If you see a problem with this, you're a massive faggot who should be dragged out into the streets and shot. You're standards and expectations are simply ridiculous and therefore must be removed from the gene pool.
If you see a problem with this, you're a massive faggot who should be dragged out into the streets and shot...
>it's ok when Nintendo does it
>You're standards
Don't you dare telliing me I'm standard, fuckface.
Those that should be shot are the ones playing fuckin' tennis games instead of something more exciting and creative.
>That WiiU smash was 3 years ago
What the ACTUAL FUCK. It feels like it came out 6 months ago.
Stop this I want off this wild ride
Top is slightly more detailed in bits like the shadows in the hands but ultimately it doesn’t matter because it’s FUCKIMG TENNIS AND NOT SUPER STRIKERS
Why does Mario do the soy smile?
>make new game
>price it full 60$ + tip
>half the game is reused assets
>even Mario has a soyboy smile
what a soy
>You're standards
As if anyone on Sup Forums is even in the gene pool to begin with.
>It’s literally ok when Nintendo blatantly repackages old assets and sells them to you for $60
Legit if Nintendo would just fucking cut down the price of their rereleases, I would have no problem with the Switch but they keep charging full price and it's bullshit
I already fucked your mom so expect a brother soon.
>yfw Ultra Smash was gonna be bigger but they realized that it would be better to focus on the next console and just shit out the most shallow tech demo of it as a full title on Wii U
It's pretty blatant when you look at the story mode map and see that the arena is identical to the Ultra Smash one
It's only a problem if they don't massively improve the game.
I noticed this right away when watching the trailer. It won’t matter since people will just say, “Well, no one played Ultra Smash so it’s new for us!”
As much as I like the tennis games, I don’t see many spending $60 for it.
Coming from Ultra Smash, anything will be an improvement
>Ultra Smash was 50 dollars when it was release
The biggest joke of them all.
They released a Mario tennis for the Wii u? At least they're making one now that people can actually play
How did they reuse assets? They are using the same generic animation, but it's a new asset.
>standards are genetic
that just means you're a subhuman then
From what Mario Tennis Aces looks like, the mario tennis for wii u was a full priced beta of Aces
Its a shame Ultra smash is such a better name
Thanks for beta testing, Wii U owners
all I see is that a 2015 game made for a toaster console that was in many cases even weaker than its direct competitors released in 2005 and 2006 respectively still manages to look better than Nintendo's attempt on their 2017 piece of shit hardware.
the switch is utterly dismal feces.
Its success doesn't make me mad, it makes me sad. Sad that so many people love to eat shit and deliberately choose inferior feces because this time Nintendo didn't fuck up their marketing campaign completely.
Top: Ultra Smash, note the balloons
Bottom: Story mode of Aces, oh hey look there's balloons and the arena looks the same as Ultra Smash
They just gave up on Ultra Smash because they knew it wouldn't sell to make what they wanted on Switch, kek
Because it's fun. I've never had so much fun playing nintendo games. The comfy factor plus heavy gameplay focus that challenges the player in ways no other game developer can achieve. Learn to like fun and you will learn to enjoy nintendo.
When you're done eating your beans go emulate mario tennis for the 64, then realize that "never having had so much fun playing video games" makes you underage as fuck
It's been the same shit from nintendo since at least 2000, and that's only talmbout mario tennis specifically
but it has a different hat
Honestly though, I don't think I blame them entirely on reusing assets. Ultra Smash was a massive failure and was obviously rushed out for the holidays.
At least with the characters they're giving them entirely new outfits so they aren't bland as fuck in this game.
Is Sup Forums now unable to communicate without memes?
Why can't we have a thread that says "It's a shame that they just reuse 3 years old models"?
Nintendo has dated hardware.
>the mario tennis for wii u was a full priced beta of Aces
Chances are if they released Ultra Smash any later than they did it would have sold less due the state of the WiiU.
why aren't you funny
>the absolute state of nintenbros
Anyone who has played the game knows it actually looks much more like the left.
but the right is from the actual game?
I've never felt as ripped off after buying Ultra Smash, I returned that game the day after I got it.
The fucking n64 game had more to do in it then it did.
And he's obviously standing on a large mountain/rock that has a little bit of grass on it not an open field. Every screenshot comparison like this is incredibly cherrypicked the game has plenty of problems but art direction and graphics are not one of them.
they've found the least developed area and screencapped it
there isn't a single location in BotW that looks like the left side
And yet 90% of the game doesn't look like that. It's cherrypicked. Go to Akkala and walk around, it's colorful as fuck.
That's because its a screenshot from like 2 years before it came out. The obviously completely changed the layout of the map but the actual graphics of the game looks almost exactly the same.
Basically, Aces is pretty much what Ultra Smash could've been if the WiiU didn't fail.
Mario is actually cheering here.
Which is why the soy face is a meme, because it's someone standing there not cheering and doing it silently.
almost amazing
>it took this long for the male characters to get sports outfits
To be fair... I loved BOTW but a lot of the time it looks like the whole map is being fuckin hotboxed.
Any possibility that the RPG mode may be coming back?
Zero right
There's the theory that Ultra Smash was just an Alpha for Aces that Nintendo shat out the door to pad out a release schedule. Glad I didn't buy it.
More like an Alpha with finished Assets since it had fuck all game modes.
you can go home now, pathetic.
Yeah I get it, I just feel bad for people who bought Ultra Smash
Ultra Smash was a shitty beta version of Aces