Any gud top-down mindless shooters like Alien/Zombie shooter?

any gud top-down mindless shooters like Alien/Zombie shooter?
hopefully not so horde-ish like zombie shooter 2 because that one got really stupid by the endgame

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If you've got a PS4 then Alienation is pretty great, Dead Nation is solid too.


alienation looks noice but i'm a pc guy
guess i'll take a look at dead nation

ayy (You)

Dead Nation on PS3/PS4
Alienation on PS4
Assault Heroes on 360 XBLA/PS3 PSN
Assault Heroes 2 on 360 XBLA
Alien Swarm on Steam

nex machina? maybe

ye dead nation wasn't on PC REEEEEEEEEE

alien swarm didn't click for me

HATRED's a top down shooter that's challenging as fuck. The games mentioned are much worse.

Alien swarm was the most fun i had with a top down shooter (when it was alive), closely followed by dead frontier mmo. Another one, kinda newly released would be darkwoods but its not exactly brainless and shooter

just looking to shut down my brain and shoot some zambambos and/or monstars

i did play dead frontier for a while but ehhh don't feel like coming back to it
darkwood is waiting in my steam list but i'm not in the mood to start it, gonna wait for a rainy night or something

The 3 best top down shooters are Outzone, Nex Machina, and Neo Contra.

The 4th best is Shock Troopers.

The enjoyment you will get from one them is greater than playing all other top down shooters on steam combined. So don't bother with the lesser games.

eyyy neo contra looks fun
imma keep nex machina on the watch list but too many lasers for my mood rn

Yeah im on the same boat concerning dead frontier. Played it for 15-20 hours around halloween and dropped afterwards only to return somewhen this year when im in the mood. Darkwoods is a very moody game but surprisingly spooky, probably my favorite horror game release last year. Alien syndrome for psp was okayish but nothing to write home about, maybe check it out

Spartan Force or whatever the halo top down shooter was called... is ok if you have a boner for halo.

It was kind of boring and lacked any real progression.

Helldivers is great

Crimsonland is the best one if you really want to completely shut your brain off.
Assault Android Cactus, Nuclear Throne and Nex Machina too, though remember that mindless=/=easy in this case

Can you emulate Neo Contra nowadays? It froze a few minutes after starting for me back when I tried it.

Nex machina was fun, even better if you mute the music and make a playlist of your own (especially if you're into techno)

looks fun
do you need a team to play it gud?

ah yes i can see the crimson aight

If you value level design, challenge, and speed you should look past aestetics you do not like. It is the fastest overshoter ever made, has a level of challenge only matched by acade games, and is pretty much the only one on steam with proper level design.

By proper level design I mean there's an elegenance to the way enemies are placed and rooms are shaped. It's not just sticking bad guys in a room and calling it level. If you do not prioritize enemies right, herd them well, and use the room shape to your advantage you are going to die very fast. It gets even more demanding if you want to collect the bonuses and complete extra objectives while doing all this.

>do you need a team to play it gud?
higher difficulty planets probably yeah when you're new at it, you can solo most stuff though and probably the best team layout is 2 people who are really good at it and work well together, 4 people increases the chances of getting a complete retard.

I don't know. I own the actual disc. Ps2 emulation has gotten pretty damn good though. Nowaday when I emulate ps2 games I only receive minor display errors.

It is best experienced in 2 player mode if you have any friends. It's also the most inviting contra to do co-op with. There's no penalty to it: like how in shattered soldier the bosses get an HP bonus, or how in the old games you had to split power ups or could scroll each other off screen.

The game isn't too hard (by contra standards) so if your friend is bad he won't be completly useless.

Shock Troopers has co-op as well. So does Nex Machina and Outzone.

don't worry senpai i'm saturated of seeing lasers, it's already on the wishlist for future reference

you can play it solo but it feels a lot slower IMO, like they reduced the enemy count for SP. Chances are you'll play SP like a commando, taking out scouts before they can call in reinforcements whereas MP is like Starship Troopers if Starship Troopers had hilarious amounts of friendly fire accidents (like you can accidentally kill teammates just by joining a game in progress since you spawn in a drop pod that instakills anything it lands on)

you got me with starship troopers

Geometry Wars?

You might also look at Ruiner. It's not designed well: just throws the same enemies over at you over and over and has terrible weapon balance (most of the time the melee weapon is strictly better than guns and about 75% of the energy consuming skills are too niche). It's not game breaking bad, just means you've got a mediocre game

However it's incredibly stylized in literally everything it does from the graphics, to the music, to the story, to that bitchy hacker girl that mocks you when you get a low rank "shit happens puppy!"

> 4 people increases the chances of getting a complete retard.

That's when the game is at its most fun IMO, so long as everyone's decent when it comes to calling in reinforcements. Friendly fire may not be friendly but in Helldivers it's hilarious

>mind immediately sees the sexy female zombies

Squad broken!

Yeah PS2 emulation is solid but Neo Contra in particular has a habit of hanging constantly. This and Hard Corps Uprising are the two Contra games I'm yet to play. Shock Troopers co-op is pretty fucking awesome, even my faggot ADHD-ridden friends who quit everything after 1 playthrough got into it and at least tried going for one (two?) credit clears, even though in the end we never managed to.

that's exactly what it looks like to me from the outside
if anything imma play it for the style

>do you need a team to play it gud?


Not him but just be aware that it's extremely repetitive. And it was not made to be played alone at all certain design decisions such as having to carry objectives which force you into a weak pistol, or having to activate panels WHILE also having to defend yourself from enemies ( which is impossible) really fuck up the SP experience.

there goes my boner

Running with Rifles. It's pretty fun.

Online is still alive too.

Alien swarm 2 is fun

Try the alien breed trilogy, it's pretty fun.

red solstice is free on humble bundle
