Will there ever be another console that has as many diverse and interesting control options as the Wii?

Will there ever be another console that has as many diverse and interesting control options as the Wii?

>the same controller 4 times with the same buttons in different spots is diverse and interesting

yes, the switch

>classic controller with the wire on the bottom

Fucking why

Unironically the Switch.

I hope not, that wagglin' shit was unresponsive as fuck

Most people see this as "excess shit which Nintendo can use to suck extra money out of their suckers"

Nintendo fans see "controller options."

Why is this?

3 of those control options are included with the console though

True, but anyone who bought the original Wii Classic Controller got fucked after Nintendo released the Classic Controller Pro.

And anyone who wants to play their Switch games like a normal human being has to fork over another $80 just to have a proper controller that should've been included with the console.

All of them are still better than having the d-pad above the control stick.

As someone who owns both a PS2 and a PS4 I will never like nor tolerate this retarded layout.

Fucking loss

Finally. I was hoping for a stealth lol thread and it became shitposting

No, I dont think we will ever see another console with 0 good control options again.

>anyone who bought the original Wii Classic Controller got fucked after Nintendo released the Classic Controller Pro.
hardly, they can still use the non-pro version, it doesn't break because a new one released user.

>And anyone who wants to play their Switch games like a normal human being has to fork over another $80
the joycons are unironically better than the switch pro controller imo. Yes, even the "dpad" on the joycons is better


It was a glossy fingerprint magnet, too. The best classic controller was the goldeneye one because it was the only one that was matte.

>that wagglin' shit
The real reason to play the wii was the IR pointer controls for rail shooters and shit.

>He didn't play Metroid Prime Trilogy or Resident Evil 4 on the wii.

I came into this thread expecting Loss.jpeg

I'm very upset that I don't see it.

Okami wii was fucking great with pointer controlls but the dodge was unsusable because of the unresponsiveness of the nunchuck. You pretty much had to avoid buying the skill and just jump out of the way of attacks because otherwhise you would have to deal with Ammy randomly dodging.

Thankfully I wasnt a child deprived of a real console at the time

Not him, but you're missing out big time you ignorant fag. I still keep my Wii around for those and the rail shooters. RE4 for Wii is the best version.

Literally the Switch, especially with Labo cardboard things

Is this loss?

>the joycons are unironically better than the switch pro controller imo. Yes, even the "dpad" on the joycons is better
Not him but you're fucking delusional. There's not one game I've played on the pro that made me think the joycons were a better option.

>Fucking loss

the only game where the pro is better is splat 2, everything else the joycons are as good if not better

>classic controller connects to another controller

How the FUCK did they get away with this?
Easily the most under rated retarded decision Nintendo has made.

I totally disagree. After using a pro I feel like I have to be extremely sensitive when using the joycons because of how fragile they appear in comparison. I can't even imagine playing something like Bayonetta on a detached joycon.

well I agree bayonetta would be undoubtedly better on a pro controller as well, but that game isn't out yet

Well it was just an example. I think the only game better with the joycons might be something like Arms maybe, but I wouldn't touch that shit for any amount of money. The pro just feels like a bigger, studier joycon.

so far the only game you've named is one that's not even out as being better on the pro controller. I'm starting to think you either don't use the joycons anyway or maybe haven't played any/many games on the switch to begin with

Mario Odyssey
Metal Slug
Mario Kart

All games I enjoy better with the pro.

>Mario Odyssey
you've lost me at the first game, odyssey is objectively better using (separated) joycons as it's designed around those as the primary control scheme. There's certain speedrunning moves you can't actually do on the pro controller at all for fuck's sake. Either you haven't really played these games or you're just an idiot tbqh.

>There's certain speedrunning moves you can't actually do on the pro controller at all for fuck's sake
Oh so I was right, you are an autist. Thanks for the confirmation user.

>Oh so I was right, you are an autist.
that's the first time you called him an autist, though?

Puyo Puyo Tetris is way, way better on joy-cons, the seperated d-pad with dedicated switches feels way better and is much faster in practice than the pad on the Pro controller

oh shit