Recommend me a game based on this image Sup Forums

Recommend me a game based on this image Sup Forums

Hard mode:No Persona




The title in that image says Nakamura Fish Shop

What is the kanji before sakana?


VA-11 Hall-A, but only because of the art.

who knows but the native japanese


stardew valley

Yeah it reminds me quite a bit of that. Honestly I like service job simulators. Wouldn't mind getting a new one like in OP's pic and just deal with store management and remembering to feed fishes or remembering certain types to give it to customers

What's a Nakamura?

What are some aesthetically pleasing games there are?

Only Monument valley cpmes to mind

A family name?



Hyper Light Drifter




Party Hard



please tell me that x means extension
I seriously hope the nips don't use letters in their phone numbers