Actually portable, fits in a pocket

>actually portable, fits in a pocket
>healthy library of japanese and indie games
>still supported with games, Digimon coming soon, Stardew Valley also coming soon to Vita, free if you already own the PS4 version
>many PS1 and PSP classics for $5, with options to adjust controls, faster loading times and better filtering
>can stream PS4 games

Why don't you have a Vita? Give me one good reason.

What game is that?

Cuz the PSP costs far less and is the better platform.

memory card prices
megaman legends

>Why don't you have a Vita?
It has no games that I'm interested in.

>paying for games
Glad I got a 3ds

I have. Is very good.
I just need some good bare tits wallpapers.

I have OCD so I cant buy used handhelds and it's impossible to find new hackable Vitas.

>have hacked vita on 3.60
>all the games i want to play require 3.61+
When Sup Forumsros

>healthy Library of budget japshit and indie ports
>still supported with up and coming budget japshit and indie ports
>many PS1 and PSP classics for $6-10 with less options than emulating them on a phone
>can stream movies from the PS4
>cant even buy the OLED vita new anymore



Seriously the stupid fucking memory cards are the main reason I never bought for than 6 games for the Vita.


is megaman legends any good?


>He keeps his portable in his pocket
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yes, it's comfy as fuck. switch your control scheme in the options so that left and right cause you to turn instead of strafe, the default scheme is dumb.

Sony really screwed themselves with the first party memory cards. I would have bought one long ago if it used a fucking SD card or micro SD like everything else in the world.

Eventually. Don't lose hope to these jealous nin-ten year olds squinting to make out their pixels.

But you can use an SD card.

it doesnt have bing bing wahoo

Considering getting one but with L2 or R2 what the fucjsvtbe point trying to play ps4 games? Is it worth 200 bucks to play a small handful of ps1 games in bed?

Literally impossible to buy one new here

>mfw the homebrew scene for the vita is utter shit

It could have a lot of great ports an emulators, yet nobody is wasting time doing so because it's a dead console.

so... sauce?

I own one. Just picked up SotN in the flash sale. I haven't cracked mine or anything, generally don't feel the need to pirate stuff (though some of the prices for old vita games on digital are making me think about it)

yes, you obviously won't br playing devil may cry on it, but it's comfy for slower-paced games.

>emulating on a handheld
>not on a comfy and cheap all in one mini retro console

baby what is you doing

>Sony literally, fucking literally made a huge loss with that shit
>piracy comes up to revitalize the thing a little bit
>sony shuts asap down

That's too hard. Have to configure things. Looks scary.

cause I don't care for weeb shovelware

i dont feel even remotely compelled to own a portable device

The memory cards.
I mean a 64 gb memory card costs 88 fucking dollars.
That's outrageous and is literally more than the cost of a PS TV, which is pretty much a mini Vita, which makes it even crazier.

Yo, I already did that with a Pi zero w.
Shit's cash yo.
I can torrent, use it as a file sharing device, web-server, Discord bot, you name it.

>memory card prices
fuck this, the only reason i haven't got a vita

>that feel when have a PSTV and 64GB card I bought secondhand for $80 total

Didn't Digimon just drop today?

>actually portable, fits in a pocket
>a pocket is the only existing way to carry an object, therefore anything that doesn't fit in one isn't portable
also im not stuffing that shit in my pocket and risk scratching the screen
>healthy library of japanese and indie games
you mean otaku bait garbo and shitty unfinished games
>still supported with games, Digimon coming soon, Stardew Valley also coming soon to Vita, free if you already own the PS4 version
inferior version of a games and a game that everyone has played on every other existing platform
>many PS1 and PSP classics for $5, with options to adjust controls, faster loading times and better filtering
games I've already played many times, years ago
>can stream PS4 games
or I could just play my ps4 in a comfortable chair on a big screen
don't forget the shitty, expensive as fuck proprietary memory card that has no legitimate reason to exist other than to jew its userbase

I mean thats cool and everything but I can't do that shit. I'm not good with that sort of thing. I just like to plug things in ann play them.

my phone does the same thing.
i can get every emulator on my phone
>stream ps4 games
there are no games worth streaming

>All the Vitas are fucking expensive because of the memory card
>Hoping SD2Vita would reduce the cost
>It isn't

Why even live

why would proprietary memory cost affect the value of the console itself

the Vita is still worth $100-150 because it's a solid handheld that's objectively better designed than the PSP in every conceivable way.

Can you play pso2 English patched on that thing?

I find it fun to figure out how stuff works. Its like opening pandoras box to find legos.

Even if you dont buy check out some Rasp Pi projects on Youtube. Maybe youll find something that interests you?

>>can stream PS4 games
im a brainlet. what does this mean

They all interest me. But only playing them. I always hating building shit. I hated playing with lego as a kid. I just like finished products. Hate having to assemble things.

Because the console isn't worth shit without the memory card. So it's true cost is higher than just the console.

that you stream ps4 games.

>proprietary memory cards
>memory card prices
>glossy finish


In that case you can probably find some prebuilt Gameboy clones on amazon? Other than that you really only get the cool stuff with the know-how. Even cfw on a 3DS requires some footwork.

Just trying to help.

>Mod it and buy an SDVita card and put a micro SD card in.

>glossy finish
That's why I imported. Orange/blue/white are matte and look way nicer.

looks fun
i don't know what I'm looking at, you put it in a gba shell?
how much of a brain does it take for a pi

I have one, but I barely play it. The only game I actually finished on it was Dungeon Travelers 2.

For ps1 games can I save anytime or is it like I have to go to a save spot? If so it’s not very good for portability

y u didn't wait for CM3 version

Price is too high
Sony themselves wont support it
memory cards aren't microsd cards

You know you can just put it on standby right?

And no, it doesn't have a savestate feature like emulators have.

>memory card prices
This. Otherwise I'd have bought a PSTV and been able to play all my mechshit by now.

I love my Vita, it's a shame Sony dropped the ball so hard on it. Could have been remembered as one of the greatest handhelds ever.

Has anyone had any problems with their sd2vita? Mine sometimes disconnects or something and I have to restart my Vita a few times before it can read the memory card again.

It really is pretty pathetic that exploits took 5 years and as soon as one came out the people responsible for it fucked off, so exploits for more recent firmware will basically never happen.

I'm glad I didn't fall for the homebrew meme since I'm looking forward to Catherine and the Persona spinoffs.

>People still complaining about the memory cards

You don't even need those anymore though

Why? because if you buy an old one you can use shitty homebrew and micro sd instead?

Without the memory card PS Vita is basically doesn't worth shit

I have one and just wish some multiplats were better in terms of optimization. Also wish Sony had let some devs use bigger cart sizes considering Danganronpa V3 has that shitty audio patch thing and G Generation Genesis was on like two different carts. Lastly why the fuck is Summon Night 6 $45 when the localization is god awful

I have a vita and really like mine but I'd be hard pressed to recommend someone pick one up in 2018 unless if they get an incredible deal on it.
If you want to pirate then most of the cheap low firmware units have been bought up and are now much more expensive. It will allow you to use the SD adapter though.
If you want to go legit for the newer stuff then you're pretty much left at picking up a used unit on ebay or from Gamestop or ordering a new one from Japan to import because they discontinued it in the west almost 2 years ago now. Then you're left with an overpriced memory card that's required, and almost everything new is digital only as is a fair chunk of its library.

Since practically everything has been multiplat now for about 3 years and a huge chunk of its library has either been ported to PC/PS4, you're left with overpaying to play pirated multiplats at subpar framerates and visuals, or overpaying to play newer multiplats at subpar framerates and visuals.

Like i said earlier, SD2Vita doesn't lower the cost in here, they still fuckin sell those just like the PS Vita still used their original memory card.

Plus what, at least 60 more for a stupid proprietary card? Yeah, no.

Well sd2vita isn't perfect or it's probably your microsd which the one having a problem.

You can buy sd2vita if you'd like to.

No games.

Hows the homebrew scene? Still fucked if I buy a new one?

Rei is beautiful and young!

>Portable=fits in a pocket

its shit

3.61+ isn't a thing yet, you still need to search 3.60 Vita.


this. it's all weebshit with a few indie games. and all the indie games are better on PC.

>actually portable, fits in a pocket
put the joycons in one pocket and the switch in another faggot, see pic related the switch screen is fucking smaller than the vita

don't tell me there's people here who unironically wear cargo pants

>no games
>crap battery
>uses cartridges like come on its 2018 people

>they don't know


what? the point is that the switch is exactly as portable as the vita.

she said, triumphantly pulling up her high waisted shorts

Vita is the GOAT handheld from a technical/design perspective. That d-pad was so nice.

Based on this thread, it's finnicky if it even works at all.

It's kind of redundant in a way now. Especially with Vita games slowly creeping onto PC now. A lot of those can already play on a GPD Win. They might end up on Switch at some point because it's becoming too attractive of a console not to consider quick and dirty ports for. Even if they are digital only.

I going to get a GPD Win 2 too. The GPD Win was impressive enough to me, despite it's flaws (mine's lasted since I got it and it's an early model. The Win 2 won't have it's overheating issues) and it's going to have like double to triple the power and can even play shit like Resident Evil VII. It's expensive but you can play F-Zero GX on the go on it.

I play ps1 games on my phone. As well as most games
I have a controller attachment that fits PSP style BTW

Difference between Vita and Switch

-Switch is big and bulky in comparison
-Switch has no superior OLED screen
-Switch has awful battery time
-Switch has awful d-pad

And of course there is the usual Nintendo head aches of way overpriced games and extended seasons of game drought. It's just not as appealing in its current form to me.

There are like 3 games on the Vita that are exclusive and worth playing. Just buy a PSP CFW.

I don't need one anymore, either because I have one

Switch and Vita have about the same battery life, and the Switch is WAY less fucking bulky. I have an OG Vita, not a slim, but my Vita is the same size as the Switch with the joycons removed but the Switch is far thinner and less bulky. I'll give you the OLED and the D-Pad though, Vita D-Pad is pure sex.


Why did I think MML was Japan only? Did that change? To be fair I never kept up with PSP or Vita

Android phone with PSP +DS + GBA + N64 emulators. Good enough.

I got one after piracy happened
Sony did one too many anti-consumer things without it, not limited to their ridiculously overpriced proprietary memory cards and their buggy and restrictive content manager for file transfers

Does Switch have good standby time, or is it as shit as the 3ds?