Fighting games are little more than softcore 3d posing software.
Fighting games are little more than softcore 3d posing software
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I see nipple
Fighting games are 2D garbage, gameplay wise.
Real 3D fighting games are the future.
i wish tekken 7's shitty vr mode had come out on pc. footpussy so tender
Dark Souls is what I hoped Soul Calibur's combat would evolve into.
>Dark Souls is what I hoped Soul Calibur's combat would evolve into.
what, you want stamina AND health meters in a fighting game?
>Dark SOuls COmbat meme
>I want fighting games to have two buttons to do combos
>Being this dumb
That's because you are a stupid casual. Fucking moron. It should be the other way around.
What is offhand?
Damn, this is ACTUAL footsies.
Even the worst soul calibur game has more depth than fucking dark souls pvp lol
Tekken 7 is honestly one of the best fighting games I’ve ever played. I can’t say it’s better than 5DR, but then again, what is?
7 is an absolutely fantastic game that has re-invigorated my interest in a genre I’d stopped paying attention to half a decade ago. The only real problem I have with the game is that the online ranking system encourages people to only rematch if they think they’ll win. This means that you’ll lose to a guy 8 times, beat him once and he’ll quit. That shit can get absolutely infuriating.
Idk that beat em up for the wii was pretty fucking shallow.
No thanks, the balance was terrible and rewarded shit players who do nothing but spam R1 with the most generic and overused weapons.
Dark Souls 2 had much better dueling, almost every weird combination of weapons was viable if you were a decent player, so lots of players used very unique builds.
Dark Souls 1 and 2 also had much better invasions, the level design allowed players to do more fun bullshit, and invasions were actually winnable without having to somehow oneshot the host.
DS2 PVP without lag is better than actual fighting games.
Softcore > hardcore porn
Only good part of hardcore sex is the physical sensation, but since you're not getting that from watching porn of it you're just watching the nasty shit that goes down. Softcore is more genuine as you're pleasuring yourself to a tease.
Hardcore porn is about imagining yourself fucking the girl
That's why faceless men doujins are ideal.
Good for me I don't self insert, I just enjoy the action.
You obviously haven't played SF 3rd Strike
That fucking game is amazing and has a depth beyond any fighting game I've ever played.
>tfw I successfully parry a super at low health and turn the game around
You feel like a god
Games are just posing simulators anyway
Not him but I find it weird how as an outsider from the Street Fighter series all the popularity revolves around 2 and 4 and you never really hear of 3 but apparently it's the absolute best one.
>not self inserting
You're right, I'm sorry. Clearly having a total of 4 moves with no difference is good design. You're the reason fighting games are going to shit, Dark Souls PVP is fun, but it's not even a fraction as deep as a decent amount of fighting games. It's literally circle, dodge, swing.
i dont understand why like almost all fighting games are so shit stylistically.
its just fucking le hot girls
why do people crop this shit
Just wait til I make my fighting game user I'll save the genre.
You a homo?
if that's a male ass I'm the gayest faggot there is.
No, it's a girl
I was postulating that he is a fag because he wasn't impressed by it