Playing through this as my first Yakuza. What am I in for?

Playing through this as my first Yakuza. What am I in for?

Just got to the open world-proper

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What do you mean what am I in for? I don't get these threads. Just play the damn game OP.

5's one of the only games in this series I wouldn't recommend starting with, it doesn't give you the option to view summaries of previous games IIRC + it expects the player to at least know what happened in 4.

Pick up 4 if you can at least, as annoying as this answer may sound to you.

>5 as your first
At least play 3 or 4 before it.

This is probably the worst entry to start with, but whatever. Have fun, it's a pretty good game.

Dreams and GunRhein

>What am I in for?
the best game in the series

>tfw finished 5 last night and starting 0 today, then just Kiwami left

I hope I don't burn out before 6

0 has enough novelty to keep you entertained even right after 5, you might however get a serious burnout in Kiwami

Honestly I'll probably skip Kiwami and play it sometime after 6 anyway. I've replayed 1 like half a dozen times over the past 10 years, so I'm in no rush to finish it. I'm just glad to have a working PS3 again so I could finish 5 finally.

This. Starting with Yakuza 5 is like starting with Resident Evil 3 or Metal Gear Solid 2.

>Playing a story driven series out of order
Are you fucking retarded?

I’m playing it too.
Just got to Saejima’s part.
How long does it take? I heard it was shit?

When you're done with Saejima you'll be near the halfway mark

at least start with 4 you dumbfuck. Half of those characters in the boxart are introduced there.

I'll be buying a PS4 soon and want to get into Yakuza series. Is starting with 0 and then going for Kiwami a good idea?

Yeah, they are the best of Yakuza series.

Well it won't kill ya, you'll miss a few references but it's not a bad starting point
Personally i think 1, 4 and 0 are the only acceptable starting point
No not even Kiwami

I think most would agree. If you're new at least start with 0 instead of Kiwami, that way you can appreciate the 0 references added in Kiwami.

But really anything but 5 is a good starting point. Hell, most of the people on Sup Forums started with 3.

Is Coliseum in Kiwami the best fighting club in series?

4 lets you team up with dudes you trained yourself, so no

I've played 1 to 5, is Ishin and Kenzan anygood for someone who doesn't know Japanese?

Kiwami is a remake of Yakuza 1, so storywise it makes sense to start with 0 and then play Kiwami, am I right?

1 & 2 are better than the Kiwami ones


That works decently enough, yeah.

It's a remake of 1 with some minor changes and additions, so if you play Kiwami might as well play 0 first. Also 0 is the better game.

I'm one of those people that personally prefers 1 over Kiwami, but I also played the PS3 HD releases which felt like the definitve 1 and 2 to me. Still, Kiwami is a fine game.

Kiwami in many regards still feels like a PS2 game and since it was the first in the series the game's not only lacking in content but also in the story department too. If you play Yakuza 0 first then at least you'll have some kind of attachment to some of the characters that appear in Kiwami but the game will still feel like a major downgrade in practically every way when compared to Yakuza 0. It's like playing MGS3 and then go to MGS1 if you try to play the series in its chronological order.

Did they react every cutscene dor Kiwami 1 and 2?

If you're asking what I think you're asking no, they just reuse the animations for the PS2 game.

FROM, i meant FROM the PS2 game ffs.

My mom was watching me during Haruka's segment, and was wondering why I would play a game about being a japanese girl.

Kiwami is a pretty lazy port. All the cutscenes are exactly the same, but with different models for the major characters. Animations and NPCs is the same. They didn't even bother putting Akiyama into the end of 1 as the guy picking up the money, which seemed like a wasted opportunity.

Kiwami is fine, but it feels like a rushed product because it was done just as a nice little fanservice game.

I liked 1/kiwami's story a lot more than 0's. 0 could've been interesting if it had actually been a Kiryu origin story instead of it just showing that he's always somehow been an unstoppable badass. It's such a wasted opportunity. It explains Majima a little bit but Kiryu gets no development at all.

1/Kiwami is nice because it's a story that Kiryu actually belongs in, unlike 3/4/5/0(kinda).

>first cutscene of 0
>Kiryu after beating up some innocent guy
>oh shit is he actually gonna be a bad boy?
>Turns into regular Kiryu again
0 was disappointing when it came to the story, I didn't care for Majima at all so his story didn't do anything for me. Kiryu just disappoints me the most.

OP back

I don't understand, I thought the appeal of these games was the gameplay not the cringe storyline

Why is 5 a bad place to start gameplay-wise? I'm not buying Y4 when it's not on sale.

Because they got rid of the fun chase sequences from 3 and 4 :^)

Even if the stories have some pretty stupid moments they are always more entertaining then most game stories.

Kiryu being there at all was weird to me, I went into it thinking that they can't have him do anything to major even before the events of 1, and then they go and make him have one of the biggest adventures he's had all series?

Still enjoyed it through and through though, don't get me wrong.

>Kiryu being there at all was weird to me, I went into it thinking that they can't have him do anything to major even before the events of 1
What made you think that? He was already the dragon of dojima, he was already the lieutenant of one of the biggest yakuza families.

yeah I mean it's not bad especially compared to other games, agreed there.

but I definitely don't want to advance it when I could be fighting more thugs or doing more sidequests and the arcades and shit

Maybe I don't remember 1 too well but I could've sworn it was more due to his ties to his yakuza dad that he had that reputation at all? With him formally proving that he was an actual monster during 1 itself

Because it seems like it would've come up at some point that he singlehandedly took on the whole Tojo clan. Everybody knew he did something badass to earn that title, but what he did was so ridiculous that it just doesn't make sense that nobody would talk about it.

5 has chases

Is Kiryu a taxi driver just because Sega wanted Yakuza games to be more like GTA?

Oops I'm stupid. You'd think I would've at least remembered the Santa Saejima one.

Kiryu is a taxi driver just because Sega wanted Yakuza games to be more like Wangan Midnight

Which characters are in jail now?
We almost have enough for an entire supporting cast for a game about Saejima breaking out of prison again

Don't remember that one, when i think of people running in Yakuza 5 i instantly remember of Running Girl in Sotenbori

Well, he's the main character. I wouldn't really care about the game if he wasn't in it. I'm just disappointed that we got regular kiryu and not some hot headed, agressive guy. hell, with tachibana's death we got some of Yak 3 Kiryu, everyone's favorite!

Was Kido even jailed?

The one thing I liked about Yak 0 was how the villain at the end didn't have a change of heart. Instead of some tearful monologue about his past, he just got an extra ass beating from Kiryu.

I seriously love the game, but it's not at all a good starting point for the series. At the veryyyy least you should start with Yakuza 4 (and watch the recaps of the previous games in the main menu before starting).

>with tachibana's death we got some of Yak 3 Kiryu, everyone's favorite!
The thing in Yakuza 3 was dumb only because he's lost people more personal to him than that several times before that point, it came off as strange and inappropriate. Him losing Tachibana in 0, which happened before any of the other games, and who he owed a lot and who he also failed to reunite with his sister after getting really damn close to doing so was fine.

They've got to stop pulling the 'the weakest looking guy is actually super strong you guys!' trope. It doesn't work.

Get ready to slam into a brick wall when it's Harukas chapter

I'm assuming he was for some reason whereas with most characters I either remember them dying or remember their exit from the story not being detailed at all so I'm guessing something was said or implied.

It was extra stupid when Saejima's last boss was fucking Kido in 4. Like he wasn't the weakest looking I guess, but it was still super weird for me. Saejima's never really had a good last boss.

Well, can't you defend Rikiya then? He had known Rikiya for like a year and a half by the time he died then it's understandable that he'd cry like a little bitch, I probably wouldn't have minded the crying as much if he did the same for Kashiwagi but he kinda shrugs off Kashiwagi.

Haruka's chapter is far better than Saejima's.


5 is the worst place to start if you want to get what the fuck is going on. The plot is not quite as retarded as in 3 but it goes to some strange places and it would help if you knew who these characters from previous games were.

The kicker is that Zero takes place right at the beginning of the time, what else do we have to compare it with for Kiryu? Rikiya's weird for the reasons you said, he doesn't react to Kashiwagi's death at all in the same game, on top of a few other characters earlier in the series.

If that happened later on then yeah I'd absolutely be agreeing with you.

I think it hits him harder because Rikiya is so young. Kashiwagi is an older dude who's clearly not afraid to die. He should've had more of a reaction to Kashiwagi than he did, but Rikiya's is a lot more tragic.

Yakuza 5 sort of did a weird reversal of that I guess
>this strong looking guy is actually a low-tier nobody
>no wait he's actually the final fucking boss

I really like Shinada's chapter

In 2016 I played through all the mainline Yakuza games from 1 to 5 and somehow managed not to burn out before it came time to play 0.
You'll be fine and I don't think you really need to play Kiwami at all. 6 has one side quest that references Kiwami and 0 but other than that I don't think there's anything else.

His supporting cast was good. Debt collector was best bro, Milky was hottest girl, and his skill trainer was the funniest skill trainer in the game. I actually liked the twist his chapter had of influential townsfolk manufacturing the image of a powerful yakuza family having presence to scare others away/protect the town too.

I don't know shit about baseball though, it's pretty much an irrelevant sport in my country.

why is it so hard for people to start at the first game?
i just don't get it

My kyoudai! Shinada is the best character in the series.

Because they keep falling for the "aging" meme

>bottom right

>tfw we'll never get to use any of majima's fighting styles ever again
damn shame since slugger, thug, and breaker are a ton of fun to use.

>mfw I thought he was going to be weak as hell, but then you get that iron bar

sad but true

Just wait for yakuza 0 2

>tfw 0 takes 100 hours to plat
im comfy desu

>Gets bareback from Milky when he wants to
>Crazy training schedule
What a GOAT.

Yeah they are so much fun to play, then you switch back to Kiryu and all of his styles are crappy to use and boring. It's a real shame.

Overall, with Yakuza 0 being my first game, I like the story but the combat gets dull, and the game in general does as well. They throw all this shit at you but make none of it important in any way.

Takasugi is really the best support character in the whole series. His backstory is just.. so good.

Slugger was trash, I bet most of you faggots just spammed the nunchaku combo all the way through the game. Other than that his styles were fun.

>Turns into regular Kiryu again
He's way more of an easily aroused turbo autist in 0's sub-stories than he is elsewhere in the series to be fair.


>Slugger was trash
you mean the mad dog of shimano style

>I bet most of you faggots just spammed the nunchaku combo all the way through the game
No, these games are too easy as it is without needing to actually break it even harder yourself. It was a good mix of decent crowd-clearing, good single target damage and satisfying-feeling attacks in general, that's all.

Because it's only for PS2 you retards.

so buy a ps2 you retard?

I really like how when you start his chapter, you're so used to having infinite money with the other characters that you actually feel poor in the beginning too. Shinada's section was great.

I have a PS2 retard.

I'm not paying $50 for a dated game.

They're both enjoyable, Kenzan is still very clunky because it's the one that started that whole "Enemies don't stop blocking" business that made 3 also very annoying, and sumo wrestlers grab you through your sways and invincibility frames so they're also very infuriating. To add to it there's also no Tiger Drop to mitigate it so you have to learn how to back off and then bait an attack to attack enemies properly. Go for the main story if you're going to do it unless you're really dedicated since the side content to unlock Amon is pretty rough to keep note of and involves juggling both English and Japanese guides. It also contains the best substory in UFO-sama in my opinion.

Ishin is much more refined on the gameplay front, Hand-to-Hand became actually viable instead of how useless it was in Kenzan, there are a lot of unlockable abilities, the areas look pretty great, the unique substories that aren't jut friendships are pretty funny, there's some funny interactions if you can understand it ( Like when you go to uncap your level from 99 and rebirth back to level 1 you have to go visit Komaki, and when William walks into Komaki's dojo with his shoes on Komaki tells him to take his shoes off since this is a dojo, but William tells him he doesn't have to because they're boots in English and not shoes and Komaki doesn't understand at all so he drops it ) and it's just a joy to play at times. The downsides of it are that the story introduces characters way too fast and then kills some of them off equally as fast, and if you don't know the story of Ryoma or Saito Hajime at least in some manner a lot of it will fly by your head. Personally I felt less invested in the main story compared to Kenzan's, it just focused on way too much whereas Kenzan felt like it had a set goal and didn't have too many characters.

Both special styles are trash desu.
People were struggling with kuze when the game dropped here so yes, people most likely did just spam the nunchaku move.

so why can you say the reason is because it's only for ps2
you just proved it's because muh aging

One of the first enemies I fought as Shinada gave me a gold plate, that was kind of immersion breaking.

So you're not getting 6 then? Because that is dated by over a year and is obsolete with Hokuto ga Gotoku in March.

A ps2 is like 30usd nowadays

Jeez, get with the time gramps. Nagoshi already said he was working on new projects so HGG is obviously obsolete already.

>Playing through this as my first Yakuza.

Damn, I should start MGS at V.