What's the verdict Sup Forums? Was it a good game worth the price?

What's the verdict Sup Forums? Was it a good game worth the price?
Also, what would you do as an indie developer if you made over half a million dollars?

Pretty good considering it was made by only one dude

Rune Factory is better though

I loved it. I'm still playing it. Not as often, though. I play through a day or so right before I go to bed most nights.

I'd try to come up with another game idea and invest some of that money into making another game.

Good fun and one of the comfiest games ever, but it REALLY takes a good while to get things going


>Multiplayer update soon

>game worth the price
>$15 for all that content
Yes, even bought it again on Switch. 150+ hours on both platforms and waiting for that multiplayer update to put another 100+ into it.

When the fuck is multiplayer

This or Enter the Gungeon for the Switch bros?

>comfy farm simulator or bullet hell bullet sponge bullshit on the switch bros?

You get a lot of stuff to do for the price. It's the best Harvest Moon game that isn't Harvest Moon.

This. Get ready for multiplayer.

ETG for fast paced roguelite action
Stardew for U L T I M A T E C O M F Y fun

I just started yesterday and picked the farm with lots of rivers and small islands, did i do good? i like rivers

Bad choice for your first time.

You picked the absolute worst farm you could pick for a first game.

Fishing will be easy for you at least.

What the fuck? how fucked am i? i thought i could make good use of those islands, perhaps i should pick the one with a forest?

Start with the basic farm first. The rivers one assumes you know how to fish and will be doing a lot of it for money, not a lot of land to properly farm.

It was good. Could be better.

If I made over half a million dollars I would probably use it to hire a team to make Stardew Valley 2, which would be similar except with better execution on all levels and more content, and then after I had used that money to execute my perfect vision in an admittedly kind of greedy way (Because I wouldn't release it as a free update to the base game.), I would focus on making other games and try to open my own game studio.

There's little space for farming on that

It ceases to be a problem once you get the greenhouse, but until then, for the first year or two, you won't be able to have bigass harvests

Go with either the regular farm or the forest one.

I pirated it got 60 hours out of it and then I bought it and got 57 hours out of it

I'd say it's worth it

The beta stardew valley vs the chad darkest dungeon

The only farms that are worth using are the base farm and the forest farm. The other ones need to be made stronger.

The river farm sucks because it doesn't give you access to any special fish and mostly just wastes a lot of space. Mining sucks because it's similarly pointless and just wastes space. Wilderness literally just forces you to be attacked if you dare stay out after dark and its benefits can be obtained for the other farms in late game anyway.

Basic farm gives you way more land to use than the others. Forest farm gives you the second highest amount of land to use and is a good idea strictly because it gives you access to a more ready supply of hardwood while the limited space is not extreme enough to actually hinder you because it's still enough to build everything you really need.

Ok so lets say im ok with fishing, what are my options here? can i use fishing nets? raise my own fish? anything aside from merely casting the rod ?

Comfy fun for a couple of hours, up until you realize that literally every single part of the game is mindless grind without any real goals.

You post this picture every time and every time I question the choices made here.

Nope, just fishing for money and maybe some materials, but it's honestly the worst way to make money.

It's a fun game. I enjoy to play it after my daily soy injection.

Ok fuck this im going with the forest then, at least ill enjoy the farm being surrounded by nature.

River farm is probably the most useless since it has the same pool of fish as the town two maps east.
Forest farm's main point is the early renewable hardwood.
Hill-top gives you some mining nodes daily (And is the comfiest layout overall).
wilderness lets you fight monsters at night.
Standard farm has the most farmable lands but no gimmick like the other maps.
I wouldn't stress it too much. Just pick what layout you like. Unless you go full autismo and need all that farmland.

you can craft crab pots later and put them in any water. But Fishing isn't really profitable. It's a nice side activity, but your main income will always be farming.

Forest farm also gives you easy wild seeds which is broken as fuck at the start of the game.

Is that a euphamism for butt sex?

I picked the monster farm and its annoying. Neat pond though.

It's one of the best ''harvest moon'' game i've played, i'm 50 hours in and i'm kinda close to finish my first playthrough, getting married+buying all the upgrades+completing the community center quest i think i still have another 20 hours left, so at least 65+ hours for $15 regular price seems like a good deal, and from what i've heard, it has a mod community, so there might be a lot more to see.

Fun but way too shallow of a game.

There is really no reason to go to Year 2 because by them you should already have everything going and playing the game is literally just getting money for the sake of getting money, as you wait in the mines for the days to go by.

I really wish there was a bit more depth and challenge so I would actually try to get to Year 3 like in the original Harvest Moon.

Also, as soon as you get the Greenhouse the game is absolutely over. You put some hops in there and there is no point whatsoever in doing anything else, you can just burn the rest of the farm.

You made your bed, now lie in it.

Copy one of the best designs in the history of the industry and do a decent job of it. Yes, it's a good game. It could've been even better though.

Should I get this or something else for 15 burger bucks anons? I miss playing shit like animal crossing and harvest moon but I always felt like I saw everything there was to see too quickly in those games.

>Also, as soon as you get the Greenhouse the game is absolutely over.
I mean that could also be said about every harvest moon.
Get the greenhouse and plant the most profitable grop in it. At least older harvest moon games had the risk of your greenhouse breaking.
Hell, Story of Seasons didn't even need a green house. Just plant flax. But that game was a total snorefest anyway.

Well yeah but its much easier to get the greenhouse in Stardew Valley. You can unlock it before your first winter and you don't even have to pay or gather materials to build it, it simply shows up after you're done with the pantry collection.

True. It's also too big for my taste. It makes the outside area kind off obsolete.
Either make it smaller or make it like later harvest moon games where you have to set it to a certain season and can't grow everything at once.

I got it because I was curious about what the dev would do to try and make multiplayer harvestmoon interesting and multiplayer isn't even out yet

>inb4 muh mods
literally just tacking multiplayer onto singleplayer mode

Level fishing and get the trapper perk then craft the crab cage thingies than place them on the riverside for a nice and easy daily income

for 15 dollars that's not a bad deal if you like a comfy farm simulator, sadly like HM it gets boring pretty quick once you find a steady flow of income, mainly speaking for HM here but idk why devs are scared to add some real plot or really anything to keep you going in these, not even a more refined kid raising system AWL had so it didnt take 80+ hrs to finish it with absolutely nothing to do for 70% of it