Play Dissidia Final Fantasy on the ps4 for FREE until Jan 21st, PS+ not required
Play Dissidia Final Fantasy on the ps4 for FREE until Jan 21st, PS+ not required
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Kefka better get a God of Magic skin
Dead thread, dead game
This game reminded me of why I hate team games. Oh well, it was fun before getting to gold and constantly getting mismatched with other players after 3 minute wait times, assuming the match didn't lag or the lobby didn't softlock beforehand. Guess I'll buy FighterZ or something instead.
God it's so funny to fuck with dumb sephiroth players with him. Like, you ain't touching me you 2edgy4me fag, go away and be useful to your team.
You could at least open a thread sounding a bit less like a shill
Accidentally I did the ball move with Tidus. I didnt knew he could do that. I googled a video with his whole kit.
Holy shit, this game tutorial is absolutely garbage, I could had never done those inputs without me knowing. I was playing the game completely wrong.
No thank
Is the game even going to have a local or single player mode on release?
I don't have PS+ but I loved playing Dissidia 012 with my friends on PSP. Hoping for some local play here.
>ace tunnel visioning my Kefka
How annoying.
it will have
>story mode
>gauntlet mode
>play with your friends online mode (each friend using a different PS4)
no local multiplayer mode
I watch the entire moveset video for each character I want to try.
>no local multiplayer mode
that kinda sucks but oh well. At least there are single player modes. Thanks user.
Let's have a head count; how many people cancelled their preorder after playing the beta? Why or why not?
>start my first match
>everyone is my new comer rank
>match starts, everyone focuses me
>lag prevents me from guarding and dodging
>lose in 5 minutes
>delete game
I have no fucking clue what just happened
I literally just started it
Who the fuck is doing the voice of that moogle at the start? I hate her already. Hope the game has dual audio I haven't found yet...
Also I want to fuck Cloud of Darkness' feet
Calling it now, the game won't sell well and will be dead within a month.
Free for Australia?
Did your teammates even attempt to help you?
Fantastic taste but even those feet couldn't keep me playing. At least they got me to Gold D.
100k sales on launch week in glorious nippon
i want to like this game but there's a bunch of questionable designs choices (particle effects, UI, stage layouts, etc) and while Duodecim is not perfect (fuck EX revenge, chase mechanic and assists) it's a much better game.
I couldn’t tell you if I wanted to. All I saw were flashing lights and lag teleports. Honestly I think they rushed towards the crystals. Maybe the other team noticed and saw me fighting sephiroth alone.
When did they turn Cloud into a soyboy?
Why can't we get the original Cloud?
you know kupo
the thing that's wrong with the the moogles voice..
is that it has a voice at all kupo.
they're should only make this sound kupo.
They look the same desu
Because the average japanese gamer is a soyboy.
I didn't
Cloud was always a one soyboy army.
I really hope this game sells well but we all know it's going to bomb
Not really liking the music. Sounds like shitty fan remixes of classic FF tunes
>shield bubble that turns red and breaks with too much damage just like super smash
Did the psp games have this too?
Maybe it was just because I was inexperienced, it felt like there was far too much going on. Maybe the view widens with experience but I felt really tunnel visioned.
They should've either made it text only with the kupo sound effect or just had a human tutorial character
Please tell me this thing only talks during the tutorial
It will, just keep playing.
You know those new guys that go heavy in tf2 and have massive tunnel vision? A lot of people are in that state right now in the game.
Knowing nothing about the PSP game, I had so much more in mind when I pictured a FF fighting game. Oh well.
shantotto is cute and she's also my wife
i'll play her and only her for the rest of my life
man i should make one of those bingo cards for these threads
>at revive tutorial
>press x to revive yourself
>hold it, fail and restart
>press it, fail and restart
>press it rapidly
>fail and restart
You can turn the moogle voice off in options, people.
do it
Read, idiot. You have to revive in the big glowing circle the game tells you about.
wtf I love Onion Knight now
Is that good or bad? And why does it have a 36 as a review score?
Yeah I figured it out after i posted
>tutorial says to move to an advantageous position to revive
>its right next to an enemy
You can turn it off.
good for a niche spinoff, and it only has 3 reviews. if you can read jap those reviews are from 2 casuals complaining about the singleplayer content and 1 guy who liked it
>Being 2v1's by 2 kains as Kefka
>No one helps me at all
From the thumbnail it looks like he's holding a PS4
It's such shit. I want to like it but I just can't.
Why is the camera so fucking trash? Why do I have to be locked on to something constantly? Just give me a free camera rotation. Why is switching between targets so frustrating?
Why do most games end so fast? Why is the UI so cluttered and unorganized? I can't even tell what the fuck is going on. Why are there so many fucking particle effects? It's a clusterfuck of flashing lights. Why do there have to be text boxes over every character broadcasting what move they're using? They're distracting.
Summons need to be removed from the game completely. They absolutely ruin it, and not just because it puts a cutscene in the middle of the game.
Who in the fuck decided that the summoning cutscenes should be so god damn long and unskippable? They make the game so much worse.
Play Smash 4. Only Nintendo/Sakurai seem interested in portraying characters well.
does your username contain pringles by any chance
Does the full game have some sort of option to turn the scene off?
it does get frustrating after a few matches
Lick your wounds and taste your weakness
I was agreeing with you until
>Why do there have to be text boxes over every character broadcasting what move they're using? They're distracting.
It telegraphs the character is doing a HP attack and those also take a good chunk of time to setup in comparison to bravery attacks
>Summons need to be removed from the game completely.
Disagree, the problem is it can easily snowball if the team is already doing good.
Is it normal for beta on online games to take 10 minutes to find a match?
Not that I know of. Fuck, I actually really like the gameplay, but this, on top of the brain dead randoms, and lack of singleplayer content is going to make me pass on it.
Me too
why doesnt the HD remake look like that? would cost less memory render and looks more faithful to the game and all the goody scenes would not look out of place.
Why with the ponytail? It's even infected Firion.
>moogle advice set to off
>it keeps playing in character select and other menus
In the full game will you be connected with Japanese players?
i want mommy to choke me to death
Are Cloud of Darkness and Ultimecia good?
>Select a summon kupo!
>this happened
Fucking why? For what purpose?
Turn it off in the options menu
Yes, just know your weaknesses with them and cooperate with the team
I want them both to bully me with their feet
What happened to the tournament that was supposed to be going on today
I did under "moogle advice"
Is there more options to turn the rest of it off?
>If you disconnet it counts as a defeat
Gee i sure love fighting nothing but sephiroths with Ace spamming his shit every 3 seconds.
The game's fun, but not $60 fun, and the online will probably be dead by time a price drop happens, and its hardly got anything worthwhile for single player, so I guess I'm passing on this.
It tells you that the first time you go to character select
Try System voice. But I just turned everything off
>portraying characters well
a bunch of out of character kicks and one piss-ant sword swing with shorter range than his arm is his main combo.
there's nothing less cloud-like.
I heard there is going be a huge single player story mode (not just cutscenes).
>nothing less cloud-like
doubt it this game is going to be a slow growth until it explodes into popularity.
How's my boy(girl) Ramza?
>Tournament for this joke of a balanced game.
>Hope the game has dual audio I haven't found yet...
The game literally gives you a voice language option on first start up before any voices play, what the fuck are you doing
Not using Japanese moogle is both wrong and not aikatsu, by the way
There's tournaments for games like Smash and Tekken, why not this
How many people would you guess are online playing this? 1000? 10000?
obviously some shit broke for you if you didnt cancel it in that timespan, it will literally throw you in a match with 5 other bots if it takes 10 mins
10 million
at least 500k
It glitched user
That many? 2x more than CS GO and Dota 2?
Does this game have bots? it'll at least save the game from being completely dead in the future.
Ohhh. Didn't read and thought it was all for text
Guess this will break communicating with teams though
>jap moogle voice
Now I want to fuck the moogle
Why is WoL so fucking shit, a shit range defensive character with only one defensive move that's a fucking counter with no instant frames and all you get is a small defense buff for 10 seconds? go fuck yourself.
The movement was so perfect in the PSP version and they completely fucked it up on the PS4 version. AI start becoming input reading niggers at gold while your teammates suck each other off as you get face fucked in a 3v1 or they get completely demolished in a 2v2, couldnt connect to online match after 10 minutes of waiting. None of the characters really clicked with me in the demo as well
I need you Y'Shtola...