

DLC here is just 8 character season pass, the separate anime music pack and announcer pack. Some people made a fuss about them revealing the season pass before launch

Reposting from the older thread, this is the final BP ranking for the beta. Things that stand out to me:

>Some oddballs here like Nappa, 18 and Beerus (kind of). Can't wait to see what people figure out with them since they DO have some great tools.
>The doctor saw surprisingly little use considering how many people spoke well of him on the previous beta.
>Gohan fell off the map at the end.
>Cell is perfect, Vegeta has one of the best assists, Kid Buu is UNGA and Goku has that lab bonus so no surprises there.

It's absolutely nothing like guilty gear, but if you're good at guilty gear you'll be good at this game.

>The damage values in fighter z are completely fucked.
You didn't refute this, faggot. Address the point. Do you disagree? The damage output is goddamned ridiculous.

>hur dur let me easy link my stamina break and then LHLH into an ultimate for 17k damage
XV is a shit fighting game. That's the point, you dreg.

if you watched twitch streams of dbzf you will see so many non fgc players were getting new subs and donations just testing the game out, they all wan that streamer money now.

>This is your brain on anime.
Punk doesn't even play Marvel, you dumb nigger.

>Vegeta has one of the best assists
Didn't some streamer say that they changed it back so you can't superdash through them?

Forgot to mention.

>Freeza continues to be our lord, saviour and all around best boy.

It was a joy seeing that in real time

Are these ridiculous combos going to be viable or a one time only thing that you see ocasionall?

>Do you disagree?
Yes. It's a 3v3 tag fighter, it shouldn't be as crazy as marvel, but it should be as slow as the gamescom build. It's currently perfect the way it is.

Fucking love when Cloud refused to answer if he thought MVCI was better or not.

they're going to be your basic bnb's and meter conversion combos

The OP combo doesn't require you to be in the corner and starts from a 2M confirm, so it'll probably be viable. Instead of vanishing at the end just call a beam assist and it's even better.

He's the shoto type of the game of course. 6H being a literal DP and qcb+attack input tatsumaki for juggling. He can't deal with pressure too well from what I noticed when fighting Kid Buus, whose Super AutoCombo pushblock doesn't let Goku punish quickly as he doesn't have the reach (some characters like Cell/AdultGohan/Beerus have sweeps akin to Dictator that can hitconfirm into combos.)

Does your combos extend only to one hard knockdown/back? So if you use 5H for wall bounce for example, you can't ground splat them after the midair follow-up anymore?

>caring about tiers in a party game

That never worked for me. The hard knock down only appeared if I 2H'd them, 5H didn't work.
So yeah I think.


>Yamcha's autocombo ends in a wallbounce
>Beerus' autocombo crosses up and can be canceled

scrub killers for scrubs

Some will, some won't. Movement options on this game makes me feel like corner combos are most likely than in other franchises, and while you see a lot of these combos spending a shit ton of meter (and admittedly, you get a lot of it pretty easily) I remember seeing some neat things with Krillin that only costed like one bar.

yeah, using is 22S projectile airborne is a nice combo extender in the corner

Next friday can't come soon enough.
After the beta i've been dying to get into the lab.

Is Godku, little Godhan, and Father Krillin going to be the day 1 meta team?

Yeah, I feel like the Dragon Ball branch is the only reason this game isn't getting the Persona Arena treatment.

Not saying that's a bad thing tho, I kinda liked P4A.


Actually with Kid Gohan I'm not sure, his shit seems to have some weird spacing requirements.

You're gonna see combos that do around that much regularly but they're gonna be much more optimized that what's shown here so they'll likely be easier and more consistent. Also notice how much meter a lot of these combos require. You use meter for more shit in this game than they do in injustice so I don't know how often you'll be able to burn that much. Given the speed of this game and how offensively focused it seems though there will probably be some players who don't do huge combos and prefer to just put you in a blender and do like 6 resets in as many seconds and kill you off of that.