Kill final boss

>kill final boss
>credits start rolling
>health bar appears over credits

Other urls found in this thread:

>Final boss is the developer

>final boss is a bunch of shapes

Name 2 games that do this

And what game did this? Come on OP, share with the class.

>you're not allowed to save before the credits start rolling
>you have to watch two 30 minute cutscenes before each boss

>final boss is literally the credits shooting schmup bullets at you


>Get the last hit on the final boss.
>Credits start rolling immediately and you're free to wail on him as he starts to self-destruct.
>If playing multiplayer you can compete to see who gets the most hits on him before the credits end and he explodes.

>Final boss is God

Final boss is god's god.

>kill final boss
>the final boss actually kills you and then also accidentally impales himself while killing you

donkey kong country

> kill final boss
> boss takes on a whole new form
> repeat kills changes boss into another form
> and another after that
> no end in sight

>boss is super long and drawn out
>doesn't help that he can charm your party members and get instant full heal
>people say it's the best boss in the series despite how drawn out and frustrating it is

>kill final boss
>no credits, just dialogue between the party members
>oh no, killing the big bad fucks the world
>they can send you back in time, you need to stop yourself
>MC gets sent back in time, puts on a cloak as a disguise
>oh shit, MC was the first boss that you fought in the game
>MC was severely weakened going back in time
>meet the MC's party, but this time you are the MC in disguise as the boss
>robed MC tries to convince the other MC to stop what they are doing and give up their quest
>shit, this dialogue makes sense now
>battle, your health is low due to the time travel, your spells are mostly locked, your gear is non-existant
>you lose the fight, cloaked MC slumps to the ground as the past MC and the party move on
>screen fades to black, dialogue box pops up
>you were unable to change the past, the future is doomed
>credits roll

what game?
sounds kino

>kill final boss
>boss transforms into a boring feature film

i wish i could fucking remember, watched my cousin play it at his house over the course of a weekend, it was an older RPG, SNES or genesis, can't remember which one. been trying to figure it out for decades. /vr/ hasn't been able to remember either.

So a permanent time loop then

Would be better if somehow fought Zero as the final boss

>kill final boss
>credits start rolling
>real baddy tears through screen
>game is only half over
It's not even a secret what game this is from anymore.

Fuck, google is showing nothing and I'm really hype to play it now, looks like this is my new internet white whale

After beating Django in Ehrgeiz arcade you get a final form fight while credits are rolling but no HP bars are visible(you can be defeated though) and If I recall you have to break open some boxes and stab the boss with the weapons inside to clear it.

It's from Kid Icarus: Uprising. This game is so fucking good.

I didn't like KIU, not becuase it wasn't fun but I think I actually did some serious wrist damage playing it on the bus to school

>shoot before you get in the room
>kill the boss and skip the fight

>Music stops
>Redeemed Final Boss apears
>Did you forget about me?
>jk have a nice day

>Entire game hypes up this boss as the BBEG
>You beat him and celebrate in starting town.
you're not even halfway through the game at this point.

>Lufia 2

pandemonium warden is that you?

>boss is invulnerable
>you have to solve a fucking logic puzzle to make him hurt
>it requires you to seriously think about it, while he is flinging shit and minions at you
>unlike in other parts of the games,
you can't pause here

name 1 game

>Saint's Row: The Third

>final boss is you

>optional superboss gives you (one) item that gives (one) character in your party of (four) immunity to all damage
>can only get it once per ng+
>still have to farm up levels to beat the boss because it has a move that bypasses its own immunity item

I couldn't pause because it was bugged

>get to final boss
>its the character you played as in the tutorial and his companion
>enter NG+
>get to final boss again
>if you are in offline mode, the final boss is your character and AI companion wearing the gear you had equipped when you fought the final boss last time
>if you are in on-line mode, the final boss is the character and AI companion of a random player wearing the gear they had equipped when they beat the final boss

>Final boss is you having flashbacks of killing your former comrades and having a breakdown


>Final boss IS the credits


ffxiv does something sorta similar. theres a world boss that spawns once or twice a week and he takes the appearance of whoever got the killing blow on him during his last spawn which would be cool if you didnt need 40+ players to kill him

>beat the game
>post credits scene
>Objective: Survive

>stop momentarily to heal up/restock ammo/etc.
>almost immediately hear some shit starting in the background

>beat the game
>post credits
>"true route/ending unlocked"


I don't fucking believe this is a real game.

>final boss in on its last leg
>QTE appears for the final strike
>boss' waifu threws herself in front of the blade
>she dies
>justice is not on your side anymore
>you control the boss now
>you have to kill the entire team and yourself

what fucking game son

Well, we'd need more details then that. Was it a JRPG? Could they time travel throughout the game? What was the battle system like? Everything you can remember.

I love that shit

>final boss changes the games genre

name one


it was a JRPG, had a menu system very similar to chrono trigger/final fantasy games (attack/magic/item/etc.). I know it was either snes or genesis, definitely wasn't a generation beyond that. as for time travel, it was hinted at throughout the game that the big bad was using time travel to do evil shit, but after you kill him there was no was to stop whatever it was he was doing, which was eventually going to fuck the world over.

Not the final boss, but

>mischief makers
>side scrolling game
>get to Merco's second battle
>turns into a bullet hell level
>have to avoid projectiles and attacks in 2D while Merco can move in 2.5D
>literally has a "bullet hell" attack where he just fires streams of projectiles at you faster than you can catch and block, so you have to avoid them

>Developers remake game
>Try same technique
>Developers call out said technique and starts boss fight


>final boss is god or some shit

>game based on movie
>kill final boss in similar fight from the movie
>suddenly the directors of the film pop up and go 'actually, lets try something different'
>boss comes back with a new super crazy form


>final boss is god
>easier the the miniboss right before it

>approach the final boss
>the first thing it does is delete your save file so you only have one chance at beating it

(1) game

>final boss is some dude who wants to rule the world or something and has some special power or whatever I don't know

Undertale, but you still get unlimited attempts.

>Final boss is your next door neighbor

Bayonetta 1 did this didnt it?

>youre the final boss

>fake final boss and credits
>People who didn't unlock the true final boss and credits complain about the game having a shitty ending

>The credits are the final boss

>Game even tells you that there is more to see
>and still, people complain

I never bothered to look at how they do those 'fourth wall' moments on PS4/Vita.
Do they actually force the game to close?

>mid-game boss is the final boss unless you have a specific item

>final boss is a gas station attendant


>kill final boss
>credits roll
>character talking leisurely about how the world is at peace
>"wait just a second"
>true final boss comes rip out the credits and you realize you are nowhere near the ending

>The final boss was the real MC all along

you spelled god wrong

never forget

>beat final boss
>short epilogue sequence
>credits start rolling
>health bar
>boss gets back up
>credits keep rolling
>if you don't beat the boss before credits are over, you lose and must start the entire fight over

>final boss is machine head

>you can play as the final boss
>you can just wipe out existence and instantly win if you're low on hp

>Credits are a shitty minigame
>You have to perfect it to unlock shit/get the best ending

Are there any racing games like redline?

Bullshit. What game?

>secret boss is worse than normal final boss

Path of Neo

>both wachowski brothers came out as trans and have since transitioned

liberalism was a mistake


MK Ultra

I thought only one came out as trans

It's the dialogue



>being THIS offended by other people genitals

>beat final boss
>credits end

Yes. There are also a few times where the name of the program window will change depending on what part of the game you're at.

I mean how does that work on the PS4/Vita version?