ITT: Your favorite GPU
ITT: Your favorite GPU
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radeon 9700
this one just cause it's the one i have
*GT 1030
I'll always fondly remember my first.
The sub $5,000 ones.
This lasted me way longer than it probably should have been able to. Still got it as an emergency backup.
This was such a god tier GPU it was rebranded 4 times and would still outperform a PS4. I wish AMD was competitive in the graphics card space again
Had that one also but I wasn't lucky as you.
crossfire served me well ;_:7
How do you guys deal with GPUs being insanely expensive because every dumb 14 year old on earth is thinking >MOM I WANNA MINE BITCOINS, IT'S FREE MONEY and pumped the price of GPUs 200%.
It's just so cute
i was lucky enough to grab a 980ti back in may before shit really hit the fan
Not be dumb and know where to find them for msrp
Same. My 8800gt melted.
I just bought a used one with a transferable no questions asked warranty
Unfortunately I'm not omniscient like you.
This. I loved my 7850. I ended up jumping ship to Nvidia and Intel when I upgraded. My computer has been a space heater ever since.
link? im stuck with a 660(served me well) while using a 4790k OCd to 4.6ghz and im trying to upgrade to a 1060 3gb or 6gb.
even locally finding one for a good price is bullshit
I own one non ironically and its only flaw is the noise and fying the i/o controller of a shitty prebuild motherboard.
I like how blowers look like and you can get lower temp if you are willing to accept extreme noise because stock the fan only run at 47%. At 100% its the most hilarious thing in the world.
rip in piece big guy
if it wasn't broken, I'd still be using it
Literally have this gpu sitting on my PC waiting for a new PSU to be in my PC I have a 9500gt in this bitch now so sad with my i7 2600
This thing is too aesthetic.
I can't remember the first I had, was some AMD 4000-5000 something, was red lol.
The one I had from 2006/2008 till 2013 was a 9800gt from nvidia. comfy. have a 750ti now but I wanna buy a 1070ti.
not quite
the pitcairn chips didn't make it to rx 400 series, but the cape verde (7750) ones did
that thing is so loud I bet your neighbors can hear it
This thread is full of poorfags
yeah, you dont have shit
fuck off
don't go for the 3gb, please
Why would I get a single gpu for 2100 dollars when I can get pic related with free pubic hair?
My first Card, It's so pretty and not bad at all
Not him, but I just got a 1080 ti new for $750 on Amazon. You just need to be patient.
you forgot the M400 series
My very first card...boy it sure did outperform my Intel X3100!
This was my first, blew my mind seeing those kind of graphics.
get the 6gb model if it doesn't cost too much more, typically you're paying 30% more for less than 10% extra performance and that's just from the 6gb model having more cuda cores
keep in mind that at least in current modern games you're not getting any extra performance out of the memory, and in the future where it might be relevant, the power of the card will bottleneck you sooner than a lack of memory will
>XFX will never make more nvidia cards
I really liked the ATi 3850HD Radeon I had way back when. It was a fucking mule. Haven't had a better card since.
This was Nvidias best price/performance GPU ever.
>get the 6gb model if it doesn't cost too much more, typically you're paying 30% more for less than 10% extra performance
didn't you just discredit your own opinion? I don't understand, why would he go for the 6GB when it's 30% more expensive and 10% better in performance
Google "build a PC sales" and click the first link. Enjoy redditfags scouring the internet for the latest deals for you. I got my 1060 6gb from evga yesterday but they're gone now. evga isn't hiking up prices when they have them available.
This was my first real graphics card. God damn that shit blew me away after only running games with software rendering
the fatty bulge on the abdomen is visually unpleasant, doesn't look good especially when you look somewhere else and use the corner of your eye
I want one of these fucking things but its damn near six feet tall, where the fuck would I hide it?
in your closet
>not the Pro
poorfag detected
Why are indians and third worlders obsessed with this card
Because Devs are lazy and as the average VRAM requirement gets arbitrarily raised over time the 3Gb model will see major performance hits.
I was so frustrated when my 1.5Gb GTX 590 sputtered with Dark Souls III because it was VRAM limited.
Nothing worse than knowing you have the metal under the hood but its being choked by VRAM limitations.
No, user. You display your power level naked with pride
I have a mobile version in my laptop that, to this day almost 8 years later still plays FFXIV.
GT MX4000. The last GPU i know of that worked in normal PCI slots. It was my first attempt at replacing a part in a computer.
>six feet tall
hnnnng, where do I get one?
Literally my first card, buy it a week ago, to mine crypto
Cool screenshot m8
what gpu do you have m8?
mine is the gtx970
upgraded last year but i still like that card, really good value
how much?
id get one if i could customize
she isnt ugly by any means, but i dont like her hair, her face puts me a bit off too, tit size is good but too exaggerated for me, hips and waist difference too because i prefer something more real, same with these long nails and make up, too exaggerated, it should be less showing, she seems a bit too bulky too, to pay so much id want something perfect, also i live with me mum
Objectively the best card ever made
Pic related.
Playing UT with Voodoo 3 blew my mind
I can't find pics or info about her important parts anywhere
yup this
my baby
the last AGP card I had was HD3650
Had this puppy back in the day, really cool and quiet for fermi
this baby, not my first one but the most important one
my baby
I'm still running that same model.
It's a relatively recent thing and i bought my gpu a couple of years ago so for me it wasn't an issue.
If i had to upgrade now for whatever reason i'd look for something used, a gtx 970 could be had that was cheap, performed well and probably wasn't ever used for mining.
GTX 1080 Ti preferably 6 of them
Served me well.
>came free with dirt 3 and another game
MMMMMAN those were the days
post rig, user
also, did anyone have this back in 2012? i feel like everyone else with a gaming pc did
>tfw only got dirt 3
still worth it tho, put many hours into that
dude same
i put like 250 hours on it
My first card.
I'm not planning on upgrading any time soon and when I finally do prices will more than likely be back down again.
For me, its the HD 7790 literally aged like wine thanks to drivers.
>literally the first GCN 1.1 card so it gets latest updates
>runs literally like a ps4
>even if the card is already under min reqs for several new games, won't worry because if it is on ps4 it will run on this shit.
Option 1) Use your GPU to earn money.
Option 2) Sell your GPU to miners
If you can't figure out how to profit from this you are either a poorfag with an anicent GPU or an idiot or both
PS4 is more akin to a 7850
Xbone is a 7790
This is what I have. Its good but christ if it isnt power hungry.
Step aside fools
I bought a 1060 6gb a week before Black Friday for 270 bucks. Im pretty happy with that.
You can customize them.
Had it until last year. Finished Witcher 3 on 30 fps. Really good card.
>maxes out FEAR1 and BF2 at 1280x1024
Remember when AGP was the future?
Kill yourself. I can't find a decent card because of your fucking trends.
i had two of these in sli, lasted me all the way to 4xx. they both still work to this day.
Actually, the xbone is more like 7770.
I have played countless games on this and i can assure you its literally a ps4.
Also, there was a series on digitalfoundry where they compared a 750ti vs ps4 on various games.