SEX sells game

>Lure the ass fags.
>Nuh you can play 2B only about 4hours or so in actual game.
H-How could they do that to us.

SHOTA sells games


A2 is better

there's no shota in that game.
There's an ouji, who's designed to look the same age as 2B

2B simply wears high heels

>Lure assfags
>Make them unironical Tarofags
>A2 has better ass anyway
Everyone profited with fucking Automato, game will be remembered the next 20 years

I did all the side quests with 2B so of my 60hrs played, 45hrs were with 2B and the rest splits between 2B and 9S.

Why is the 'sex sells' meme only true for video games?

Is it because games are for virgins?

I wanna be reborn as 2Bs thighs

>A2 has a better ass anyway

>Why is the 'sex sells' meme only true for video games?
Have you seen literally every other type of media?

About half of the players didn't even beat ending A

If sex sells games why didn't Nier sell 5 million copies and why don't h games top the industry

there you have user, glorious A2 butt


>Why is the 'sex sells' meme only true for video games?

Because you are wrong you retarded asshole. sex sells applies nearly everywhere.

>what is the Fast And Furious franchise

Need more pictures of 2b butt to weigh in on this issue

SO motherfucking true
Also Michelle Rodriguez is a massive whore and she knows it so fuck me sideways please.

imagine being underage and having a low enough iq to unironically get baited into buying a $59,99 because it's promoted with an anime ass, then go on Sup Forums and claim you actually bought it because of its edgy, fedora-tipping story and dialogues

It really make you think, doesn't it?

Now THAT'S a big ass

She looks irish in that pic. Bad example or..?

Look closely and you'll see she's moving forward so the butt is magnified in the pic.
Also what's your problem with Irish women? They're wildcats at bed, holy shit.

I bought it because some youtube fag told me it's better than I'd expect and another unrelated music guy I really respect kept shilling it. I liked it.

I've shown the OST to some musician friends I have and they all fucking loved it.
Surprising as fuck as they all are into shitty Trap music

I'm Irish and a youngfag. Right now they look good, but the women that are 5-10 years older than me look like shit. Also irish is just a meme word for boney-assed.

I only pirate this game because of 2B ass, i dropped it on ending A, and just watch the other ending on youtube

5/10 it was shite, 2B is cute though

I was thinking of getting this game, you don't even play as 2B much? You play as the boy mostly?


I don't know why, but I never considered the music to be why he actually likes the game so much. He's one of those faggots with "kino" taste who only plays obscure indie titles, Obsidian tier RPGs and old games. It's all so clear now.

The OST is a literal masterpiece.
One of the best Original Sountracks ever done in vidya imho

You play as the boy a little more than 2B. 9S' part usually takes less time than 2B's but he's partly playable in the 3rd part of the game too. Another playable character is introduced at this stage though and she's supposedly better than 2B

you can play the majority of the game as 2B as long as you start doing sidequests during route A. The rest of the game you play as 9S and A2

Someone spoil me please who are we playing for the rest of the game if its not 2B

playthrough a is as 2B
playthough b is as 9S
playthorough c is as 2B at the start she dies, then you get to switch between gone-nuclear 9S and edgelady A2

go play the game retard

Route A: 2B.
Route B: the same but you control 9S with a couple of new sidequests and more insight on the world due to his hacking hability.
Route C: 9S and A2

Maybe you should learn to not trust fucking completely made up meme? We have told people like you that the game isn't for you fanservice fags tons of times.

See, when 2B died and 9S began to go crazy, I was riveted. The game was basically going off the rails in the best possible way, and I was genuinely curious as to how it was going to go down.

Do you only get to play as A2 a little? She's a qt

Did you see any videoclip from any "pop" star theese days you fag?

You play her more than 2B

>play this game
>boring as hell
>still on the 2b part

you play as A2 for like 15% of the game while 2B's segments are at least 35%

yes you play 9s the most since its his game

kill yourself op

Yeah if you do the sidequests but some of those can't even be done until you come back with a higher level or if you do them as 9S

>generic orchestra music

>generic orchestra music
I think you haven't been in an actual classic orchestra concert.

>who are katy perry, nicki minaj, miley cyrus
>what is game of thrones, grey's anatomy, desperate housewives, vikings
>what is fifty shades of grey, twilight, game of thrones books

another post that illustrates in a perfect way how cucks are simply out of touch with reality

Because japs know they can send out shitty half assed games with no effort if they just put a bit of fanbait in it.

This is why the japanese games industry AND the anime industry are failing so hard.

I bet you are a stinking, greasy Nintendicksucker permavirgin manchild in your 30s who still lives in his mother's basement and bing bing wahoos it up 24/7 and inbetween you masturbate to corpse pictures of Iwata while eating hot pockets and tendies

No, you fucking newfag. The Irish meme is about the Irish not liking big asses. It says nothing about the posteriors of the freckled fenians themselves.

Am I the only one that likes Nier And Bayonetta because of the gameplay

I know this is bait, but fuck

Yes you are

>being this jaded

>Bayonetta because of the gameplay
What else is there to like about Bayonetta?

>people actually spend 60 burgers to look up someones skirt
>combat consists of spamming one button to progress through the entire game

its like poetry.

That's because fuck the ball boss at the end of the game. I hate that piece of shit for a reason.

I liked it

Can I finish the game if I pirate it? Some people always mention not getting the real ending for the game.

but I spent like 10-15 hours playing 2B.

And A2 has an objectively bigger ass.

Dat ass, according to most people

The game is basically broken up into thirds.

First third is Toobie
second third is Nines
third third is split between A2 and Nines

after the third third you unlock chapter select and can jump to any point in the game to get missed quests and items.

This. 9S was the real star of Automata, not 2B

You sort of can but not really.

The ultra super true ending is unlocked by joining forces with people who erased their save file to make your character stronger.

Sure you can beat it with a trainer but the super touchey feely song doesn't come on and you don't feel the sacrifice of your peers pushing you forwards.

Just watch it on youtube, it's like a 5 minute thing, other than that the whole game is playable.

It's weird thinking that the canon start of this series was a knight and dragon flying into our world.

agree, but nier automata is definitely not a half assed game
also, the exact same thing can be said about western games


>japanese games industry

I take it you're not Irish

>Halfway through you have to play all the same levels again with a different character
it's okay when Platinum does it



>""play"" this game
>masturbate like hell
>still on the 2b part

i played it for free tho?

This is one pathetic attempt to shit out a "virgin" bait post.

Worst game in the series. Even DMC2.
