Games you hate but everyone else likes

i'm 23

Not necessarily hate, but I'm not a fan of the Mega Man X games. I don't like how they feel in comparison to the classic ones

What is this? It looks like a Nintendo Labo exclusive.


>everyone else likes
People like Heavy Rain?

Well that's embarrassing.

I liked it. I didint play it and probobly would not want to, I just watched gameplay but the story was preety cool.

The Witcher 3 is a very beautiful looking game that puts me to sleep every time I try and play it. I don't even know why.

This board doesn't like it but not miss do. I can't stand PUBG or CS or League. I could never find them fun or enjoyable.

i just couldn't get into STALKER
doesn't help that this board talked it up as some perfect holy grail when its aged pretty poorly