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Video Games #4040
Video Games
Who is ready for the best Nintendo Warriors game?
There has never been a story in a video game that would translate to anything more than a middle school reading level...
Sell me into the Fire Emblem games. What should I expect? Difficulty? Interesting gameplay? Something else?
ITT: guess the video game Simpsons edition
I can't believe you people are this fucking stupid
Metal gear survive beta
Controllers so comfy you can literally forget you're holding them
The woody got wood thread got pruned
Game 1 is great
Name the most metal game in the world
Metal Gear Solid 2
Post recently played games, and get judged
I'm a father and I'm concerned my kid will want the Labo for Christmas. I really don't want to put together this thing...
ITT: we bitch about MHW
Past the age of 18 a man who still plays video games is a bad thing
Why aren't YOU playing the Elder Scrolls online?
What makes this game 'Mostly Positive' Sup Forums? Is it actually good?
Why was Generation 8 so fucking shitty?
Friendly reminder that 2B is 168 cm INCLUDING HIGH HEELS
It's a Final Fantasy game
Should i be worried about scalpers? Dont want my fishing stick to cost 200$ if i dont preorder
SEX sells game
It's coming out in less than one month. Will you buy it, Sup Forums?
3 > 2 > 1 > V > PW > 4
Player decides to SKIP the credits sequence after completing the game
Would it be really stupid to get one of these things right now instead of a switch?
Ugh did I just hear Laura Bailey? Time to switch on the superior Japanese dub
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Game is about combat, exploration and story
Is there any chance left that we will get a Global release?
Is this the only game that lets me fight the internet?
Twice the content of either Dark Souls or Dark Souls 3
Tfw no girl wants to dance so you stand alone in the corner
Female characters in videogames
Games everyone on Sup Forums will buy
Female fighter
Johnny gets to play 1 more game before he is hung. He has no mates...
Star Wars is one of, if not THE biggest franchise in the world. And yet...
System Shock
Collection Thread
V, please help me
Breath Of The Wild is good because it's world is organic and is actually fun to traverse and doesn't feel like a static...
$30 season pass for Xenoblade 2
Why does every fucking MOBA have one of these fucks? Why is Wukong in literally everything...
Based Denuvo
You're daily dose
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
New Unofficial Playstation Amiibos like Figurines
She killed millions
Has vidya ever effected your world view?
Remind me, Sup Forums. What does he say in this scene again?
Who was right?
Here's a news for ya:
New Kirby Thread:
Why does everyone complain about how TF2 used to be much better but when an actual build from 2008 surfaces...
I lost 50000 blood echoes on this piece of shit
Who was the first vidya character you’ve ever fapped to?
ITT: Characters almost GUARANTEED for Smash Switch
Was this the greatest game deal of all time?
Better dead than Al Bhed
Videogames are a waste of time. They dont teach you anythi-
Ps4 thread what games you playing what games are you looking forward to playing
Do anyone can guess the name of this game? :D
What are you playing today Sup Forums ?
I desperately wanted it to be bad but the gameplay in the beta was pretty okay to be honest
Are the anons on this board who are against piracy only against it because they're too scared to pirate?
What's with all these nintendo strawman images getting spammed everywhere and flooding the catalogue?
What's the reason Nintendo isn't announcing Super Smash for Nintendo Switch yet? It's just a fucking port...
Shoot red barrel
Have you praised your emperor this fine day?
Why did the switch fail to deliver the same amount of exclusives as the PS4 in 2017?
People stop meming and are genuinely concerned for someone having a seizure in VR Chat
Game over, faggots
Hey there, what can I do for you?
Any idea where I can pick up a bios for this? I'm just running into DMCA takedowns, retracted links
"Nintendo LABO is for CHILDREN! That means you're not allowed to criticize it! THE $70 IS FOR THE SOFTWARE...
Imagine being so shit at real MOBAs that you have to settle for playing this
How do I unlock the Secret Character?
What went wrong?
Should I buy a Switch after I move to Japan in two months?
*saves RTS genre from death*
Webm thread?
Why is Overwatch popular despite being a shitty ass game?
It's not a bad game, it's just a bad [insert franchise name] game
Dude wtf fast food restaurants are already ripping nintendo off
Say it with me now, it's okay when Sony does it:
Is this the only game with an alpha MC?
What does Sup Forums like about Hex Maniac?
It's Saturday night and the weather is a balmy 40 degrees
Videogame Armors
What the fuck is this AHAHAHAHA
Fallout The Frontier
Sheikah girls are for _____
Imagine this
Are these the only two good games in their genre?
Who else excited for Labo?
Not a masterpiece
So the prediction came true after all
Is this any good?
All those wasted shots earlier were so pathetic~
Ys VIII PC port delayed - again
Rainbow 6 siege is base-
You’re walking down Pink Street and this guy bumps into you, what do you do?
Well Sup Forums, who should Hat Kid make it out to?
Nier Gestalt/Replicant Remaster
I can't believe Iconoclasts is actually coming out
*Blocks your path*
Fighterz is coming out
"For the Horde" has been the warcry of the Horde for fucking ever
ITT: Games that don't deserve all the hate they get
This is your boss fight for tonight
Casuals used to love fighting games
This game is shit
Is he no longer alpha?
Draw 0 block on the turn that enemies do their ultra super mega attack
Why aren’t you trading crypto, Sup Forums? It has actual gains
The truth about knuckles
What videogames capture the feel of inevitable doom?
Genital Jousting
West makes dark skinned female characters, almost universally hated and ridiculed
Carry weight
World of Warships
Itt: 9.5/10 character designs
PS is garbage
Nintendo switch estimated at 14.6 million units sold at the end of december
Fighting games are little more than softcore 3d posing software
Tfw play games to have fun and not difficulty because I'm not a soyboy that can't deal with the challenges in real life
Game is called Street Fighter
Is it even possible to beat this thing solo
Admit it, how many of you played this game as Andre the giant with a loli companion?
Find a flaw
Nintendo will not distribute Nintendo Labo cardboard patterns for free
Who is the Stanley Kubrick of video games?
There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor...
Who is he?
How would this look like for video games, Sup Forums?
Zzz wake me up when i'm in star allies zzz
I hear snakes. I hate snakes!
Post ITT if you know this feel
Ugh, this shit is problematic, not only is it filled to the brim with loud shitposting idiots...
Thoughts on Mario Odyssey?
While I love this game it could have been better. What would you have done different
Deep sea thread?
When will we get an accurate depiction of Satan in video games?
User please cum and play playstation with us!
Buy 1080ti
Dude its just a game lmao why are you getting mad
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
What games have you been obsessed with lately, Sup Forums?
3 is better than 2
How does this make you feel?
Name thing that's [Fun]damentally wrong with the concept of "Open-world Survival Horrors"
Why are generals allowed here?
Someone thought this was a good character design to include into a fighting game
Has this website ruined video games?
Are you ready for the return of one most trustworthy herald of the Lord?
XQc suspended and fined
*Whistles Drunken Sailer"
He doesnt make millions with unoptainable items that started to drop again because of the recent zone level scaling
Just finished the trilogy. Although the first game has more charm...
Smash fags
Go to Pixiv
Villains who were really likable, and not technically evil
How do I stop getting bored by videogames?
Kill final boss
Help me Sup Forums
Ah, yes
As someone who used to play WoW and kind of wants to get back into MMOs, sell me on this game
Watching the new Dave Chappelle Special
Just finished the only good video game ever made for the first time
Nintendo DS thread
ITT: We badly describe a game, and anons try to guess what game it is. I'll start
New trailer for some game Platinum Games is working on
ITT: characters women will never understand
Series reboot when?
Luigi floating on an egg over the sea
Game is fun
Villain asks you to join him
You HAVE beaten it, right, user?
Can you believe this man beat Dark Souls 3 live on stream?
Who remembers
Metal Gear Survive
Resident Evil
Do you?
Final Fantasy VII Remake
If Sup Forums's favorite anime studio is based KyoAni, then what is Sup Forums's favorite videogame development company?
What happened to Bloody Roar?
Gg ez
Here's the truth about the switch's new gimmick
Path of Exile
Recommend me some countries to play
Barefoot nu-lara when?
Behold. This is a subpar fighting game. Say something to it
Do any current MMOs not suck? I have an itch but I don't want to go back to WoW
Danganronpa is enjoyed by autist
Huge PSN sale
He’s just so cool!
Well then, where do you want me to break you first?
Cute or crazy? Have you ever been given a contract giving you certain video game restrictions?
Whos the shittiest person in the gaming industry?
Final Fantasy Dissida NT
How do you feel about this character?
There are some really hard action game bosses out there, DMD Vergil, Prince of Demons, Nergigante, Mysterious Figure...
What made breath of the wild so successful?
Has infinite stamina
Action MMOs
What are your thoughts on Wayforward and the Shantae series?
I need more games like this. I played this and the prequel and I just can't get it out of my head...
Videogame Music Thread
Metroid: Samus Returns confirmed success, 6th best selling 2017 3DS game beating FE and Sm4sh
A Predator is now a hunter in Bloodborne. How would he fair?
Alright Sup Forums, I'm gonna bite the bullet and get a console with my tax returns
Need a new gpu
100 niggers are about to corner and assrape you
Why can't I shake this feeling deep down that it's gonna suck? Is it because of Marvel Disney and Dan Slott...
[ruins trhe Game Boy Advance]
Do you think we'll get another Bioshock game?
Consolefag here thinking about making the move to PC, just curious what are some other marketplaces aside from steam?
Enemy does tons more damage than you using the same skill
This thread is for only people who love both Sony and Nintendo. No warring tonight. What you playing?
Ywn have internet friends to play games and chat with
*blocks your path*
Do you agree that games in 2018 should be accessible to players of all skill levels?
Has anyone else played this masterpiece?
The sun has fallen out of orbit and is heading straight for earth
Nice knife
NINTENDO hehehehehe
What are you playing on your game boy Sup Forums?
Fightstick thread
Brb gotta blaze
Monster Hunter World
Darkest Dungeon
I've only played Fallout 1. Should I play the other games? Which games are good and bad?
What does Sup Forums think of Dragon Ball Fusions? Who is best fusion?
Will Notch create another master piece?
Hard mode: Don't just post "It's already ruined."
Butcher boss
With Which dragon quest should i start?
Enemies/events/games that creeped/scared/upset you
New Alien game in development
Nintendo Labo
Game uses more gpu when paused than when running
Why does nobody talk about this?
Nice Thread 2: Nice Boogaloo
Dead IPs thread
A VR MMO video game that scans your body measurements and applies it to your in-game avatar
You have beaten it right, user?
Finally get around to playing pic
Would you fuck this?
We will never have a real Zelda game again
Name a better TV show adaption of a video game. You cannot. This shit was pure kino
Hey Sup Forums i bought a 500$ mechanical keyboard but is still suck donkey cock at vidya what do
What other does sites does Sup Forums visit to get the latest vidya news?
Texan joins the server
Thoughts on Prisma Illya?
"if you kill the big bad, you'll be no better than him"
Daily reminder that Godot literally did nothing wrong
SwitchBro thread, this console is top comfy
Best system of all time?
Dark Cloud 2
Modern city
Sup Forums Buyfag Thread
Name a vidya character that could beat him
Is Rule of Rose any good? I'm looking for a good horror survival game
Devilman Game
Xenoblade 2 outselling Xenoblade X in Japan and on course to outsell Xenoblade 1
Let me see your face when you land a critical
Which Vita is better?
Does Agent 47 canonically kill innocents?
ITT: Best Vidya Girls
Which fanbase can be considered the "Chads of Sup Forums"?
Am I winning the game wrong? I just beat the Cruise Ship boss with weak Personas and a shitload of meds...
Government officials are now looking at ways to regulate VR gaming
Why do you evan come here anymore
Gamerdads and mamas, what character name would you choose for your kid?
You guys ready for the best game in like 14 years?
MC breaks and enters with his two friends to rape some girls
Gamer Grub Thread
Why do companies always treat PC as second class when sales and revenue are on par with consoles?
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite next DLC
Who was in the wrong here?
Remove a ton of content from your game because of tumblr
Jackbox Party Friday
Why isn't Mario ever played in the Smash games despite being the most recognizable hallmark character...
Who was the best Link?
What did he mean by this?
Why aren't you a smash gal Sup Forums?
Yfw 1 hp left
What the fuck went wrong?
Why do archers always attract the worst players?
FEH: Am I doing the flying meme right?
Kill Bear
Game shoves soyboy shit in your face
I like BotW, but why does the game always have this weird white layer over it?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Quick, claim your Star Warsfu
The Soy Boy is back at it again
Want to get into Kingdom Hearts before III is released
There are people who genuinely unironically believe that Kanji is gay despite the fact that it would ruin his entire...
Sup Forumsermin thread
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is Harada retarded?
This is the best RPG and the best Nintendo game, no questions asked. Say something wonderful about your king
Play Gudako's game
What is the best gaming laptop I can get for $1000?
Face it /V the age of Mobile Gaming is HERE!
Now that the dust has settled, what'a the consensus on Gen 7 of Pokemon?
Fuck you, Hollow Bitch
Should casuals be allowed to review games?
You faggots will argue about anything
Game is so good that after you beat it you feel empty and that your entire life has no purpose anymore
Nintendo Switch Sold More Consoles Than Any Other Platform in History on a Time-Aligned Basis
Sup Forums Plays Fire Emblem 3 Book 2
Sven is 19 today
Here's your controller bro
Cursed images
Hidden/Forgotten gems of last generation?
These two armies are fighting each other!
People are creating impressive paper engineering stuffs with the joy-cons
Why are beat them ups a dead genre?
Which is better?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Tell me your unique game idea that would save the horror genre
I finally beat P5 on merciless the other day...
Wow, that's exactly what I wanted - a soy-glazed sequel to a series with fantastic pixel art and animation...
Slowly run around in a circle against a boss that is pretty much impossible to get hit by and shoot some arrows...
Rhythm Games
So what would you like to see in future Splatoon games?
Overwatch League
XQc suspended for homophobic comments
Would you rather live in the Mushroom Kingdom, or Hyrule?
Find a flaw
Enough points and I will be able to play some good ol' Switch! I love my wife!
Thank you for shopping at Walmart
The game has "I win" button
This guy windwalks in a club and critically strikes your gf's ass. What do?
Ys VIII PC delayed again
Will he be in Smash 5?
DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3
So I'm about 70 hours into Breath of the Wild, got all the memories and as they were revealed I was left wondering
One of the most emotional and compelling trailers ever released for anything
Castlevania Netflix Series returns this Summer
Sup Forums is now full of people how think that doing this on dark souls wile been invaded is the way to go
16 mainline games
Who would win?
Why is this fighter a sausage fest
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
ITT: Great soundtracks from shitty games
Why did the commander tell 9s that humans were extinct when there people at the resistance camp?
How did a fucking Disney game become the best Action RPG of all time?
That time your teacher t-posed and slid out of the class
MMO Thread, yes?
Do people really believe G is not Q?
Friends start making fun of me for playing the game poorly
Do you faggots live on pennies from sweatshops or allowance from your parents...
Dragon ball fighter z
*blocks ur path*
"To my knowledge...
Dark souls 2 rehashes a boss
No more silent loading screens in horror games
Dungeonfags BTFO
Game lets you exterminate the human race
MHW bread
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Never played this
Microsoft's Big Comeback
Soundtrack has carpenter brut songs
Oh look. You have found a little fairy trapped in a bottle. She’s completely helpless! What do you do?
Dallas Fuel player Félix “xQc” Lengyel has found himself in hot water once again...
FFXII Zodiac Age on steam, Feb 1st, 20% Discount on early purchases/preorder, also...denuvo
The New 2D Metroid Currently in Development
Board Game Online thread
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
I teach at a college where faculty are occasionally required to be on duty in the evenings (until after midnight)...
Path of Exile
Why are crows always evil in games?
Game changes genre for the final boss
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Post the achievements you are most proud of
Battlestation rate
Final boss is you
Zelda: breath of the wild or horizon zero dawn?
So now that the dust has settled
Jesus Christ the slow battle animations in this game make me want to punch a baby
Even we teachers are playing the Switch
Hey guys... My hands have grown recently after surgery and now it's hard to play video games
Let's be real. PUBG is the game of 2017
Why is this shit allowed?
Is it nothing, Sup Forums?
It's time for you to finally acknowledge that one huge flaw in your favorite video game
Are you buying their game, Sup Forums?
Are you finished with that backlog?
SFV has no more beginners
What happened to him? His videos are getting worse and worse
I just have a couple of questions
Who's this semen demon?
ITT: Games you bought just by the cover
It's time to find out once and for all: What does Sup Forums truly think of Nintendo's two GOTYs?
So now that world of warcraft is finally dead, will MMORPGs finally be able to progress as a genre once again?
Sonic Mania would be garbage if it weren't riding on nostalgia for the original 2D Sonic games and you know it
What the hell could this be?
How do we save the video game industry?
So, after all the fanfare, I finally went out and bought a copy of P5. I'll be starting it in a few hours...
Should this be banned in VRchat? it can seriously hurt people
What's the best way to advertise your game...
I'M ______ _____!!!
You gotta be fucking kidding me
Tell someone to suck a dick in a blizzard safe space
Post the year you were born and your favourite game
What makes a resident evil game good?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
What does Sup Forums think of Doki Doki Literature Club?
Persona 5
The average dark souls 2 player
Name a better continent
Yakuza Thread
Locate a liability
Rocket League Thread
Diablo II
This is your GOTY for tonight. Say something nice about her!
It's still not too late to get in on those $50 1% percent chance rolls at the brand spanking new DOA character
So this is how Monster Hunter dies. With thunderous applause
ITT: Your favorite GPU
He doesn’t play as the reptilian race
ITT: 0/10 controllers
Admit it, it at least had a good soundtrack
How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?
Not thanking your healer/medic
Lets play some Halo 2 Project Cartographer
Only won 4 NPD months
FFXIV Population
How do you feel about video game graphics?
Beta is live right now
Pathologic/IPL thread
What game has some cool Bear allies or companions?
Name better vidja character, u cant
Is VR gaming the future?
La creatura
PC for best graphics, controls, multiplats, multimedia and classics from yesteryear
Nintendo made fucking cardboard
Adorable boy
I just beat Air Man on Difficult without using the Time Barrage glitch, ask me anything
Analyze an abnormality
Rainbow Six Siege Thread
What else can they add for Mario Kart 9? Is it time to turn M into Nintendo All Star Racing?
You have the enemy flag
This is Princess Rosa Casette d'Elise of the Kingdom of Erusea
Digimon Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory Thread
What could it be?
Metroid Samus Returns sold well
Procedurally-generated world
It's up
How many of you have attempted to become a professional video game player?
What were they thinking when they were designing this outfit?
Do you enjoy their content?
How do we eradicate moetrash?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
So what will Sup Forums‘s reaction when this turns into a massive success?
Try to invade someone
Has there ever been a remaster that's better than the original game?
Say something nice 3rd1st best girl
Haha yes
Post the best armor you can
Dissidia NT
Fightfus are goin' fast! Claim yours before its too late!!
You know, these Switch games are quite similar to the ones they have on Wii U
Sf v fans say tekken 7 has shallow footsies and air play and its less dynamic. I-is it true /v?
This wasn't a bad remake. definitive version even
PC gaming suffering coz of Bitcoin
Dark spirit has inva-
Why do we hate Yukari again?
Is this the worst dialogue system of all time?
Annyone here doesn't like competitive smash?
Gee, it sure is boring around here!
Attention to all Makotofags,bow down to the real Queen
What went right?
Sony sells amiibo now
What's the best way to play this seadog?
Game set in feudal Japan
What do you hope for Halo 6 to have?
Decide to play RPG as a female character
What happened to multiplayer games?
Every character is unlocked from the start
Name and Describe my gun
What videogame pissed off as many people as possible?
Redpill me on Darkest Dungeon
What's your favorite mission from a game?
Who is your favorite videogame composer?
This is Cream the rabbit
What are some redpilled games?
The Bioshock Trilogy is coming to the Switch. Your thoughts on this, Sup Forums? Furthermore...
About to go into an interview with my local gamestop for a job
The most powerful monster is actually the Timer
I'm thinking about finally getting a current gen console, which one should I get? Which one has better exclusives?
Tfw can't even afford a 1060 6gb thanks to faggot miners
Why is Overwatch popular despite being a shitty ass game?
What are some games where I can play as a cute boy?
Is this game the perfect game to overcome adversity and depression?
What's the best fighting game to get into right now and should I get it on PS4 or PC?
Why are people just throwing away these controllers?
Be honest, will you buy FFXVI after how FFXV turned out?
I pay 15 mana and play Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
This is Hifumi
What are some unironically good games for Android
So how ya'll liking Kirby: Battle Royale
Was banning Chibi the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?
No G5 thread for the biggest melee tourney of the year
Why is there this notion on this board that you can ONLY have one system and/or must be a console or PC player?
FEH: So how's your New Year's team doing. You did get them right?
ITT: First games you ever played
Is this the greatest box art of all time?
So uh...D3
How would you make a trailer park boys game
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
What were the worst things about mgs3?
Actually portable, fits in a pocket
How much money does it cost to make a game? Is it hard for developers to make one with less than $330,000?
Quick! Claim your carfu before some other user drives her away!
ITT: Actual industry innovations
RPG punishes you for leveling up
Cyberpunk game on the horizon
So I was thinking of buying Nioh for PC
Fire Emblem thread. What are your wishes for FE Switch?
Super Mario Odyssey
Vr gaming is the fut-
Games should actually cost 40 dollars standard. Prove me wrong
Holy shit moments in gaming
Fuck You, I Liked It
Is 720p 30 fps really acceptable in 2018?
Why are liberal SJWs so drawn to this thing?
Will you people stop shitting on Labo? The cardboard is free, you're paying for the software
I wasn't able to see Sup Forums when they announced "Nintendo Labo" Can someone provide screencaps?
You have 5 seconds to name a game which features good pixel art AND good gameplay
Pirate DS3
Am I the only one who noticed that only shitty and irrelevant countries prefer the ps4 to the Switch?
ITT: Games that bore the fuck out of you
Why everyone acted like it was his fault that Morgana escaped?
Dragon ball fighterz
Nintendo 3DS hardware sales were also the strongest since December 2014
D-did i do good Sup Forums? are you proud of me?
Cacom is salty about Labo
Family reunion at my grandparents house
Tfw the only game that can dethrone Witcher 3 is another game from the same studio
How did they do it? How did it top both P3 and P4?
What are the most immersive video games I can play right now that isn't Skyrim?
What's next for Lara Croft?
Sony Flash Sale
Filename thread. Keep it good and vidya-related
Which is better?
He plays Fortnite instead of PUBG
The last game you've played is now a fighting game. How is it? What is it like?
Is this the best controller, or what?!
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Why do the soyboys gravitate towards the faglliance?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What games have really good AI?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...