Am I the only one who noticed that only shitty and irrelevant countries prefer the ps4 to the Switch?

Am I the only one who noticed that only shitty and irrelevant countries prefer the ps4 to the Switch?
Let's take a look
>Countries that prefer Nintendo Switch
>Countries that prefer the Ps4
>Europoor countries
>south american shit holes

Other urls found in this thread:

You realize that France and Italy are eurofag countries, right?

I hope this isnt a fucking vgchartz thread or Sup Forums really is a fucking retard

Yeah but they are relevant ones and decent ones.
No, it's a thread theorizing why only low IQ countries buy sony shit. I think you need to have a very high IQ to understand the Switch.

>Italy and France
Pick one.


>3rd highest GPD in the world
>2nd biggest cultural relevance
No goys, it is doesn't matter!

US, france and italy all have below 100 average IQ

So who IS relevant?


Are you culturally impaired?

So where the Switch is selling better than the PS4

>fucking italy

>FIFAland buys the FIFA/CoD machine

wow im so shocked

Where are you from?

Nintendo consoles also generally do better in Canada than other ones, and Canada is the greatest country in the world

Ain't they completely different? Switch is like a psp, and ps4 is like ps4.


no wonder the switch is so popular in france

Every European immigrant I know literally only owns Fifa and Cod and always only one soyny console. I remember this guy had like every single years Fifa for his PS3, that's literally the only games he owned

Pick one.

100% white vs

Your prince literally married a nigger lmaooo

>Five year-old sales vs. One year-old sales
Gee! I wonder.

Europoors are the ones keeping Sony, EA, Ubisoft, and all the other shitty AAA sports/shootan devs afloat.

>2nd highest cultural relevance.
Kek. Fuck off delusional weeb.

Post NA top sellers

>Nintendo is culture
Holy fucking moly

Switch is winning there too though. membership

A fucking carry case and screen protector beat soyny lmaooo

Could have something to do with Nintendo not understanding the concept of sales. I'm not paying over 30 bucks for a game, take it or leave it. Sony wants my money and Ninty doesn't. Well I guess I'll just emulate their shit in a couple of years and that'll be it.

>Projecting his insecurity.
No dice, weeb.

He's talking about the influence of France and Italy on Western culture you fucking spacker. I bet you're an Americuck.

This isn't about a fucking childs toy, it's about what's the most (and only) relevant country on this planet.

sonygames are more than 60 at release

No, he's saying that only countries that buy majority Nintendo can be culturally relevant




That's only because of the sony niggers lowering the average

>Me la pase toda la noche, jugando a la PLAY
Spain and other shitholes love their soccer and PlayStation shit gets all the publicity you can imagine in a soccer match.

Yes, but PS4 has great sales. You can buy almost any game at 30 bucks within a year. I bought HZD and FFXV this holiday season and it was cheap. But Nintendo barely drops prices and when it does it's years after release

Consoles sale better later in their life retard.

name a more culturally relevant country besides the US.

We're speaking the language of that country right now.

Only shit skins like the ps4. Whites and Japs prefer the Switch.
>I bought shitty games

American? After all, the USA flag is often the flag used to represent the language.

Because I enjoy video games. I also pirated Zelda by the way and it was okay too.

you can get the superior version of those games for ~10-20 bucks per game more
also gotta buy another controller if you want to play multiplayer

>uses "pretend to be a retard"
>it's ineffective


>Because I like videogames
You like videogames so you bought shit videogames?
>I also bought Zelda
That only proves my point faggot.

I simply don't know what country you are talking about. It definitely can't be England because they haven't been relevant in over 50 years. Japan has a higher GDP and cultural influence.

why are sonys so defensive of their company? are they all underage phoneposters?

>posting amazon topsellers
NA really is degenerated


ps4 is for people who can't afford a PC
switch is for PC owners who wanted mobile support

>3rd highest GDP in the world
You do know that Japan's debt is more than 200% of its GDP. Just for a comparison the USA's debt is about 70-80% GDP.

>2nd biggest cultural influence
That's just because it is the largest of the three countries that were never under European control and thus wasn't forced to adapt the European, or what you think of as American, Culture. So yes it is the second largest cultural influence if you assume that the rest of the globe is just one single country.

>Japan isn't relevant.
>"Name a more relevant country then the US?!?!"
Burgerducation everyone.


PC + Switch is the god-tier combo

>Japan has zero cultural relevance outside of deluded weebs.



>sonyfag who can't read fails at trolling

fuck off nintendie, don't lump us with you soykids

>south american shit holes
Argentina here. Enjoy your overpriced cardboard, mutt.

This is some next level autism. A console that has been out 5 years is always going to sell worse than something that's been out for less >1, period. That's not up for interpretation, its fact.

Yes, France is a European country.

PC is soy central lol

>GDP is ever a good indicator of a country's prosperity
Yeah, so how does that wealth disparity feel?

Nigger if the queen wants your country you hand it over that's how it will go down it's as simple as that

Unless you're coloured there's no excuse to be poor, literally the only poor whites ive ever met were immigrants from Europe

>P=Please America don't leave
>P-Please stop beating us at everything!

You're an idiot. Go on, name a country more culturally relevant than Japan that isn't the US.

Let's count the Countries that are sucking Tatsumi's Nintendick so far.

1. America
2. Japan
3. Korea
4. China (The Switch is coming there soon)
5. Italy
6. Canada
7. Mexico
8. Spain
9. France
10. Germany

And let's list the places that are FIFA cocksuckers.

1. South America
2. 45% of Europe.

Europe literally has the worst taste in vidya. You thought China was bad with PUBG but at least it isn't fucking P2W.

even though france/germany/spain are fifa central they finally come to their senses and buy consoles with actual games

yeah yeah yeah
105 million PS1 sells didn't count
155+ million PS2 sells didn't count
~83-85 million PS3 sells didn't count
Not 70+ million PS4 sells don't count

we get it.

This image becomes more and more true by the day.

>he thinks vgchartz is a reliable source

I know you're desperate to shitpost but come on

Those actually had games you retard. Ps1 and 2 fans aren't ps4 fans. Ps4 fans are shit skins who play Fifa and Madden.

no they count, it's just that nobody buys the playstation 4 for it's exclusives

Ps1 and 2 had fifa and madden

>NPD, mediacreate and Nintendo themselves aren't credible sources
The only made-up numbers are your PS4's Eurocuck sales because they don't report any numbers.

>VG chartz

Yeah it also had good games.

You know what's funny? I have no idea where Sony will go with the PS5. They basically tried everything at this point.

>Needing to try
Just announce a new FIFA

Am I the only one that noticed how pathetic you have to be to care THIS much about corporate numbers and even make daily posts about it?

No it didn't

Bros, I already said I get it. The reality of the situation doesnt matter, all that matters are the excuses and justifications you come up with to invalidate it.

You see a number you don't like and make up a reason. Who cares if PS1 outsold N64 3-to-1? Who cares if PS2 outsold GC more than 7-to-1? Who cares if Wii only outsold the PS3 by 20% (1-to-0.8) let's just say it obliterated the competition! Who care if PS4 outsold the WiiU 5-to-1 at this point, and that Switch won't catch up to it in its lifespan?
Adding words to the numbers is what matters, not the numbers themselves.

So another rehash that'll only sell in Europe?

>France is full of baguette niggers now

What the fuck happened?

It literally doesn't matter what the PS5 does, just bundle it with some new bullshit FIFA or Uncharted game and boom, free money for Sony.

Soytendo fags leaving out the full chart again. Sony won.

That is honestly really fucking sad.

>Only countries where the Switch sells more matter.
>The whole world doesn't matter.

The state of Soytendo manchildren.

the whole world isn't europe

Thats because everyone already has a ps4 on the relevant countries

The whole world isn't Europe you fucking idiot.

Brazilian here
i played both, one friend has a ps4 and one has a switch.
I like the switch way more than the Ps4,