This thread is for only people who love both Sony and Nintendo. No warring tonight. What you playing?

This thread is for only people who love both Sony and Nintendo. No warring tonight. What you playing?

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If i had a job I'd be playing Hacker's Memories. guess I'll just do some quests in XC2

Gonna beat it before doing Galaxy 2.

I want to like Hackers Memory but I found the first game to be way too grindy.

Enter the Gungeon. I just lost to Dragun with the Hunter.
I made the mistake of not saving any ammo for him, I didn't actually realize I was that low on supplies.
So I choked.

>loving corporations
kill yourselves

I'm just shitposting on Sup Forums. If I were to play something, it would be the ARMS event or labbing in SFV

Corporations are people legally. People are loveable.

Got damn.

Finally a thread for me

Im playing furi and super meat boy on my switch i just beat the levels from i wanna be the guy, i've been thinking about buying gravity rush 2 just because the online is about to end and i would like to get all the outfits but sadly it seems like there is no way for me to get the pre order outfits

I played Darkest Dungeon and BotW DLC today.
Gonna go play (read) Chaos;Child in bed. I feel like such a dumbass, delusion triggers popped up and I kept pressing L/R to try and choose, took 3 of them for me to use the analog sticks on Vita.

>Asynchronous online mulitplayer where players can (in a way) communicate
>A bunch of mechanics tied to the trackpad
>Sounds coming out of the controller
This is one of my favorite WiiU games.

Is Furi any good?

Oh I forgot one of the things in my list
>Commercial failure

I'm playing Undertale on Vita and its pretty okay.

Jill a cute

Replaying BotW, then on to Utawarerumono and Dragon Quest on PS4.

The entire game is a boss rush, that makes it great to me best way i can describe it would be mega man zero in 3D done right

Smite and risk of rain. Just got a load of vita games from Amazon recently so maybe I'll start one of them after I finish danganronpa.

Is it ok if I like playing games on my Switch, PS4 and PC..

helping people with Logarius in bloodborne, then probably monster hunter world demo. when i get into bed it'll be comfy with wii u gamepad twilight princess.

Only if you're having fun, user.

Mostly waiting for MH World to come out. Playing Cave Story once again in the mean time on my Switch.

finally got done with the botw DLC and I played a lot of the monster hunter world beta
feels good

I'm gonna buy a Switch after Project Octopath comes out.

I beat Inside and Ravens DLC in Gravity Rush 2

I’m currently playing the final level in Dillons Rolling Western Last Ranger

Afterwards I’m thinking about either starting Persona 5 or Sonic Forces

I play on the most powerful console ever. No hate.

Just finished doing basically everything in XC2.

Would I like Persona 5? Xenoblade is the only JRPG series I'm really into.

>tabletop is his platform of choice
Vidya is fun, but board games are where some of my best memories were born.

Monster Hunter and Xenoblade. Also some BloodBorne maybe because a friend just got it and wants to co-op.

Doesn't hurt to try, user. It's popular for a reason, after all.

god I wish that were me, and facing the other way

Played Monster hunter beta before work. gonna play kirby battle royal tomorrow

I'm playing as a max wisdom monk that fires kamehameha waves. Shits awesome

I'm still down 160 moons




>A thread for sluts

I downloaded the Dissidia and MHW beta, then I decided to check out designs for the first time which is keeping me way longer busy than it should.
Maybe I should finally continue playing NieR: Automata but playing as 9S is kinda boring.
I still have Okami and Gravity Rush lying around and haven't touch them yet.

I thought about getting Furi on PS4 because my PC is a toaster (560Ti). How is the perfomance? I hate it when action games don't have a stable fps.

Just got a PS4 recently. Got some fighting games to play with my friends, Gravity Rush Remastered, and Bloodborne. What else should I be looking out for? I don't care about Monster Hunter or Persona.

Should I get GR2 on sale?

Nier Automata after having played the first Nier. Yakuza. The VC remaster to get ready for 4 if you haven't played it. Then play persona, you fag.

Kat's sequel is spectacular, one of my favorite games of 2017

They extended the closing date for the online to be 6th months from last weekend so you have a lot of time to play it.

My nigga. My DnD group hasn't met up in a few years now because of school. The one guy who goes to the same uni as me is busy with life and managing his relationships.

Just finished the first route of Nier Automata, I'm gonna take a break and return to SMT IV now.


Yakuza 0

>play persona
No I don't like turn based rpgs. Is Valkeria Chronicles fun? I'm one of the few people who enjoyed Codename S.T.E.A.M.

>I don't like turn based rpgs

They are boring.

>Is Valkeria Chronicles fun?
It's a challenging turn based strategy game, if you like those types of games then you will enjoy it.

Cool. But just the remastered one right? If what I've heard is true, 2 and 3 are weeb garbage, but 4 is looking promising.

I haven't played 2 and 3 so I can't tell you about them, but the remastered is pretty damn good.

Pinball Arcade on my PS4, probably, maybe work on getting some of the characters I'm missing from Dragonball Fusions.

>WiiU and Vita were by far my favorite platfoms of the gen

Been on and off Splat2, playing Titanfall 2 during those breaks.
Val-halla for switch when?

>I hate Japanese things
Please stop posting.

>a thread populated with people who most likely have PS4s
>gloating about Bloodborne
if people in this thread haven't played it, it's because they don't want to, you know.

own a switch, ps3, ps4, 3ds, and a higher end pc. life is great on the gaming front. playing yakuza 0 tonight

you think Sony's ever going to make another handheld? this is going to be the Vita's seventh year.

I just ordered Taiko no Tatsujin Drum Session, always loved the idea of these games and only played it once in the arcade.
I really want to git gud at it and play Oni difficulty

Honestly, the Switch is going to be god-tier for portability especially when games like Stardew Valley, Dragon Quest Heroes Nintendo first party etc fit so perfectly for it.

Any multiplat title that benefits from having a higher frame rate and resolution I'll get for PS4. So its great having options.

Yakuza 0

Why can't Jill do that to me?
If she were real what would it take?

Since House is gone and a Jap is back on charge, maybe.

Thinking of getting a PS4 soon but wont have the time to play it dye to classes.

I hate this.

I don't hate Japanese things, I hate low effort weeb trash. There are fantastic things being made all over the world by talented and passionate people. I'd rather enjoy those things instead of things that recycle generic cultural norms. It's like western sticoms, there are a few really enjoyable ones, and mountains of trash. I don't need to devote my time to the trash just because it is marketed to the same crowd as the quality stuff.



>replying to falseflagging

>I don't hate Japanese things, I played Dark Souls and Metal Gear!

Need more Nintendo and PS4 getting hot together.

As much as I hate to say it, I highly doubt there will be another Sony handheld any time soon. I Vita 2 would make me cum buckets though desu

How is Furi on Switch? Played it when it was free with plus but my plus it's expired and I never beat it.

Well, if there aren't any decent bundles on sale, wait.
Remember, a bundle with a second controller is always more worth than one with games. More often than not you can get the games for ~20 bucks too so it's not that much of save.
Controllers never go on sale

Playing through Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

I'm also a Nintenbro who plays fighting games.

Just ordered a switch and a pro, gonna alternate between Odyssey and MHW

It was either that or build a new rig but apparently part prices are all fucked right now and October’s not getting here any faster anyway

>Fighting games

Not him, but it’s great aside from some frame drops every now and then. Not as good as it was on PS4 but the portability is fucking nice.

Finishing Xenoblades 2.

Waiting on Hacker's Memory but Amazon is late.

Own a playstation with Street Fighter, Tekken, KoF, and Rev 2. I also own a few of the Neo Geo arcade games on my Switch.

Well they do have Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

That game needs a re-release or a sequel.

>can't be arsed to finish Uncharted 4 or the BotW DLC

I feel like I'm losing my love for vidya.

Disgaea 5 took me a while to notice demon's solace allows christo to gain mana and level up ridiculously fast.
And this.

Prebuilts are probably cheaper but allegedly got more expensive too thanks to fags going "haha prebuilts are now cheaper"

That was the only good Capcom fighter released since MvC. That game was too good for us.

Get something linear. Maybe some arcadey games, maybe Nex Machina or a shmup

I've been playing BotW since I got my switch but I'm taking a break right now so I can play Gravity Rush 2 and enjoy it before the servers shut down in 6 months.

I like Playstation 4 and I also want to buy a Switch once I get my tax returns in. I think it looks like a really good system and I think Nintendo makes a lot of good games, even if I didn't like the Wii or Wii U as systems.

Currently playing Gravity Rush. Will be starting on Gravity Rush 2 as soon as I beat it.

I used to be like you too. Try playing something short/linear, it might reignite your love for vidya. Playing H-games like Rance made me play vidyas again.

>tfw the desire for DBFZ is going into drug addict levels

After the beta, I want more. That said, all I've been doing is playing Puyo Puyo Tetris and USF2 on Switch along with GGXrdRev2 on PS4.

I need more single player games but my job is getting extra busy and don't have the time as much as I do

I felt that when I played Rayman Origins. I love 2D platformers so I thought I was starting to care less for vidya, but then I put in Tropical Freeze and played that all night. Your problem could be that Uncharted 4 isn't that fun and the BotW DLC isn't really anything new

Finished Xenoblade, gonna end the night with Ochiru Hitozuma

Nier automata
Waiting for bayo 2 and kirby star allies

I was just playin Odin Sphere. Just got to Mercedes section.
Hard mode should be the default difficulty, easy mode must be so boring.
I'm havin fun though

On the PS2 version, Normal was what Hard would be normally. But the remake improved combat so much that now normal is easy.

I love my PS4, PS3, Wii U and 3DS.

Playing Dark Souls for the first time; just beat Ornstein and Smough. Holy fucking shit I don't think a single better game exists. even though the bosses are a bit weak so far compared to 3

Fucking god tier.

You're a pretty cool chick.

>tfw I gave my wii to my sister so my niece could play video games with my brother in law

Post moar Jill.

MH Beta right now, I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
Finished Odyssey a couple days ago and was in a slump trying to figure out what to play.