Games you hate but everyone else likes
anything nintendo
any game others enjoy
Never played it, never will
I can't **bing bing wahoo*** and actually take myself seriously as an adult male.
Lol you guys are edgy as hell. Way to be contrarians
boring as hell
first shitpost best shitpost
Kirby games. It feels like I'm being patted on the back for doing absolutely nothing.
>never played it
>but I hate it
I remember being 14.
i'm 23
Not necessarily hate, but I'm not a fan of the Mega Man X games. I don't like how they feel in comparison to the classic ones
What is this? It looks like a Nintendo Labo exclusive.
>everyone else likes
People like Heavy Rain?
Well that's embarrassing.
I liked it. I didint play it and probobly would not want to, I just watched gameplay but the story was preety cool.
The Witcher 3 is a very beautiful looking game that puts me to sleep every time I try and play it. I don't even know why.
This board doesn't like it but not miss do. I can't stand PUBG or CS or League. I could never find them fun or enjoyable.
i just couldn't get into STALKER
doesn't help that this board talked it up as some perfect holy grail when its aged pretty poorly
>the story was preety cool.
I thought it was a hilarious mess. The further you go along the less things make sense. I didn't care for how little gameplay mattered at certain points.
Dark Souls/Bloodborne.
Tried the first Dark Souls game. Controls felt floaty and unresponsive, combat was slow, plodding, and dull.
Tried Bloodborne because people said it was way more fast paced and refined. I was kinda liking it up until I died to a boss and had to farm dudes to get potions before attempting it again. I said fuck that and gave it back to the friend who lent it to me.
I don't understand the appeal. I'm not anti-difficulty. I got through all the Dustforce levels except Yotta and I enjoyed every bit of that, I beat the shit out of Ninja Gaiden on the original Xbox.
>i'm 23
>Giving out info to anonymous
Hope you like pizzahut
Battlefront II, the 2005 one, it controls awfully bad idk why people love it so much
Me too. I think they are just meh.
The origami in Heavy Rain was the worst red herring I've ever seen in a game. Such awful, sloppy writing. Really soured the whole experience for me
It didn't age poorly at all, it was janky when it released. It's perfectly fine with a fan patch. If you don't like it that's fine, but that's different from aging badly.