What Gwent wrong?
What Gwent wrong?
Making all changes based on what reddit says is best for esports
trying to make the game esports to begin with
It's a cheap imitation of hearthstone. It's also made by slavs
i still like it
>competitive solitaire
Gee I wonder
I want card game based on Dark Souls, is it really that much to ask for?
Who is that girl and where i can see more?
You made me exhale a significant amount of air
She's my wife
open beta with the new weather and leaders mechanics
>i play bed of chaos, you fall into a pit and die
>Making all changes based on what reddit says is best for esports
Shit that makes me mad.
not available on mobile devices
But it's a good thing.
The original game from the witcher 3 was what went wrong. People liked it because it was meta but the real reason people really liked it is because you are set up to win every time. If you do the gwent battles in order of the playthrough the opponents are always worse than you. Even if you lose the actual game, you don't really lose because you can try again at no cost. Doesn't that sound stupid? "If you win I'll give you my best card but if I win I get nothing, and you can challenge me infinite times."
How does it compare to W3's Gwent?
Didn't feel like I was actually playing a game with another person, just playing solitaire by myself where occasionally something would happen to the opponent. Weather control monster deck was fun though.
thats not how it worked at all
big, rushed, buggy update full of rng cards realesed before christmas for some quick dosh, not patched for good 2 weeks
might as well play hearthstone if they want to go this way
I mean, Gwent is bad but at least it isn't this fucking piece of shit.
What's the state of this game right now?
Stale as always, avoid at all costs.
The winter update and everything after it