Female fighter

How could she even conduct proper fight against him?

Other urls found in this thread:


is 244cm the cutoff status for manlets?

Tell her if she wins Ryu is going to put a kid in her.

His dick would rip her cervix apart

The answer lies


Even a bacteria can kill an elephant

very carefully

She could use his testicles as a punching bag.


Yes, it's always been.

Can someone translate these fake height and weight scales to something real please

Yeah, why would you put height in centimeters instead of meters?

Can someone transfer these fake video games and characters to something more real please.

Fuck off, nerd.

She's sure to win because her speed is superior

>reddit fighter

Sure, you guys use body parts for measuring shit, right?
Sakura is 80 fetuses of weight and 13 dicks of height, while the huge dude is about 1/2 of your weight and 3x your height.

I got you senpai
1.71 yards
8.18 stone
2.66 yards
41.73 stone


>everything I don't like is resist
4chat is full of absolute retards like you, this place isn't special



If you’re going to phonepost at least try to not make it obvious.

Yeah its more like "universally shit for everyone fighter 5"

I dont see how any specific niche community would actually like this, except if they get paid for playing

Bigger numbers

You shouldn’t get involved with such freak in the first place if you wanna live longer.

She shoots an energy in a physical manifistation out of her body and it causes physical harm to other people OP, please do not think about this too hard.

Yes faggot. I’m talking about SF5. SF5 is a piece of undesirable shit. Stay mad though

Aim for the thoat, jaw, dick.

Hah you limey fuck, I actually understand the yards bit.


>figthing game only played be reddit and BRs

Get out of here with this soyshit.



>fighting games
>not working in the exact opposite fashion of a real fight

Realism is not somthing fighting games do, and even when they try like ufc or bushido blade it still is not even close. The only thing that comes close is wwe games, and that is because they are reproducing fake fights.

Abigail's heart must be struggling to keep that body working.

Hit him in the dick. It's not like she can reach anywhere else

>like UFC

I dunno user... the Jiu-Jitsu is pretty spot on even if every fighter is somehow a punch sponge.

I want to ____ birdie!


>anime poster is retarded
what a surprise

>implying a roid monster would still have a functional dick that feels pain

WHERE is the SFM of Sakura
I was going to buy this but dissidia got me

she is heavier than me

Not as retarded as people still playing this garbage

Literally the worst mainline Streetfighter title besides SF2:TheMovie:Thegame

You are either an extreme manlet or you need to fucking eat more.

Drink your milk, Mister Bones.

Abigail's shrivelled husk of a penis has been so mangled and warped from decades of steroid use that she would injure herself laughing at it. In response he would probably crush her skull like a walnut between his massive retard hands.

cuz in the real world an nba sized 260kg man would be struggling to move yet alone fight

Are you just short or a skelly?

>SF2 is unbalanced garbage
>SF3 has shit parries and the worst roster of any game
>SF4 is full of retarded bullshit like comeback supers, option selects galore and FADC
>SFV has atrocious defense options and neutered every unique character
if we go by Sup Forums's opinions there's never been a good street fighter game

>that mountain of meat
>265 kg
more like half a ton

I mean he'd move pretty good if he was ripped but just existing would probably be fucking painful for him.

how were Third Strike parries shit? I kinda agree on the roster but there were great new additions like Elena and Ibuki

Unless you're a manlet or a skeleton that shouldn't be possible. I consider myself a soycuck and I'm 157lbs at 5' 10"

His heart would give out on him pretty much right away.

>That hip to everything else ratio

J-just kick his vital spot.

>mfw Sakura doesn't have any swag combos anymore

No it wouldn't.

Just look at Andre the Giant. Lived to like middle age, around that size, an absolute monster of a man but his whole existence was so painful he was constantly drunk.

not really
joints too. there's a reason average height is like 5'11-6 for men. average just works

>no one posting sakura
Shit thread.

Considering abigail and hugo are both based on a real human whose life was exactly as I described yes really.


she has some okay ones

Fireballs, pressure points, hit the vital spots, that's about it.

>hating on Israel, the noble muslim exterminators

Fuck of Achmed.

Andre the Gian. 2.24 meters, 240 kilos, super famous wrestling star? Because of his size he was in constant pain so he selfmedicated with massive amounts of booze before his heart gave out in his mid forties.

Both of them are even more exaggerated than Andre. Realistically, Abigail would weigh more than 265, but the Japanese have always been notoriously bad at measurements like these.

Keep in mind that Abigail makes Hugo look small in comparison.

By everyone but Capcom drone standards, there has never been a good Street Fighter game*

wrestling isn't a real sport and wrestlers often have misquoted stats for the purpose of entertainment :)

The Big Show is actually taller than Andre yet he doesn't have problems.


Yeah, they did make him bigger in SFV because they wanted to outdo hugo, although for some reason they forgot to change his weight. I'm not gonna bother doing this but I'm pretty sure if you actually measured the character models none of them would be the correct height.

With those hips She will be ready to bear Ryu's children. SF6 Mama Sakura confirmed.

He's significantly less massive though, just very tall. Andre was fucking huge in every way.

Let’s give you child right now!

I was about to mock you until I realised i'm about 50kg at 5'6

>Sup Forumss opinion

There is no such thing, as its the individual opinions of hundred thousand people.

I dont have problems with FADCs or Option selects and really liked SF4.

I also didnt have problems with parries in 3.

I do have problems with capcom half assing 5 this much and it being shit in every category from gameplay to asthetics to netcode.

>all those faded "Imagine"s in the background


They look like shorts now

by being in a fake universe where people can shoot plasma out their hands

seriously why even make this thread

Andre's height and weight are accurate. He legitimately suffered from gigantism. It just so happened that his condition was beneficial for a wrestling career.


Christ... is that Lana?

Really, male or female, most of the cast wouldn't stand a chance against him.

Capcom really know how to torture girl.


no way that guy is only 265kg. he's at least twice that.

dunno why everyone does this when it comes to huge characters. oh he's 50% taller so he must be 50% heavier. that's not how it works.

Why would he not just loose weight instead of living in constant pain and dying at 40

He suffered from gigantism. That's different from just being a normal big dude, his body was so large he had no chance. There was nothing he could do about it so he just lived the high life for the short time he had.

Because his problems weren't caused by him being fat, they were caused by his gigantism.

My present to child in the belly!

But what about calorie input, calorie output etc?

I mean sure he cant cantroll his height, but he cant store fat if there is no calorie input

So he could have controlled his body weight instead of weighing 240 kilo and straining his heart additionally.

Might have given him a few more years, but considering he was in constant pain and would still have been even with weight loss, I don't think he'd have wanted those few extra years anyway.

5 is great I don't know what you're on about. AE is fun and I like the new v-triggers, and that Juri and Ryu are actually viable now.
In before greentext about marketers and/or shilling

Me too, lad. She could probably beat me up, too.


user, he was basically a dead man walking. MAYBE five more years of suffering with added deprivation, or trading five years for a good time with the ones you've already got?


Strongfags usually have low stamina or are semi-slow.. So tire him out by running around.

After which get around the back of him somehow and climb up his back (overly muscular people have trouble reaching their backs)

Then her best option would be to stuff her clothes in his mouth and hope to suffocate him.

While hes struggling with that she should twist his nuts around a few times till they come off