Is this game worth my time or is it just for those looking to scratch the jrpg itch?
Is this game worth my time or is it just for those looking to scratch the jrpg itch?
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Honestly, to someone who isn't used to the series' gameplay, the game might feel dated. I would recommend something with more budget behind it, like Persona 5.
No and yes. The people that played this also beat Zesteria. If you beat Tales of Zesteria, you are willing to invest time in this game.
It's pretty fun and there's lots to do. Quite a bit of postgame too. I didn't beat Zestiria like says, only played a few hours, but the combat is fun and all the characters play differently so you can switch it up if you like. I put in 100 hours and felt satisfied.
Can you give me a few tips on the combat? I have just started, and so far it feels like I 'm just pressing the same buttons with a bit of blocking in between.
Only for the JRPG itch
The combat is complete trash
Most of the game is a spam fest desu, I found it fun and cathartic. With Velvet you combo your attacks into your claw over and over, you are basically immortal with this combo as long as you stun once in a while, which you do. The other character takes a but more thought but once you get a feel for them it becomes pretty spammy again.
Thanks. I was worried I was doing something wrong.
I thought the game was shit and there are plenty of other jRPGs released this year that are better
>plenty of other jRPGs released this year that are better
Like what for example?
Heavy grinding game. Because of this, I decided to watch all the cut scenes instead. Fantastic story line.
Persona 5
Xenoblade 2
Nier: A (if you consider that a jRPG)
FF12 zodiac edition
Etrain odyssey V
there's also ever oasis but I havn't played that so I can't confirm if it's better or worse than ToB
Most of these are last year. Persona 5 and Nier: Automata are good recommendations though.
>Xenoblade 2
I'd rather play Berseria.
only etrain is unless you want to be a cunt and count JP release date then you can include DQXI and Strange Journey redux
>I'd rather play Berseria
enjoy your shit then
Depends. Do you like entry-level weebtrash?
The gameplay isnt fun or interesting at all, but the characters are fantastic and the girls are cute so its worth going through at least once
>Persona 5
Gameplay wise? Eh, it isn't my favorite tales game in that regard. It also reuses areas a bit too much at times.
Story and character wise? It is damn good, and one of the more likable JRPG casts I have seen in awhile. It does have a few "eh" moments due to some obnoxious side characters, but they are usually kept to a minimum.
>I'd rather play a mediocre game instead of the best JRPG of the year
>The combat is complete trash
oh wait nevermind EOV was 2017 out of japland too
not him.
The combat could have been fun with lots of combos but they fucked it up with a retarded crystal system that limits everything unless you're using velvet's broken ass therion form. Aside from this, one of the most efficient ways of playing the game is setting an element to a single button and spamming the shit out of it the entire fight.
On other gameplay fronts, the overworld exploration and dungeons are absolutely disgusting even when compared to previous tales games which were at most serviceable or good, never excellent.
the only good thing about the game is the characters and their interactions except laphicet he can go fuck himself
Boring combat and exploration ie what one would typically classify as "gameplay" however the characters are likeable and the skits are fun so if you can buy it for cheap or alternatively pirate it then I'd say it's worth a playthrough.
>the best JRPG of the year
Maybe, but only because it's the only one released so far.
There's a painful lack of r34 out there, especially with all the potential that Magilou brings to the table, as well as the Laphicet x Velvet/Eleanor /ss/ potential.
Tales of Berseria isn't worth it. The game is trash and is only loved because of waifu fags.
combat is boring brain dead spammy shit
the story shits itself in the second half
the ending is predictable and derivative
characters are a step up from Zestiria but that is the only thing it has going for it.
The only reason Berseria even gets talked about on Sup Forums is because it's less shit than Zestiria. If you're like me and think Vesperia was the last good Tales game, then this one won't change your mind
>The only reason Berseria even gets talked about on Sup Forums is because it's less shit than Zestiria
Pretty much this.
Zestiria > Berseria any day, not even joking. While Zestiria has gameplay flaws, Berseria's combat system is beyond shit and derivative.