Do people really believe G is not Q?

do people really believe G is not Q?

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getting really strong aniki vibes off of that cody design

He quite blatantly isn't. For one thing Q is black

Do people really believe Cody is not Haggar?

>Q is black

Why would Blanka do this irl ?

Does Cody actually look like that in sfv?

Not even kidding. You can see it when his pants leg moves up

Because he's a fun-loving goofball who's BFFs with Dan Scrubiki.

Why the FUCK are Q and Turd Strike so popular all of a sudden?

He's dressing up as the mascot of the arcade Sakura's working in now

im playing blanka just because of that costume
ragequits are going to be endless

Q has always been a cult favorite.

I don't like you.

It's a costume.

this wouldn't be the first time capcom took out negros tho, Laura and sean are no longer black

How can you see that shit?


What a hunk.

Birdie is also black but that didn't stop them white washing him

Q's the guy on the right

You got that backwards, he was white but then they made him black.

Brazilians aren’t Black you goof.

that's too orange. it honestly looks like a prosthetic or sock something, not his leg

the skin around his neck is definitely white

What will G play like?

For comparison's sake

In what world is that white? You can't even claim it's the shade because it shows the light catching his neck

Q, probably. Slow but strong, might have some way to increase his defenses.

but you can see his blonde hair a white neck

maybe he's argentinian

sean was a black brazilian like anderson silva

Hes dark skin because he went evil. Don't you know Japanese lore? Dark skin mean evil like Evil Ryu.

Same here. Second charge character I'm actually gonna try and get good with.

Looking forward to meet you :^)

Not like a discount Balrog, hopefully

White people are the evil ones tho

by pausing the frame

Q was always the best part of Thirdstrike. He was fun as fuck to play.

Sean is in the story mode and he's still black, he has different hair though

like charge character and his vskill enhances his attacks

No. He was a Brazilian. Like Lucio in Overwatch. He has never been stated to be Afro-Brazilian

he isn't black anymore

So what is Q, is he a freak or is he just a masked superhero?

him and Laura are both canonically japanese-brazilian arent they
i thought that was confirmed

>G wears a mask that looks nothing like Q's, he must be Q guys
Do you know what this means? Cody must be Haggar guys.

if you look at his skin color and hair and think he isn't black, i don't know what to tell you

No, he's his partner. When they're together they from the super duo, GQ

play cinematic story, he doesn't look like that at all

two people in the series with single letter names and matching outfits are clearly related, I doubt G is Q though - both probably serve the same organisation

A and D will be trannies

its not like hes also wearing a fedora and a coat or anything
besides, 3rd strike as 2d, of course its going to look different with sfv aesthetic
g is q

They're clearly related in some way seeing as how that's his story outfit.

As a black dude who has straight hair far more similar to a white guy. I'm gonna tell you to stop talking because clearly you have no idea how hair works in parent to child situations. Not every white person has straight hair. Not all black people have curly hair. Not all Asians have thing straight black hair. His last name is fucking Matsuda. That's a Japanese in origin last name.

they're in the same agency you brainlets

who gives a shit what his parents where?

and being white is like being straight. one strike and you're out
nigger hair? not white
sucking cock? not straight

pretty simple my friend from argentina

>as a black dude

His fucking last name is Matsuda. Just shut the fuck up. Your shitty head canon is not accurate.

>Implying futanari isn't straight
>Implying sucking on some sweet feminine penis once would make me not straight

>falke is gen's successor

yeah nigger because his great grandparent being from japan makes his skin white and fixes his hair. no wonder jamals can't get jobs


futanari is straight but trans is gay
this is fact

gonna need you to suace me up bro

who said anything about him being white?

>falke is ed's mom