Looks like some gay furry shit

Looks like some gay furry shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


>click over to a gameplay video
>it looks like shit
guess we know where their budget went.

One day one day it will be a global rule that furry will not be allowed at Sup Forums PERIOD.

Even in Sup Forums and /trash/, you fuck heads jsut need to go back to FA being you'er all pedos, animal rapists, loser fucktards, with nothing to offer then fertiIizer for the grass.

I wait the for the day... we purge them from the genepool.


I saw you in /trash/, why are you spamming the same thing?

It's sad, because there clearly wasn't much of a budget in the animation.

even the animation looks like shit

>Revali's voice actor voices another furry

Not happening. If anything then purge them, all animeposters, all titty threads, all bara threads, and anything that isn't explicit videogame discussion aswell.

If you don't like something because it's furshit then why click on it and reply? If it's breaking a rule report, hide, and move on. Seems easy enough.

It's more allowed than ever. Ten years ago on Sup Forums if it wasn't furry friday your thread would be deleted.

You're retarded if you think it's gonna reverse.

I want those two boys to fuck each other, and then fuck me

>furry shota video games
What a time to be alive


Better aestetics than 99.9% of indie shit. If the mechanics are fine this will be awesome.

People acting like shrieking monkies every time they see a cartoon animal are fucking losers.

good taste

>Mohamed gaem
No thanks, I don't support terrorist

This will spawn autism

nekomews game is better, and you can actually play it unlike this which you will never be able to play.

Annon these are the moderate Muslims you have heard so much about. Theirs is a religion of peace and furries.

What is this? Some furry oil prince's attempt at making anime by throwing money at it?

>mods deleted cute boy thread,
Damn it,

>actual gameplay looks like something completely different
fuck this

Sup Forums has that pedo who keeps summoning youknowwho now though, when it didn't used to.


I backed it only so if it succeeds I can get some more delicious kemshota porn.

>mohamed alhubairi

Fuck these hacks

>furry shit
>$151,521 goal

Furfag garbage.

We all know this is never getting funded and never getting released.

>Underage animal characters

What did he mean by this?

Anime sucks.

>tfw this almost certainly isn't going to get funded
The gameplay doesn't look very good but I like the music and cutscene art and just like the idea of there being Japanese art like this in a video game. I wish it would succeed.The last game I got excited for with Japanese kemo art became vaporware.


But it's cute.

>there are people on this very board that does not like kemoshota

What is kemoshota?

Wait the animation was done by Trigger?
That's kinda rad. On the other hand that explains why its so well done. I thought it was the devs that did it.

The one on the left is my type of shota.

I'd really prefer if it wasn't furry though.

Japanese art of young furry boys

The art caught my attention but the gameplay seems really generic. I'm looking at the trailer and thinking "Where's the hook? Where's the unique mechanic that makes this different from other action platformers?".
Shut up, fartknocker.

So do they get raped if you Game Over or what? Also the gameplay video looks Newgrounds tier, is that a placeholder?

So what's the rule 34 status?

No this isn't an h-game.

Looks nice but the gameplay seems really basic.
Kemoshota duo is god tier though.

Then what's the fucking point?

the irony

Wait for the fucking patch that enables the good scenes like everyone else.

God you think they'll just fucking announce they are making child porn and not expect to get the game canceled! It's called deception you fuck-wit!


away with your hetrosexual tricks!

No tricks! I time-traveled here to let you all know how the kickstarter campaign turned out so you wouldn't be disappointed.

>not am h game

You're from the wrong universe. Our version of the game ends on a different date than you posted.

Tell me is Donald Trump president in your universe?

Hey you, lurking user.
You know the exact reason you clicked this thread you fucking degenerate.
Don't worry I did too.

I wish Sup Forums did this with pedphiles

B-But I actually made a post this time...

Mohammed Aljufairi, is that you?

moot 1.0 literally made Sup Forums because they wouldn't let him post Loli on SA

Why yes it is, are you also from the religion of peace?

Based Muslim furry indie video game developer

God look at those dead eyes.

finally a game for us cub furs

the one on the left suppose to be a rabbit and if so why floating ears instead of regular rabbit ears

>rabbit boy doesn't have real ears
goddammit they had one fucking job

>not wanting to bully him for having magnets for ears

this is correct, I wouldn't
rabbit boys are excellent, why would you go and fuck one up like this

To make a cute platformer with kemo characters.
What's hard about this to understand?

because he's inferior to the cat boy on the right


Looks like shit

Then moot grew up and realized its crap.

By the direction things are going, furries will be completely allowed on Sup Forums because the furries will be Sup Forums.
Not in the sense of "furries took over Sup Forums", but "furries act like Sup Forums".
FA and similars are in a terrible danger from this influx of culture and will not last more 5 years as they are.

Looks better than 99% of indie shit and it's not even done...

It's a fucking ~VIDEO GAME~, for a board that whines about non-vidya threads, they sure get stick up the ass when someone talks about vidya.

sound design is shit, but the aesthetic is nice.
it looks and feels exactly how movies portray video games (simple animations, bold/generic HUD, simple level layout), except it's an actual game

The art is nice but the gameplay looks like generic trash. There are free games that play exactly like this.

The kickstart has concept animations for other attacks, other guns for instance, including some sort of grapple thing (like Klonoa's ring but with extra range)

>pay $9,000 to have you OC as a NPC in the game
why the fuck would you do this

Who cares? $9,000 is enough money for many new animations.

I was actually bored one day and when I was looking around for porn and idea struck me.
You can make bank if you have a furry game.
So, instead of going full furry. I made sphinx girl on some online pixel art studio and opened up RPGmaker.
Unfortunately, I deleted my sprite a while back. But she didn't look bad.

You make pixelart?

yeah, it's been a long while though.

Looks like kemoshota.
Can't wait for the doujin.
Game will probably be shit though

All it shows is that gameplay looks basic as hell.

Only reason why Sup Forums even talks about this is the shota furries

I've been writing up a plot to a game with furry protags in it, gonna lean more towards animal like bodies with human expressions though. gonna try and fit as many metaphors as possible about R vs K reproductive theory and a bunch of other topics that are important to me, then shovel as many shit tier normie memes as possible and charge $3.50 on the steam market if I ever manage to finish this shit.

Don't do this. Don't make art or do things solely to make a profit. Only do it if you actually like it and want it and can put your heart into it. People aren't going to buy a garbage game with no effort put into it in most cases, and unless its something you wanna do and put your heart into, then that may wind up reflecting in your game.

>Only reason why Sup Forums even talks about this is the shota furries

niqqa thats the only reason i fucking wake up in the morning let alone shitpost on this board.

that being said this game looked amazing with the anime trailer then i saw the gameplay and threw up after laughing and shitting myself looks pretty awful im not gonna lie. why the fuck would you make this a platformer and not just a really really nice looking comfy rpg?

still hoping it takes off so i can jerk off to the characters undertale circa 2015 style with da goat mom tiddies, but i doubt it.

i got 9k laying around somewhere in my house but i cant be bothered to look for it.
9k is a fraction of my paycheck tho so idgaf

Fund this game

It was just a thought user. I wasn't going to make a game. I had a thing for animal human hybrids since I was a kid and I think the world needs more sphinxes and harpies.
Plus, if I was to make a game. I would try to make a RPG with a cool story and all that.
I don't want to put cute girls in a crappy game.

I'm not doing it for profit! I just want some money cause I want to try and make games for a living ~someday~. already have a career position at a government job and im in a nice spot financially, this is just my brain baby coming to life slowly. it's also nice to have an outlet for all these terrible ideas I keep coming up with (like funeral cake, or cloak-a-cola)

honestly though? if i made it and made like 3 people happy with my finished product i'd be happy with my results. I'm just downtalking it a bunch to justify my laziness as of late heheh... thanks for the gud advice though user, I'll put it under my hat

>Watching trailer
Whoa this looks amazing
>Look at gameplay footage
Whoa this looks like shit

I thought for sure it was going to be some big 3D RPG sort of thing, not a cellphone game.

dude i am, next month im gonna put my oc in it, look for a really big fat dragon called butterball wearing a fedora.

desu id be looking for that shit game or not sounds hot

Make sure they don't put him in a hidden section of the game that you can go into once per year.

The gameplay literally looks like a game you'd find on mobile phones, that's so disappointing.

that happened to be in the last game i put my oc in!

That is actually a really good point. A turn based RPG would be easier to make and better for showing off flashy attack animations since it seems to be the only thing the creators are decent at.

Eh, I like cute characters. I'm not a furry though I like shota. I miss games with animal protags, too bad only furries make them. As long as there's no sexual stuff and the gameplay is good, I'll be interested. Gameplay looks kind of basic now though.

I don't care enough for Kemoshota.

If it were an actual shota game I might spend some money.

Fuck off