>Go to Pixiv
>Search Homura
>Get this
Go to Pixiv
>Search Tokiha
>Get this
Why does no on like Chocolate Pudding Ice Knight Wife?
what a shame
>go to Pixiv
>no good fanart
el oh el
>Load up booru downloader
>Search Homura
>Get this
>go to rule34
>search mommy
>get this
Pyra is hot but her tits are just a bit too big
>Go to Pixiv
>Search Ikari
>Get this
fuck off shadposter
post homu
l don't get why they need to exaggerate her features, her in game model has literally perfect proportions
>go to pixiv
>search Undertale
>plenty of charisk
Christ alive.
Her artist is shit. How did he fuck up such a great concept? Plus her navel is 3 miles away from her crotch, it just looks bad.
>search xiv
>it's a soytendo thread and not a ffxiv thread
>soy fantasy
That's my point, I've only seen a few pics of her, and they all range from mediocre to, well THAT.
>XIV player insulting anyone
>final fantasy faggot calling other people soyboys
and l thought l'd seen it all
>tits too big
>assumed you meant xv
>its xiv