The Bioshock Trilogy is coming to the Switch. Your thoughts on this, Sup Forums? Furthermore, what is your excuse for not owning the only ninth-generation console on the market? You enjoy the future, don't you?
The Bioshock Trilogy is coming to the Switch. Your thoughts on this, Sup Forums? Furthermore...
Well the first game is fun...
But switch is for manchildren
Why would I even bother buying ports for Switch if I can play them 60fps 4K?
Anyway, I like all of 3 games. 1 is way better tho
1 had shit gameplay, god tier soundtrack and visual design
2 had slightly better gameplay, god tier soundtrack and visual design
Infinite was a major fuck up in everything but soundtrack and visual design
I have no idea why people like these games.
It seems like the only thing these games have going for them is steam punk nostalgia and atmosphere. The game would be so much better without the plasmids, and they should have had it be over the shoulder with tank controls. I hate that first person shit where your guy runs light speed and buttery smooth.
>walk around shooting things, finding keys or the equivalent to open new areas to shoot things
What exactly is “good gameplay” to you with regard to shooters?
Because Bioshock falls into nostalgia goggling.
I played 1 just 3 days ago and it still holds up. The only shitty thing is that the enemies become bullet sponges towards the end. Otherwise there is nothing inherently wrong with it. Its okay.
I hate it when my character isn't some sort of spastic who can't walk or look properly
The mechanics and AI are awful. I said that in 2008 when I first played it and I stand by that. It doesn't feel right.
What fucking mechanics? It’s an FPS. Give me a few games with good AI that aren’t FEAR or Halo
>The Bioshock Trilogy is coming to the Switch.
at 30fps I bet kek
Still better than the 0fps you get on Bioshock Vita.
Minerva's Den is so good it should be considered it's own game
What we talking about Vita?
Vita is irrelevant. Switch is supposed to be Nintendo's main console. No excuses
i agree with you
to me, these games are just yet-another-fps. the cults that form around games like this and borderlands is just ridiculous.
Vita means life. So the Switch gets more fps than your whole life.
>the only multi generation console on the market
lol poorfags
have you pre-ordered yet?
Enjoy not having the time of your life with your Switch bros at the bar as we get all the Karens fiddling with our joycons.
I guess there probably are a few people who actually want those games on their Switches.
>fags who aren't in with both
I played 1 a month ago, it doesn't hold up at all.
>The only shitty thing is that the enemies become bullet sponges towards the end
Bullet sponges, guns feel like nothing since enemies just tank you spraying them until they die, endless respawns and boring encounters, literally no enemy variation after 3 hours into the game, unlimited healing and mana.
I've also replayed it very recently and it doesn't hold up at all for me. In fact I'm not sure it was even good when it was released, I was probably too blinded by art design and atmosphere.
Killing the same 3 splicers in every room gets tedious as shit especially when the new batch respawns every time you enter a new room.
I've absolutely lost my shit on the level where you collect big daddy items - there was a slicer lying in a pool of oil trying to ambush me, I killed him, entered a new room and when i exited a new one spawned in same location. This repeated for every room i visited.
Bioshock gameplay in a nutshell.
second game is better...
2 is the best one and 3 is alright, fuck you faggots.