I want to work in nipsland Sup Forums

How do i get a job there

Other urls found in this thread:


>I want to work on mobile games


Not by spamming this shit thread.

i dont even play on phone
unironically this is the most intersting thread right now on Sup Forums

You don't. Memes aside, their work culture is brutal even as is, and since you're also a gaijin you'll have to prove your worth and will be overworked even more than an average nip.


>their work culture is brutal
i know
i am researching since days
but this guy has still so much fun

have fun teaching english for peanuts

>gaijin working on nip games
0% chance.

I'm guessing you don't want to work at Western studios because you don't like those type of games and you prefer Japanese ones.

Therefore your only hope is working for an indie team that makes Japanese inspired games. Just be aware you'll make no money and will probably have to live off 25 cent ramen.

Speak the language and get some valuable work experience over here. Otherwise you'll just be another foreigner trying to leech off their system.

Don't study CS

I want to fill megumin's face with my semen


i dont want to teach english
i am not even good in english
why is this a meme?

who said games?
are you my follower from ym other threads?
but yes i would love to live in a" new game" environment

I want to rub Megumin's chubby belly

>and will probably have to live off 25 cent ramen
As opposed to 25 yen ramen.

Learning nip

also not calling then nips

post the full pic

Why, it seems miserable. They work infinity hours.

>leech off their system
i would
problem is i am still a student and have no job
how do i get a job that will sent me there?

I guess you don't have any skills, since you didn't write down any. Gonna pass.

Japan is very xenophobic, from what I've been told. Might not be the best idea to work there

>0% chance.
Platinum Games, Square Enix & Capcom have westerners working on their games in the Japanese offices.

Thank me later.

why do you want to be worked to death

>doesnt flood their own country with shitskins out for gibs


Finish that and get a job in a good Western country. You'll thank everyone saying the same when you're not standing in front of a train within a few years or w/e

they hate white people too, stupid

Well, first you stop being a student, preferrably with a degree, and find a job. Then you get experience for 2-5 years. You look for jap connections and try to expand on them.

how do you find a job locally? im dead sick of being a worthless neet and set to kill myself if i don't find a purpose soon

Here is the only reason for this thread to exist.

Not even the Japanese want to live in Japan, what makes you think the people of peace would want to live there?



Learn nip and pass the highes JLPT level

i dont have a aim in life
eighter i choose to get a midrange paid job so i can be a shut in and pay my rent games and watch animu
or i can work and have 15 hours humans around me and life in my work. at least if the collegs are cool and the job is not boring
like in new game
but it is very unlikely

Remove aqua and it's perfect

>check MD5
>it's another dedicated shit poster
When is this board getting nuked?

no it doesnt
i made some threads today but baka mods always deleted
i used always the same pic so anons find back here an we can finish our conversation
only face is cute anyway

Fuck this pic is actually good

why dont you just fuck off and go to the other boring threads?
this is the best thread on Sup Forums right now


where do you live, whats your contact info, i'll be your friend and you can stop thinking working 24/7 is a good alternative to your life

wow thats really nice of you user
apreached it


Post the full pic pls

why do anime fatties give me a boner, I find 3dpd whales disgusting

2d nakes everything look way better

is she looking like she is just pregnant now?
hotter than fat desu

I wanna fug her fatty belly. I never imagine this possible. What have you done to me, user? ;_;

You're goddamn right nigga
you can edit better than that though

bidegda GEMS L)

>ruining it


>fat fetish


fuck off kip, your comic is shit and a waste of your talent.

Pregnant > fat

I wish I was a fat anime girl


>not fat fetish

is anything on Sup Forums really video games?


0.1% chance

Pregnant + Fat

fuck off newfag
go to the other shit consolewar threads then


real answer: be good enough at a skill that potential employers are willing to hire a temporary resident for. Japanese probably won't give you bonus points any more than speaking English in America will

>ywn breed a fat anime pigwoman




Probably teach English in Japan through JET or some other program.

Biggest disappointment this week.

>ywn live to see the day where you upload your brain into a computer and live out whatever reality you want
>ywn fatten up an anime girl this way
I think about this too much


>ywn transform a skinny beautiful anime woman into your fat breeding sow


i agree
the face is so beautiful
why is this made fat

>learn nipponese
>get an easy job and easy visa
>while there market yourself with your other skills
>(you do have other skills right?)
>get better job
all the english fags are miserable in Japan because they have no skills to move them past the visa



why do they make the faggots the cutest?
its not fair

You can't, brainlet.

>muh STEM degree meme
Just take gender studies and then apply for Google, instant cash.

I'm graduating with a Master's degree later this year. This should feasibly allow me to get some type of decent* job and smooth emigration into another country, right? What countries are even good to move to? I'm in America and want out at some point but everything is falling apart everywhere.

lol no

* = subjective. whoops

weebs are truly pathetic

I am a proud weeb
Any Problems with it you closetfag?

>tfw might be getting a game dev job
I finally made it Sup Forums.


Really not. If you can't speak the local language, you're basically fucked in most places.

People who work abroad go there by either joining a multinational company that has offices there, or by having friends who get them the job. If you're alone just looking for a job... good luck.


>asking Sup Forums how to get a job



and then the alarm clock went off haha

you are the laughing stock of every sane human now go fap to your 2d wemen and drink your 2 liter coca cola fatso

Kill yourself normie