Will there ever be another console that has as many diverse and interesting control options as the Wii?

Fucking loss

Finally. I was hoping for a stealth lol thread and it became shitposting

No, I dont think we will ever see another console with 0 good control options again.

>anyone who bought the original Wii Classic Controller got fucked after Nintendo released the Classic Controller Pro.
hardly, they can still use the non-pro version, it doesn't break because a new one released user.

>And anyone who wants to play their Switch games like a normal human being has to fork over another $80
the joycons are unironically better than the switch pro controller imo. Yes, even the "dpad" on the joycons is better


It was a glossy fingerprint magnet, too. The best classic controller was the goldeneye one because it was the only one that was matte.

>that wagglin' shit
The real reason to play the wii was the IR pointer controls for rail shooters and shit.

>He didn't play Metroid Prime Trilogy or Resident Evil 4 on the wii.

I came into this thread expecting Loss.jpeg

I'm very upset that I don't see it.

Okami wii was fucking great with pointer controlls but the dodge was unsusable because of the unresponsiveness of the nunchuck. You pretty much had to avoid buying the skill and just jump out of the way of attacks because otherwhise you would have to deal with Ammy randomly dodging.