>modern city
>wild west
what other open world setting should rockstar do?
>modern city
>wild west
what other open world setting should rockstar do?
Future city like 5th Element bro. Bang alien hookers and shit.
Honestly a GTA game set in the near future (2030?) would be tits
Shark card world, a map entirely built out of shark cards
future shit is fucking gay u retards. The guns and cars aren't even real, it's fucking stupid and unrealistic. If I want to play a fantasy star wars shit i'd play fucking star nu-male faggot wars
what kind of technology do you mean when you say 2030? It's only 12 years from now; it certainly wouldn't be something as advanced as 5th Element
Fantasy, Of course.
GTA VI needs to be set on a cyberpunk futuristic scheme. thats the direction the franchise HAS to take.
realistic medieval with no magic (magical easter eggs are okay of course). I would love for rockstar to do this.
>variety of horses and the ability to strengthen them and put armor on them
>shit ton of armor for your character to wear that are just as customizable as cars are in gtav (pauldrons, shins, visors, etc)
>many different weapons
>realistic combat
Marine/coastal would be cool
I wanna see there take on the spy genre, which we were actually going to get before Agent went dark
I hope you're joking
Mafia era.
Tropical island, something smaller overall but with lots of secrets and different areas.
Post apocalypse conflict between super technology and high fantasy.
Steroid junkies in power armor fighting dragons and gargoyles.
oh man I would love that.
I can only imagine a lot of heavy metal influence in there too
isn't GTA2 supposed to set near future? well according to gtawikia atleast
90s Russia
Operation Condor SA
Colonial india
Hong Kong
>90s Russia
I want a Judge Dredd GTA game
Rockstar would do well with Heavy Metal.
red dead redemption only set in feudal japan
you can just be a wandering vagabond that helps random people in need or you can join a clan and go to war
80s Latin America. The cities are super dense and Brazil packs liveleak daily with death vids so enough action there definitely.
making GTA into Assassins creed now arent we..
i wouldn't know i've only played the first assassins creed but i've never understood why they haven't done a japanese setting when the game is about playing a fucking assassin dude, ninjas and shit would be cool
Nazi-occupied Netherlands
>player character
A nine month pregnant Anne Frank
Survive, supply intelligence to SHAEF, kick the Germans out of your country, find a publisher for your diary, and get your baby's room ready
>Hot Coffee mod
It's literally a game about a horny pregnant Jewish teenager, do the math dingus
what the fuck
fuck off back to /his/
Rifts is like someone took 1st edition AD&D and combined it with those hyperviolent late 80s animes and every single movie Cannon Pictures ever made, and then ran it with a GM that never said no to any PC idea for a character.
Unfortunately the game's rules are pretty awful, but the setting is awesome.
Literally every game has some form of fantasy element that requires the suspension of disbelief.
I don't think you understand much your oppinion demonstrates how totally unqualified you are to comment.
That's literally the fucking point
hey yeah
that would be cool man
JRR Tolkien
Boarding school.
College Campus
Middle Earth would be cool as fuck
Mad Max
The other one had too much boring open-world stuff and bamham fights, whereas I'm sure Rockstar would stick to the vehicle combat and customisation.
80s or 90s in some north state like Minnesota.
But I lost all hope on R* after GTA V that I donĀ“t really care what they will do in the future.
I always kinda wanted a 70's NY or a place that would really represent the era, like Vice city did with the 80's Miami theme.
>implying you wouldn't