MHW bread

>can kill it in less than 3 minutes
>never run out of health
>always know exactly where it is

It's official, monster hunter world is shit

Real talk: the lack of bug monsters this close to release is worrying

Other urls found in this thread:

>>can kill it in less than 3 minutes
Funny all I've seen from Sup Forums are people who struggle to solo it and then still struggle to beat it in a group

Have you played any of the demos for the previous games?

>can kill it in less than 3 minutes
I'm willing to bet money that you can't.

And this is different from the other MH betas... how?

I'd like to add that a lot of newfriends don't understand monhun threads

Switchlets on suicide watch

Aww are you mad it's not on your switchy witchy?

But nintendies are the ones defending it.


who the fuck actually enjoys fighting khezu, i've hated that piece of shit ever since i started in fu

fuck you

I don't know if it's rust or I just suck now but he's giving me a lot of trouble. Fought him about 10 times and only got him down 3 of those. Any tips on how to really handle him? Currently using hammer quite a bit

dude just get HREarplugs lol

Look at this scrub.
Next you'll say
>muh plesioth hip check

Rather have Plesioth than that fucking asshole Khezu.

Gigginox is way better than khezu

>mfw monster hunter is now fun and spergs are angry about it

They're both shit, and only disgusting voreniggers like either of them.

>passive monster that spends half the fight roaring is better than passive monster that spends half the fight roaring

It was fun before too faggot. You're exactly the type of player people are sperging on about.

post them solo times fags

also does giganigga have any new moves in multi? I really don't like that monsters have separate movesets for solo and multi play, makes me feel like I'm not fighting them in their fullest

when are they going to just delete all pre-3rd gen monsters already

no one enjoys those pieces of hitboxy/instant dashy shit

>I really don't like that monsters have separate movesets for solo and multi play

since when? Has this ever been the case?

They're a lot more aggressive in multi, which means you'll see all the moves

you say the game is shit but you still buy it.

only in World, Pukei-pukei for instance gets a chameloes poison spray aoe type move when you fight him with multiple people, but doesn't in solo play

muh plesioth hip ch- NANI

>rocksteady mantle
really invalidates any TA's. its chump shit.


how will crapcom ever recover

Longsword is so fun.

Never played it before from the stigma but fuck it, Foresight slash, Fade slash and Spirit thrust + helmbreaker is too good

i wanna play hammer now
breaking those horns loooked so satisfying

>using the tools the game gives you is chump shit

It's not even like it's hame where there's specific builds and player setups to kill shit fast. Ryozo knew exactly what he was doing when he added that shit in.

repositioning attacks feels so fucking good, why the fuck did it take this long to have it working this smooth

Does the niggergante got's more HP in multiplayer or something?
I'm having problems grasping the concept of me being so shit that two gunners can't even make up my lack of damage when hundreds of Japs are singularly taking it town sub 10 minutes with low dps weapons.

>approach Giga
>sneak up to him to try and get a few hits in on his tail
>he jumps away the second I hit him once
>attack animation ends with me under him for wonderful camera seizures
>stunlocks me until I die

Like seriously what am I doing wrong? How the fuck am I expected to fight this super armor catastrophe?

yes, health is increased when there's multiple players

>Can kill it in less than three minutes

Yeah, you are a lying cunt.

Monsters have a solo HP and a multiplayer HP. So if you're playing 2 vs nigger gigantic, you're at a disadvantage since the HP is designed for 4 players


Let's see you hame him on the 26th with it being so easy.

>people are already doing hame runs

Gigginox>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literally an uncircumcised penis>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> screamlooping in a corner and then 1 shotting you

MHW Leaker here.

3rd region unlocked.
2nd "city" unlocked.
11 big monsters.
4 little monsters.
17 armor sets.
250 sidequest.

Any question?


whats the second city look like

is the guildmarm cute

That's the coming free DLC?

What weapon are you rolling with senpai

HBG really is the shitter weapons

Is the GL good this time round?

>Can't claim beta reward for Barroth due to "connection error".
I already did the quest 3 times and the same error happens every time, even though I could get the reward on the other quests just fine.

Also, HBG is surprisingly fun with the rapid fire ammo.

No matter how many times I see this, that roll at the end always puts a dumb smile on my face

>you don't have to reload when you switch ammo types

what the fuck

Yeah bowguns in world are top tier scrub weapons

guys, can I buy the game in a account without plus and playing it in another with plus?

Are review copies out or something?

it's pretty great, you can paralyze with para bullets, cycle to poison, poison the monster, cycle to pierce and get some prime pierce shots while the monsters paralyzed and then go ham with slicing all without reloading. Gotta reload them if you switch back though.

So is this beta different? did they add new missions because i don't want to go back and fight the same monsters again.

Ranged weapons are the shitter weapons

Hues have had the game now for abit also some french fucks.

Is called "Investigation lab". Something like a building inside of a ship.


Full game atm.

Hammer and Bow are the best one atm.

They added nigga gigantic in the new fourth quest

you can fight the flagship monster with what appears to be his HR moveset since he has HR carves on a 15 minute timer.

any sign of Seltas queen? or is that just a DLC pipedream at this point?

sounds pretty casualized to me, that along with there being no fail to fire animation for mashing is also bad, all that combined with being able to move while firing and reloading makes bowgun pretty damn crazy

No Rocksteady Mantle allowed!
We doing Anjanath first! Camp 8!


the full roster was leaked a while ago, Seltas+Queen is not on it

So much this, real men go in and fight the monste upfront, only pussies use ranged weapons

have you fought any monsters that haven't been revealed yet?

Subs like the Pink Rathian are in the game?

By dodging and hitting it till it dies like everything else in the game. Alternatively heavy bow gun and sun lock it.

two sluts left

MHW Leaker here.

No Seltas Queen, at least "yet". Some kind of acuatic big enemy, a electric squirrel....

リオレイア Rathian
リオレイア亜種 Pink Rathian
リオレウス Rathalos
リオレウス亜種 Azure Rathalos
ディアブロス Diablos
ディアブロス亜種 Black Diablos
キリン Kirin
キリン亜種 Oroshi Kirin
クシャルダオラ Kushala Daora
ナナ・テスカトリ Lunastra
テオ・テスカトル Teostra
ヴォルガノス Lavasioth
イビルジョー Deviljho
ボルボロス Barroth
ウラガンキン Uragaan
アルバトリオン Alatreon
アンジャナフ Anjanath
ドスジャグラス Great Jagras
プケプケ Pukei-Pukei
ネルギガンテ Nergigante
ゼノ・ジーヴァ Xeno'jiiva
ゾラ・マグダラオス Zorah Magdaros
クルルヤック Kulu-Ya-Ku
ジュラトドス Jyuratodus
トビカガチ Tobi-Kadachi
パオウルム Paolumu
レイギエナ Legiana
ドスギルオス Great Girros
オドガロン Odogaron
ラドバルキン Radobaan
ヴァルハザク Vaal Hazak
ドドガマル Dodogama
財宝ドラゴン Treasure Dragon
バゼルギウス Bazelgeuse
ツィツィヤック Tzitzi-Ya-Ku


I mean, in the base game. Or the list is actually the launch roster?

let us know if you find any enemy called Xeno'jiiva, Vaal Hazak, Dodogama, Bazelgeuse, or Treasure Dragon


that's the full roster, DLC most likely included since it has Jho on there

I can't wait when the game releases and people will complain about missing G-Rank because Capcom didn't use their "release an updated version later" scheme like with their other games outside of Japan

Yeah, now try that with an actual weapon, not a pussy ass bitch ranged bullshit thing

*hits you while just being near you*

can you have more than one hunter per account?
like what if i want to play as a girl

can have up to 3 files

yes, 3 save slots

There are 3 slots like other MH.

I can't fucking beat him with my axe and I don't know what I'm doing wrong, the hitbox on his head doesn't help either, some tips?

use rocksteady mantle
use the knives
use the bombs
use the environmental traps, attacks, and cats

and most importantly git gud

You can always play ranged and ignore 50% of the game's mechanics

Still need one more coward!

This, ranged weapons are baby tier

Did they add a new monster?

You can always try this >knives
>enviromental traps
all these are pretty much what a shitter would use if they can't kill a monster, makes the game a ragdoll training session but they are there for a reason people like you, git gud

I couldn't even defeat Rathalos in time

Nergi room up, all goyim welcome
