Is it even possible to beat this thing solo

Is it even possible to beat this thing solo

Ps I’ve never played an MH game before

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yeah, blades or ranged are easiest


It's a difficult fight user, even for regular MH players.

The short time is a very big difficulty increase, most games in the past have atelast 30 minute hunts (with some more HP on monsters)


Acquire proficiency.

if only i could combine slicing shots

its ez pz

t. 11 min with GS

Beaten it with:
Just need the rest.


All some autistic japanese fucks playing with hacked stats.

No, it's not possible.

the LBG one is fucking ridiculous

The director in a video said the turned the time limit down for this demo, and that this isn't the time limit for Nerg in the actual game.
They just did it to fuck with the players a bit

>Lance video
>Game: Sengoku Rance

Nergigante is the definition of a glass cannon. The fight is either going to be quick or nothing but pain

>hacked stats


if you don't superman dive the flying slam you die

You can just run out.

I still get caught more often than not

the hitboxes are wonky as fuck

>SnS: Nergigante VS Aerial Style
cheeky cunt


the camera doesn't help


anyone found SA ones?

Absolutely, once you get his moveset down its just a matter of squeezing as much dps as you can into the 15 minutes you have.

Shit wrong image

Is Monster Hunter World the new Dark Souls?
>Is it even possible to beat Capra Demon solo

Yes. Not even considering myself a "pro"; just a regular MH fan. I've seen a vid where someone beat the shit out of it with the great sword in like 5 minutes.

To be honest I don't get why so many people are bothered by this attack. There are huge tells for it:
-Nergi fully grew black spikes on most of its body
-it roars before jumping in the air
Even with the short stun caused by the roar, all you have to do is quickly run (if you can make it) or time your evade to do a superman dive. The wing slams it can do sideways or with a u-turn are more annoying.


I actually had to try this fight for like 4 hours which shows how shit I am but beating him felt so good.

This is only my second mon hun after 4U but I can't wait to train more when it comes out in full.

Good job, user

even with the default weapon

People are beating it in literally 90 seconds now, so yes

Such a beatiful creature.
Why would people want to kill it?

>not dominating your dragon daddy


Yup, i had a harder time in multi due to people carting and him being more aggressive

>Sony promises that every future game will run 100% fine on the normal PS4 and that you will not be forced to upgrade
>MHW has fuck awful fps and heavy dips on normal PS4

>Not wanting to be top of the food chain

So, how would you rank the nerg fight in terms of difficulty ?

>5th mainline
>still no hunt a hunter quest

user, it runs fine.

You're a fucking retard. It's been standard for a decade now that 30 with drops is "okay".

How in the ever living fuck is sometimes 30 with big dips "okay"?

and you cucks are okay with that

Not trying to befriend him with hopes that it will lead elsewhere

Since that shit happened dozens of time on multimillion selling AAA games during the 7th generation. Nobody started autistic framerate dick waggling until the PC explosion that started around 2007.

I personally played like 400 hours of Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen on PS3. That shit was exceptional in that it ran at like 25 FPS on average. Just because it bugs you in a big, doesn't mean it's a big deal to other people.

As always. Capcom keeps ruining close range weapon that require actual precision with all their pseudo-realism shit and they don't realize it.

You can hope for Stories 2 and you'll have one as your Monstie (bestie + monster)!

>still no mode where one guy controls a monster and other people are the hunters

It's actually piss easy like everything in MHW. Capcom just doesn't want people to complain what a casualized piece of shit the game is so you have literal artificial difficulty with a shitty time limit in this demo. It's only this demo, though.

He's up there as he's pretty relentless. It's one of those hunts you can't autopilot on, you gotta pay attention.

>that autistic loser who can't git gud and learn to handle varied terrain is STILL at it
I thought I blew you out last thread but you're back for more? You're BAD at the game.

But know what? That's not a big deal. There's more than half a dozen games where every single level is completely flat and without any sort of variation or change.You have what you want. Go play those and shut the fuck up.

>tfw pick garuga and spam instant charges retarded hitboxes
nobody can stop me

is it worth buying a ps4 just for this and bloodborne? i bought pc parts on christmas but now that it's been confirmed the pc port is going to take at least 8 months idk what to do

I literally can click any time and the monster is immobile. It seems you just have to hit his front legs a few times and he trips.

Is MHW really this piss easy?

>it's even supposed to be fought with four players and this is just one guy

The usual time is 50 minutes for every hunt, unless it's something unique.


Sure, but if you're COMPLETELY disinterested by the other games, you had better be CERTAIN you're gonna play the fuck out of MHW and BB. Like more than just "a couple playthroughs" of BB and autistic 600+ hours type numbers for Monster Hunter.

MHW is literally 100% braindead. All the people you see whining because of the difficulty are Soyniggers who never played MH.

>BAW I have to strategize now!

MH brainlets, everyone.

No. Bloodborne is overrated NeoFAG shit and basically just another Souls rehash anyway, a series you can find on PC, and MHW will come to PC.

Not worth supporting a cancerous company like Sony for.

"lol@u" for owning any Playstation 4.

Why does every weapon feel like you're hitting the monster with a wet noodle?
Those little sparks for the CB for instance and complete lack of feel when hitting the monster, we're miles away from the satisfying hits in MH4U. It's fucking terrible.

>I thought I blew you out last thread but you're back for more
Literally no one gives a fuck who you are you devastatingly lonely mongoloid.

No it doesn't. It always renders at the same internal res, there is literally no performance difference.
Stop it with this disinfo.

These times reflect like 5% of the Monster Hunter community.

Less hitstop and screenshake. It's also why roars just feel like an interruption instead of kinda intimidating.

The point is that I already tore his pathetic argument to shreds and he's just repeating it again like 5 minutes later.

Lol dont talk about shit you've never played you embarrassing spastic.
> overrated NeoFAG shit
Just fucking go back already.

Then don't fucking play it you retarded fucking fag

if you're close enough to him to get staggered by his jump into the air you can't transition into the superman dive from an unsheathed weapon fast enough to avoid it.

>Less hitstop and screenshake. It's also why roars just feel like an interruption instead of kinda intimidating.
Why would they do this? Everything feels like you're just hitting on pinatas while deaf now, not like you're fighting a powerful monster.

I was struggling for a minute myself, then I remembered the incredible strategy outlined in this video.

I know you are a retard and you never played any MH, but let me break it down for you. If you enjoy Gun Lance, Hammer or even Hunting Horn, weapons that require some actual precision, you really want the terrain to be flat. Because that's just how their moves work, they aren't huge downward or upward slices and rather horizontal. And MH is supposed to be flat. Basically like even Devil May Cry or fucking fighting games. There is no point in changing this for the sake of graphics and soy boys like you.

Now your argument is it's deeper now, right? Then let me tell you, 1) the people with the braindead weapons online don't give a shit about you. You can scream "hey, let's lure it to the even ground so I can hit it better" all you want, they won't listen and I can even understand them. 2) It's not fun. It's simply not fun to do this. We play games to have fun. This is not fun.

3) Kill yourself and stop defending fucking everything like a shill, even things you have no clue about.

i guess that makes sense, i'll just emulate whatever monhun and play ds3 i guess

>Why would they do this?
Because that doesn't look very good on a big screen. That's the argument I'm sure they'd use if you tried to ask them directly.

Actually MH4 was 40-60 FPS on 3DS and even MH Tri was usually around 45 FPS on the fucking Wii.

30 with drops is not acceptable. Shows that Capcom doesn't give a shit about gameplay anymore, though.

Look at this fucking shit. Solo LBG 1:37

First sub 10 when you bother to search.

this is the best I managed

>getting this triggered because someone doesn't like his 20th Souls/King's Field rehash with 20 FPS and repetitive shit gameplay

Back to NeoGAF.

That's got nothing to do with this. Industry standard is that 30 FPS with drops is okay. People only whine if you go down near the twenties for any extended period of time.
>30 with drops is not acceptable
The games industry disagrees user. Get it through your fucking head. I'm so fucking tired of this complaint.

I agree that FPS is undervalued by modern devs, but you need to fucking understand this: Devs would rather make it pretty and run a little poorly as a result because pretty games sell more.

Braindead weapons are still overpowered and the game is still piss easy, good to see.

Will be easy to wait until autumn for this.

why??? even the HH got a '7

definitely. if you like arpgs (which you probably do if you're playing MH) you'll love it.

the power of torch pods

All this noise and this transition to "beautiful" graphics, all to remove the entire feel of the game. Truly a shame. Definitely not going to pick it up unless they fix it or a mod fixes it on PC.

Is MH Tri really 45fps ? I thought it was 30fps...

why is the SW so much slower?
i was thinking about being one of my main weapons

what the fuck ? can someone explain what's happening ?

>That's got nothing to do with this. Industry standard is that 30 FPS with drops is okay. People only whine if you go down near the twenties for any extended period of time.
God, shut up already, you retard.

Anything that isn't at least 40-60 FPS on average for a skill-sensitive action game that wants you to master literal frames, dodge, parry, punish every move of your enemy is always a big loss. Maybe tolerable but still a loss. 30 FPS? And 30 FPS with fucking drops, though? Just no.

You Sony retards even swallow platformers and racing games with 30 FPS now, though, so you are just fucking retarded anyway and I should ignore you.

bye ;)

>SnS is bad meme

locked down while the mines continuously damaged him

Fuck this game for favoring ps4 pro too damn much I dont mind if the regular runs as the promised 30dps but no it runs like 15 fps most of the fucking time

In MHW you would get hit by this because the framerate would die mid-attack due to the effects.

Enjoy hitting pinatas with your deaf hunter user ;)

This is my first MH game too and desu nerg is easier than diablos

his attacks are easier to telegraph to me i can only kill in 13-14 mins though

Torch pods make any explosive style attack hit multiple times and it works like per torch pod (which he stacks 5 of on top of each other). It's a glitch.

Just like my 3DS games then

There's a strange glitch with the torch pods. When they're active on a monster they seem to make some attacks hit many times. There's a webm going around of the same thing happening with that AoE healing item GS vs Rathalos that turned the GS into a chainsaw.

>God, shut up already, you retard.
I'm sorry for rubbing your stupid fucking face in the facts user. Grow the fuck up you gigantic fucking sperg.

All the rest of your post is you just explaining why high framerate is good. We all know it's good. But the industry doesn't give a fuck and will almost always prioritize some more polygons or particle effects over consistent or sizeable framerates.