>100 niggers are about to corner and assrape you
>You have the last weapon you used in a video game
How fucked are you?
>100 niggers are about to corner and assrape you
>You have the last weapon you used in a video game
How fucked are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
it was either an orcish warhammer or an incendiary potion. I think I'll be okay either way
Shotgun from Spelunky so it has unlimited shells. Fire a warning shot but then shoot one anyway right after.
A a scar H
these aren't good odds
Better lube up.
>Nemean Cestus
I'll be fine.
>Xenoblade 2
Guess I have my own blade, niggers about to get fucked
those niggas gonna see some visions
>Physgun from GMod
>pick them up and slam them all into each other
Uhh, I guess a missile launcher that fires three missiles at a time.
They'd be running
>fly into the sky and bomb them
>Sly 3
>Spin Move part of my basic kit
Probably fine.
Hammer from Donkey Kong. Assuming it works like in the game, I think I'm good. if it works like real life, it'd be a lot tougher, but still help a lot.
>A spear.
W-will I make it?
Luckily they're not necromorphs
Does it come with the ability to use it?
Because there's no way I can lift this thing
If I can swing it like she does though
Tales will be told in the hood for generations
a book that i can use to cast spells i'm fucked
Nope. there's too many
indeed, they are simple negromorph
My boot from Dark Messiah
>eve online
like 27 of these fucking things
I prayed for this to happen.
Fuck me, I was just playing pic related and I was in a pillow fight scene
no, they know the spear better than you do
well, since f/go uses servants like weapons, this is my weapon
I'm safe
>Hazy Caster IG
I'll just vault over them. Would have straight up flew if it was a glaive from world.
>Yoshitsune with hassou tobi
They're fucked
Just shaking it would save me.
She's too dumb user
A lot of you guys are really overestimating your ability defend against this rape pack. You may have the last vidya weapon, but do you have the skill to use it.
Even without ether YOURE DONE
i get shalamayne from varian in heroes of the storm, i doubt i could even hold it but it can fuck a nigga u[
We all die in an inferno
Use it like the tiny tonitrus it'll send those niggas running
>Furious Power Fist from Fallout 4
It seems guaranteed to take a limb off every time I hit, so I might be ok if I can make an example of the first few.
I'm good.
Sledge Hammer
I'll be okay if I can get them into an alley
You were loud and ugly and now you're DEAD! Amen.
No weapon but a succubus, so they're the ones who're getting fucked
probably fine
Just take the protection talent and you'll never die.
You know you guys wouldn't even be able to carry some of these weapons and some of them only work with specific people
A veteran Russian mechanised battalion.
I'm going to be okay.
That's not from a video game you fucking retard
>tears from the Binding of Isaac
very realistic
>a fat man
ill be fine
What a fine time to play OSOK in Gears of War
I'm safe
I use my Warframe Akmagnus against you instea commie. The niggers feast on your fried flesh with fava beans and a fine grape drank. F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f
>propkilling niggers
this needs to be a new gmod gamemode
Congratulations you're now in prison and there's still 100 niggers ready to corner and assrape you
>A level 50 skell from Xenoblade Chronicles X
These nigs are nogged.
I'm good.
AKM from RS2, i think like 4 30 round magazines
Perfect Kamehameha is kind of a weapon right?
>SW: Empire at war Planetary hypervelocity gun
I'm not liking my choices here.
>mega buster
A caster staff. I can't cast spells irl so all this weapon gives me is more stamina to endure the pain. I'm fucked.
I am become death destroyer of pavement apes
I'm fucked x100
Final fantasy tactics advance. So I guess I can pick and choose? I'll just pick a totema summon.
You have 100 bullets?
>Master Sword
Do niggers emanate dark energy? Still not liking the odds.
>my Unbreakable III, Sharpness IV, Fire Aspect, and Mending diamond sword in minecraft
Fuck me, I'll probably be alright but how do i stop having autism lads
My Plague Kripath in Warframe. If I could do sick spin2win I could maybe fend a few off.
don't be mean to my battle buddy
Enough extra mags.
There's gonna be ass rape alright
Is a Greek hoplite army a weapon?
Pretty fucked, I cut myself just looking at this thing
You got the STR for that thing, user?
Post muscles.
>Dwarf Fortress
A whole fort full of dwarfs and around 20-30 military dwarfs with ok weapons and skills.
Decent odds.
>Used the dildo in Dead Rising 2 as a joke
>Get fucked by niggers
Is just a one time rape or am I a rape slave. Asking for a friend
>master sword
>the blade that literally seals the darkness
I think I will be all right.
>DR4 Exo-suit
Think I'm good, gonna vaporize some negroes.
The BFG from Nu-Doom
We’ll be alright
Thermite's Assault rifle. the 5XX or something. I think im pretty set
sure bro
>SaviorHuckmon in Hacker's Memory
I'm fine.
Set the beam to wide and the intensity to high and vaporize like 20 at a time
so do i just get all of them?
well there goes the neighborhood...
They die, I die of cancer.
depending on how many doors they have to walk through I might be fine.
Prepare for disappointment Fallout 4
>gore magala greatsword in mhgen
ooh yeah
I doubt you'd even be able to lift your arms up with those on.
>It doesnt hurt people
>Niggers arent people
Im good
>that feel when old gods will not help