

Other urls found in this thread:


>not just pirating cereal

>Eating bootleg Lucky Charms

>Lucky Charms
>not eating superior Fortune Talismans

I prefer 'Ello Gov'nors to Cheerios myself. You got a problem with that?

Sorry bro, but I can't digest solid bronze

I like Coco Puffs the most, so no.

Then you're not getting enough bronze in your diet.

Negro Nuggets taste so much better.

where my cinnamon toast crunch crew at?

Is that actually what it's going for "second-hand"?

Fuck scalpers.

No. That's just how much cardboard with Nintendo written on it costs.

Fuck you, Raisin Bran with Cranberries is better

>Artisan feel cereal

I have yet to see this in any super market or store like Walgreens/Rite Aid and im in NY. Fucking Nintendo shortage problems.

It's not easy to make $70 cardboard

>Comparing scrapped cereal to a cardboard kids game
You guys are getting REALLY desperate.

It's actually a $60 game plus $10 of cardboard.

As someone who had to buy boxes for moving recently that's not a bad price for cardboard.


Stop shilling your wasted gets, not even worth a (you)


Speaking of pirating cardboard boxes, I am excited for Labo piracy. Shit will be a fun project after avoiding the 5000% markup they're trying to squeeze out of idiots.

Right here, bro.

At least you can buy it. It isn't even available here in the UK.

PAL cereal is digested more slowly anyways.

I literally have an unopened box of this in my cabinet right now. Is it really going for $70?
