>ace tunnel visioning my Kefka
How annoying.
>ace tunnel visioning my Kefka
How annoying.
it will have
>story mode
>gauntlet mode
>play with your friends online mode (each friend using a different PS4)
no local multiplayer mode
I watch the entire moveset video for each character I want to try.
>no local multiplayer mode
that kinda sucks but oh well. At least there are single player modes. Thanks user.
Let's have a head count; how many people cancelled their preorder after playing the beta? Why or why not?
>start my first match
>everyone is my new comer rank
>match starts, everyone focuses me
>lag prevents me from guarding and dodging
>lose in 5 minutes
>delete game
I have no fucking clue what just happened
I literally just started it
Who the fuck is doing the voice of that moogle at the start? I hate her already. Hope the game has dual audio I haven't found yet...
Also I want to fuck Cloud of Darkness' feet
Calling it now, the game won't sell well and will be dead within a month.
Free for Australia?
Did your teammates even attempt to help you?