Is this still true?


Very much so.

>Ryze:Son of Rome



To think they purposely made Aloy more ugly. Who are they pandering to?

Pretty much

always the man jaw

Holy fuck it is true. Can we Americans drop the realism shit already. Uncanny valley is impossible to escape it seems.



Ugly middle-aged women, probably.
It actually makes me angry when I look at how cute she was in the concept art.

Even in your cherrypicked image, the JRPG side looks like a plastic, blowup doll.

*humefies lips with soy milk*
*breaths in*
*violently starts coughing up blood due to weak immune system*
*takes a sip of soylent to calm down*
*breaths in*
"Alloy looks like a real woman, unlike those plastic dolls you see in weebshit."

honestly I prefer that over ugly all the time.

even the dragon got a sex change,fuck western shit


Looks like the west has the upperhand on at least one thing

In it's defense, watch dogs made the right an annoying script kiddy that wasn't likable on purpose

I can even tolerate the tumblr nose here, she's cute there.

>dat tumblr nose

Good thing western devs can make realistic AND good looking females, then

Can you post an example?

>ryze son of qte
what did he meme by this?

The only mainstream Western franchise I can think of where all the main characters are consistently good looking is Assassin's Creed. Might just be might fetish for old tight dresses creating a bias though.

At least westshit can be cherry picked since they have made more than one face.

>Can you post an example?


the left just looks like someone didn't know how to properly create a character in dragon age

You mean the female characters, right?

Fuck off, nobody cares about real shit in video games

Alloy looks like a robot from the uncanny valley. What are you talking about!?


>closed room vs open world

I still believe they fucked up and claimed it was intentional.

nippons will never be able to complete with the west

Ugly womyn of course.

They're both based on face models, except right actually looks like her face model.

Since being corrupted by marxism, the west has lost all appreciation of beauty.


it never was

>weebs acually try to argue with that PS3 graphics


japan is always like 2 generations behind

Here's the thing, there are very few women--speaking about regular, everyday women one would see in public--who are as ugly as women are being portrayed in recent western video games. And I'm not even sure they appeal to women, ugly or otherwise, because they're hideous. I think it's mostly SJW devs taking it to extremes for fear of backlash, but even women don't like these characters.


go away fool

holy fuck just how sad is this when japan cant fucking make a game look better than a 10 years old ubisoft open world game from an older generation of hardware none the less


How come white girls are way cuter than asians in real life but once you transfer their looks to video game form the opposite becomes true?

>10 years old PS3 game has better draw distance and graphics than Nier
you cant make this shit up

You cant portray whites in a positive light in current year, that's problematic

>white girls are way cuter than asians in real life

Yes it is indeed sad that all of those nice graphics go to waste with cinematic experiences and lootboxes

Looks like a plastic sex doll

Post feet

I played both, Nier is more fun.

Always the same meme...

dont have it any pics

>caring about how cinematic the game feels

Wouldn't stop me.

Are you posting this to show how bad it looks?

I need to see them...



Calling it a meme doesn't make it not true

nice asshurt


Left is ugly and right is generic as shit.

What the fuck?

The force unleashed was boring shit in which you just used force throw all day.

This can't be real.

Subjective opinions don't make you right

Wtf does the resolution have to do with it? Nier has shitty assets comparable to those from early 7th gen.

do you honestly prefer uncharted over something like silent hill?

It's real and it's beaultifull.


I guess you're an expert in this subject.

They're both PS4 games, idiot.

>How come white girls are way cuter than asians in real life


>no argument
of course

>graphics thread
>weebs get totally annihilated

>thread about characters
>get butthurt and post muh graphics as a last resort
>get called out
>"y-you're the butthurt one"

Nier's actually good though.

Ubisoft fags and normies

Earlier versions of Aloy are too cartoon/anime-esque for the "mature" audience

Might as well make a new Jak game while you're at it

Japans only hope to escape ugly girl, is cute girls character, but western girl is attractive so they don't know to make cute characters necessary. I hope for a cute girlfriend that is not a cartoon woman, but what hope is there otherwise.

isn't it obvious?

>graphics thread
westaboos being retarded as usual
just shut up and keep posting screenshots from the same few games, that's all you can do


Force unleashed is actually a shit game.


>How come white girls are way cuter than asians
Nice try, roastie.

>Nier's actually good though.

still sold more than Nier PS2mata SO CANT BE THAT SHIT TOPKEK

>still insisting in le ebin graphics

Kazakhs don't count as Asians.

Have you played it?

WRPGs have better writing to keep players invested, while JRPGs don't, so they use anime to sell

>saints row IV

image instantly disregarded.


Then you actually go to Asia and realize just how fucking average Asians look.