What are your thoughts on Wayforward and the Shantae series?

What are your thoughts on Wayforward and the Shantae series?

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she cute

Tired of that bitch having a cult following, with said cult following trying to push her into anything Smash related.

They are good series of platformers with a nice cast of characters and damn good spritework.


I was one of those, but HGH was half-assed, so now she doesn't deserve that spot.

I mean, she'd have a fun moveset, but she just isn't there, yet. Lip, Mona, Wolf, Snake, Ice Climbers, Bomberman, all the other veterans, Peppy and Slippy, Inklings, all deserve to be in well before her.

But keep in mind, she deserves in over One-Off Knight and Blunder Red.

Pirates curse is the best game in the series.

Come here Sup Forums and tell me the truth.
Are the Shantae games above your average or people just give a damn about them cause of fapbait characters?

Oh they're definitely above the current average. But not by much.
A little of both. Not enough of both to help it take off.

They are good games.



Half Genie Hero is good but it feels unfinished.

Wayforward are bad devs and you can count the number of good games they've churned out on one finger (msf series). Shantae is not good. Shantae is so goddam mediocre it makes my brain melt comprehending that a team of human beings could come together and make such a tasteless grungy sequel. Three times in a row.

The action is bad, frictionless, watery, floury, annoying. Enemy encounters are as enjoyable as the buzz of tinnitus in one's ear. The bosses feel like student projects. The platforming is less exciting than the original Donkey Kong. Sometimes the games will hand out bullshit fetch quests to pad the game out between levels-- here is where the games are their most challenging as the player has to fight their common sense telling them to just turn the game off. The series is below average. The games fell down the pit and continue to sink further into the average abyss. There are way better pieces of media to jerk off to you ironic weeb fucking filth.

I think Wayforward should just give a full Catgirl Without Salad already, fucking hell.


First game is a charming, albeit flawed and aged GBC game

Rest of the series is throwaway

The first game is a charming GBA game that didn't get the recognition it deserved the first time around
Risky's Revenge is half a game
Pirates Curse is genuinely good bordering on great
Half Genie Hero is decent though a step down from Pirates Curse.


Jake Kaufman is a god.


Wayforward makes generally solid games, Shantae is a solid series.

He has perfected video game soundtracks

needs a real metroid-length game, not this short and sweet shit they keep doing

the potential is there and they don't seem to give a shit for some reason

>Shantae has gauntlet-things, a jewel on her circlet and detached red sleeves in gbc and RR
>Shantae loses the sleeves in pc but gets a cool vest
>in HGH she loses the vest and somehow the jewel in her circlet and nothing to replace them

No sir, I do not like it

The first game on GBC was alright and can be fun
Risky’s revenge is an improvement but the map is fucking awful
Pirate’s curse is the best in the series and a great game you can enjoy without knowing anything about Shantae.
HGH is a disappointment

The series hasn't really had a lot of money behind it. WF basically pays their own bill with the money they make from licensed stuff. They used crowdfunding for HGH, but $800k is not a lot for a large game like you're describing.

Now WF is an actual company with multiple contracts, so they can't really afford to go full indie liek they did for the first game. They can't risk their houses like the Cuphead guys did, or ask for family loans like the Shovel Knight guys did, but they also probably don't want to make people wait another decade for another Shantae like between GBC and Risky's.

I guess the question is how much money they might be making now off of their larger library and ports.

they also forgot that her pants are slightly transparent

I want to fuck dat ponytail!

I miss her water wings.
At least Lab Zero seems to have remembered them.