"Nintendo LABO is for CHILDREN! That means you're not allowed to criticize it! THE $70 IS FOR THE SOFTWARE...

"Nintendo LABO is for CHILDREN! That means you're not allowed to criticize it! THE $70 IS FOR THE SOFTWARE, NOT THE CARDBOARD!"

Let me pop this into my Bullshit-To-English Translator. Beep boop.

"Nintendo literally thinks that your children are so dumb and devoid of imagination that YOU need to spend $70 on a piece of software to teach them how to use cardboard to play make believe. Open that wallet, pay pig."

Nintentoddlers are STILL defending this!

Other urls found in this thread:


Its okay bro you cannot speak of nintendo in a bad light, but if its sony its A-ok! If this was a sony product how many soytendies would be swarming with nu-male memes? Nintengaf is real!

>software is literally gonna be a few basic apps that utilise the cardboard
>"this is definitely worth the $70 price point!"

Man you playstation fans sure are upset about this lol

I'm not even mad you sad autistic little cunt, just laughing at you fucking morons for eating up this kind of ripoff garbage because m-muh Nintendo innovation! Literally grow up you sad, sad little boy.

Nintentoddler: "FUCK THE CHILDREN!"
Xbawks: "Uhhhhhhgggg............bleeerdhhhgg...."

lol you sound VERY upset, holy shit. Calm down my dude

>Sonyfags so salty over cardboard that they keep making threads shittalking nintendo
Whatever happened to just having fun with games?

>calm logical response
>"haha y u so mad though"

Nintenbros are pure cancer

there is a very explicable reason that paedophiles - despite being nearly universally despised - have such an endless, abundant supply of snacks

>candy from babies

>Lego sets cost literally hundreds (shop.lego.com/en-GB/Death-Star-75159)
>LOZ blocks are literally a hundredth of the price (loz-blocks.com)

This is literally what you sound like right now.

>Nintendo makes Baby's First Hobby Kit with accompanying software
>Price is ~$20 above the cost of regular software

Nintendoboos will defend anything.
The reason they play nintendo is to avoid connection to opioids.

bruv I'm a PC fan and having been here since 2006 this cry shitposting is genuinely the most austistic sperging ever witnessed.
Sonyfags are fucking hilarious. Also calm the fuck down, you're starting to lose it.


>"autistic little cunt"
>calm logical response



I think your pissed off about it doing better than mhw.

Not him, but nothing about your post suggests calmness. Itd look a lot calmer if you werent using ad hominems. Quit being upset, friend.


Lego is literally a fucking joke though. It panders exclusively to manchildren who played with it when they were younger. Back when it was popular in the 60s it was a tenth of the price it is now, they have the market locked down so they just charge ridiculous prices for it.

Is this another calm logical response

80 dollars for a cardboard box is ok ! Its nintendie okay!

>Back when it was popular in the 60s it was a tenth of the price it is now

What is inflation

You seem to be really mad about something that shouldn't concern you. Why is that?


Adjusted for inflation you fucking idiot. Why do people always make this argument without actually looking at the numbers.

Alright can you show the numbers then

You can almost taste the salt from this one user

God you fuckheads are completely insufferable.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how bootyblasted are you.


Sorry are you still being calm and logical

I can't tell

Your saltiness is hilarious. Why are you so mad?


>sonygroes literally cannot stop thinking about cardboards
LMAO, who cares what retards do with their money anyway?
Don't tell me you pay $60 for a polycarbonate disk lmao

Memes aside, why is this actually allowed
It can't just be simple cardboard cut-outs can it? There surely has to be more value to it

>spoonfeed me please
Do your own research cuckie

as an outside observer who hates all videogames, how much of a fucking spastic do you have to be to create these edits constantly? They're always on the front page of the catalog and in threads, so how obsessed are these people to be THIS upset?

The Nintendo stuff is their fetish really.
And fetishes dont have logic.
Nintendo is literary their "precious one"

That guy isn't even on a video game store. Holy shit, just how mad can you be?

>Autistic man spergs out and makes multiple threads calling other people autistic over cardboard
You know your rage is giving Labo more exposure, guaranteeing it makes more money, right?

So you don't want to support your own argument?

I'm just trying to help you user, nobody's going to care what you have to say if all you have are unsubstantiated claims


>h-hey guys I'm totally indifferent to all game companies! I definitely don't worship Nintendo at all you can trust me on that! H-haha video games a-amirite?!
>*sips soylent*

>calm logical response
You must be red eyed right now, dude, calm down, that's not healthy.

MTG has made an industry out of this for decades, I don't know why people are surprised t.b.h.

White males have been reduced to such a low level of masculinity and testosterone that they have gone from playing video games for kids after adulthood to literally playing with cardboard boxes for toddlers because a corporation hyped it to them.

Just let that sink in for a second.

Imagine in 500 years when scholars want to study why their own females turned on white people and why they went extinct and they find this.

The air is actually 40% cyclophosphamide it's how the lizard people control our perception of reality to think this flat earth is round.

>Can you give me some evidence


You people sure are obsessed about soy.

Where am i?
Is this reddit?

Still responding to that? The discussion has moved on you fucking trogolodytes, get a fucking grip

Console wars have always been a laughing matter but holy shit are sonyfags going hard with their butthurt.

Houston we have a problem


Just wanna bring some calmness and logic to this civilised discussion we're having my dude

Man reddit sure loves coming to Sup Forums.
I know your place is a shithole websitr but you have to go back.

The best thing to come out of LABO is watching the "hardcore" gamers have an aneurysm cause people like something they don't

How upset are you that you get triggered by people responding to old posts. Just close your eyes dude haha

You sure have a problem with soy. Soy sauce has a lot of salt, which would explain a lot.

>product marketed towards children is played by parents who have kids
>user cries of being an incel and shitposts on Sup Forums as he'll never have a child let alone have sex
What a sad state of existance

> doesnt get irony

It's like someone forgot Nintendo literally thought americans were so fucking dumb they needed to stand on a $99.99 magic japanese plastic rectangle to get their fat asses moving and get some much needed exercise.

Yeah fellow " "hardcore" " gamer

Nintendo is testing the waters how far they can take it. They realized they have a loyal and rabid fanbase they can drain for money. Amiibos were only the beginning.


The ultimate experiment.

I still don't understand why Nintendo thought to make this. I am a fan of Nintendo to an extent, but why in the fuck did they think this was a good idea? This just seems like a cheap cash grab, literally too, since cardboard is really inexpensive, and I doubt the software was expensive to make too.

The good thing is we got tons of memes for our shitposting folder



Can you explain to us what you think the relevance of this picture is


Kids like to build stuff. Kids like to play video games. 2 + 2?

They're making money. Do you know how businesses work?

That looks like a bird.

So you're admitting this is a kids toy?

Ironic coming from the same person who's doing the same exact thing but with Playstation

Its called if it was a sony product the soyny memes about it being a card box would be unimaginable but it has NINTENDCHILD slapped on it so its A-ok! Reminder if its nontendo its ok and you can suck their tiny noodle cock with no comeback because its nintensoy who made labos!

>tech demos are worth $80 USD!

That is worse than paying $80 for cardboard.

Fucking Nintenshills.

>I didn't live though the age of plastic gutairs

Imagine what you see now but it costs 130 bucks and once the plastic crap breaks you have to buy a new one

This is not that bad

Ok but it's still video games so idk what the picture has to do with this

>buuut muh sony cuck!

Yeah i can totally understand how a fat libcuck can see into my house and what i own console wise! Roll into the next green crane seen as a green pipe you wouldnt fit fat americuck

No one here under illusion that this is not children toys.

Of fucking course it is, it was literally announced as a kid's toy, are you fucking dumb or what?

Yes, but I'd bet you a kid would have more fun building with lego's then cardboard. I know when I was a kid, I'd rather have a bunch of lego pieces instead. The most I ever did with cardboard was make forts and shit out of boxes.

>J-just because I'm vehemently defending playstation doesn't mean at all that I own one!

Nintendo Switch is the fastest selling console of all time.

10/10 highest rated games of all time

Nintendo Labo destroys the internet, trending on twitter, youtube and Facebook.

Nintendo's stock goes up 1.4 BILLION overnight.

Roaches have absolutely nothing to do. Resort to memes out of rage.

These are glorious days we live.

You know value propositions are vastly different for parents with successful careers versus 20-something neets who browse Sup Forums

Quit being mad that Nintendo marketing team actually did their job well

You need to give sonygros a break man. They've been ass fucked literally non stop this year since the switch got released. Forgive them

Also this pasta I lost screencap from after botw won goty

The anal annihilation of this board is finally complete. Zelda winning GOTY is the final straw which will push the salty assblasted children on Sup Forums to mass suicide.

This was never about awards or BotW being a 10/10 game or whatever. It runs deeper than that.

This is all about the humiliation this board suffered at the hands of Nintendo. After nearly a year-long hate campaign of shit posting, cherry picking screenshots and flat out spreading lies, Sup Forums attempted everything in it's power to belittle the game and Nintendo's new console.

You could audibly hear their jaws drop in absolute fucking horror when BotW turned out to be one of the best games of all time, single-handedly turned the Switch into a massive overnight success and proved once again that Nintendo were at the cutting edge of game design.

Mario Odyssey was just as critically appraised but the saltyness from that game cuts nowhere near as deep into Sup Forums's psyche like BotW.

They'll never get over it and that's why they've spent the past TEN FUCKING MONTHS trying to rationalise the whole affair in their minds.

This is not just fucking cardboard, just like legos aren't just plastic. It's cardboard shaped into things you can build, dude.

90% of the people buying Labo will be manchildren.

When I worked at an electronics store 90% of the people who bought Nintendo stuff were manchildren. 100% of the Amiibo buyers were manchildren.

They've always been doing gimmick shit for kids you dumb faggot, the company puts it into homes and then nintendo makes good games & gimmick shit. Grow the the fuck up.

Interesting.... you guys usually try to hide the fact that Nintendo makes toys for kids.

I think you're heavily mistaken.

Roaches will be licking their wounds for years to come.

Yeah, but you've got more freedom with Lego's then cardboard, since you can say "fuck the instructions" and build whatever you want out of the pieces you have. I doubt this cardboard lets you do anything you can think of with it.

>"Nintendo literally thinks that your children are so dumb and devoid of imagination that YOU need to spend $70 on a piece of software to teach them how to use cardboard to play make believe. Open that wallet, pay pig."
Oh, let ME put this through MY bullshit to English translator
"Even though I would love if a kid got a $100 model kit or an origami set, and would consider it productive and educational to follow the instructions and put together the toy, I'm going to lie through my teeth and pretend the idea of a constructive toy is an insult to creativity because I'm too much of an enraged simpleton to admit that, though this is a simple toy that probably lacks mileage, it's also a full video game and an intentionally novel build-your-own peripheral set prices at merely $10 more than the usual asking price"

Sony only makes mature games for mature gamers like me!

>cardboard is really expensive
t. never worked a factory job in his entire life

And are any of them complaining? The point is, if you find the product overpriced, you were unlikely to buy it in any circumstance.

I'm not interested in this shit and think it's overpriced, but that doesn't mean Nintendo didn't do their market research. And everything seems to suggest it will be very successful.