You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a gaming PC

You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a gaming PC

I have a Switch and 3DS, why would I need anything else?

I bursted out laughing at $8 garland

I make less than 8k a year after taxes

>all these "my mom gifted me" prices

i made more than that at 16 at mcdonalds what are you doing

I am N33T Console peasant who can't manage their meager funds.

For every other game on the planet? I could bury your house in annual video game releases. Between those two systems you can't even glance at the surface of what's available. PC just lets you do it cross platform and with much easier access to every genre and era of games.

It's becoming a stretch to call it gaming because i3-4130/750ti, but it works. In my next build I'll go for the higher end, but now is not a good time.

I only work a couple weekends out of the year fucking older women at a retirement home. It's not much but it keeps a roof over my head and the food is better than what I could make myself

These fuckers.

to play something with more depth than fucking bing bing wahoo for once?

do people rally think these setups are more than lottery?

My only elation is hoping that one day the whore fucks him over and takes him for all he is worth

German job training „Ausbildung“ to be a wholesale and foreign trade merchant. Takes 3 years

Well it's not going to be much if all their 'worth' is in virtual funbucks.


>Grandparents gift high quality components
>Motherboard is barely checked and it has a functioning i7
>Having friends rich enough to give you expensive GPUs for free and turning down other candidates
>Actually finding a deal where the seller made a mistake
>Winning a raffle where possibly tens of thousands of people participate
user, I'm calling it bullshit and I own a PC. You also need to make sure that the more advanced components like the GPU and the CPU are properly cooled, otherwise you'll end up owning a brick. You also need to check the power source if it's strong enough, and you also need to make sure you have the money in your budget for the electric bills.
Fancy lights on your computer are just a waste of electricity

hello i take everything i read on the internet seriously

I don't know which RAM to buy, can anyone post a guide?

New shitcoins pop up every day, the genie is out.

>After taxes
"Miscellaneous services to the elderly", is it?

>go to get a new computer that's built by a fucking genie of pcs
>about to check out
>sales tax makes it go up from 400 to like 600
>try to finance it, since I have no credit maybe they'll accept me as an early credit opportunity
>denied immediately
>try to put it on layaway or some shit
>have to put down at least 25% of the costs for the computer
>did i mention labor because apparently I also had to put down labor costs

because new crytocurrencies pop up like new multi level marketing schemes pop up from the shit heap

But I do..