What the heck Sup Forums? You told me the Japanese would hate Monster Hunter World?
Famitsu Review Gives Monster Hunter World a Near-Perfect Score
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When's next beta?
In 2 days?
Yes. Final beta before the retail version comes out.
Annon.. um.. famitsu cant review games. Remember when they gave Jojo allstars a 40/40 and that game was so broken at release that you could'nt play it at all?
it'll probably be good but famitsu is worse than IGN
>they finally announced the PS4 Pro bundle
>a week before release
Remainder that they gave FFXIII-2 40/40.
Why do I have a feeling that this was an absolute last minute ass pull?
>Sony: Durr... Wait a minute, English speaking territories like Monster Hunter, how 'bout we release the console over there?
>MHTri: 40/40
>3U: 38/40
>P3rd: 39/40
>MH4: 38/40
>4U: 36/40
>MHX: 36/40
>MHXX: 35/40
>MHW: 39/40
While I'm excited, them giving tri a perfect score when it definitely was not makes me think the score doesn't matter at all.
I was a kid when i started unite, probably around 12, i got into the series because of my brother. And we played together and got to g and all that. But my brother fucking loved teostra and i hated it. But through the years its now my favorite to. So Sup Forums what monsters did you start out hating, but loved in the end?
How do I read this? Does this means its passing a million from this retailer?
I thought people said this game would fail terribly.
>Tri 40/40
>4U and Generations have the same score.
Gooks have shit taste.
paid review
So I just ordered this, but I read some shit about the Pro from old forum posts, but those people seemed like brain-dead retards trying to do shit that their TVs and systems couldn't handle.
Is it worth it?
Pro works fine. Boost mode will get performance from older games, but for newer ones, the options are there. Usually can pick between Graphics if you are still at 1080p, performance to prioritize framerate (looks similar to the OG PS4 setting), and resolution which renders at 4k.
>Modern Famitsu
>Anything less than 40/40
It's shit.
I dunno man, If I had the money to spend on whatever I want I'd buy it. Would I prefer the Slim version over Pro? Yes. Even as a 4K HDR owner there was really no need for me to upgrade.
so there IS an option to keep the display at 1080p then?
These people were acting like they didn't have a choice, but the jet-engine sounds seem like they still exist, yeah?
Are you talking about Eyes of Heaven? Because there was nothing wrong with All-Star Battle.
but think about the moment the games were released, Tri gave a bunch of new mechanics and much more freedom with the camera since it wasn't in a portable, now we say it's bad but at the moment those were god given stuff
>All the expanded versions get worse scores than the originals
Asb was not good at release. Its was fucked pre patch
>Sonic Mania (PS4) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]
>Sonic Forces (PS4) – 9/9/9/8 [35/40]
For the fuck actually takes them seriously?
>Boost mode will get performance from older games
Did you mean to type 'performance issues' or did you mean 'increased performance'?
Nobody. Famitsu makes Western game journos looks credible by comparison.
Yeah it supersamples.
I havent had any issues with jetengine noises, mines pretty dust free though
increase, its like for loading times and making the FR more stable. Some games don't support it well allegedly.
This better shows what I mean since he goes through all the modes. Also, Capcom already said performance will be better come full release. This is still the E3 floor demo version.
I wonder if the new beta will be a newer version.
Game most likely doesn’t suck, but c’mon OP.
Only Nintendbros hate this game.
>mfw Canada has no confirmation for this and I literally recently decided to take the PS4 Pro plunge.
Knowing FUCKING EB the thing's gonna get listed sometime next week and get bought out by scalpers immediately.