PC for best graphics, controls, multiplats, multimedia and classics from yesteryear

>PC for best graphics, controls, multiplats, multimedia and classics from yesteryear
>Switch for times when you want to just be fat and relax, couch multiplayer, and when you're traveling
Is there a more perfect combo?

The Switch is for children and manchild pedophiles who are desperate to experience the way that they felt as 5 year olds.

I'm sorry for you feel that way. When did you realize you were a faggot?

owning switch ps4 and PC is pretty nice


>Is there a more perfect combo?

>You don't like games played on systems literally aimed at little kids?

Get a job, fatso.

Same man, get to play literally every game


Lol, only nolife NEET virgins play on it

Why are you so angry at the Switch?

I'll stick with PC and get all those sweet Nintendo games for free and with better graphics on a Switch emulator in a couple of years, faggot.

Doesn't really have anything to do with you not liking "little kid games", more just that you're a miserable tool who has lost the capacity for enjoyment. I feel sad for you, frankly.

>not being a PS2 + PS3 + PS4 + Vita + 3DS + Switch + PC idort master race

I laugh at your poverty

PC gaming is on hiatus until the crypto meme ends

>couple of years

>You don't enjoy products aimed at 8 year olds, YOU MUST HATE FUN LOLOL

You're so fucking creepy.

>he sells his old games for $5 at gamestop


No, sweetness, that would be Sonyqueers.
The only "games" in the PedoStation4 library is literally child molesting visual novels.

Lol. What a joke of a cucksole.

Consoletard buttmad he can't afford a good gaming PC?

She is jelly because the PedoStation4 has no games.


Go play 'mature' games like Super Mario Odyssey. You totally don't look like a kiddy fiddling loser.

>no games

You are so mad.
I love it.

Someone should edit this to say "my wife's husband surprised me with this"


Kid, you're gonna have to try a little harder to defend your pedophile tastes than throwing out memes from 2009.

Gee bill

Having all consoles + a PC and not having to worry about exclusives

As a mustard I would only remotely consider buying a Switch, but none of my friends own one so I wont. PS4 has what BB only still? Nobody even talks about the bawks.

Not really sure where you're getting this from, just kind of autistic to get so triggered by other people enjoying something.

>A port of a PS3 game
>The worst Uncharted game thanks to open world meme
>The one good game the PS4 has


Are you able to reply with anything other than Sup Forums buzzwords?

Only reason I care about Switch is because A) Nintendo exclusives (the only console exclusives worth caring about), and B) portability. The PC literally has everything else, so it's a nice pairing.

It's definitely the best thing to go along with pc. But really there isn't much out yet and I'd recommend pc alone until you get to the $1.5k mark desu, especially with the possibility of there being cemu 2.0 with the switch


every game that matters

Autistic is a buzzword now? I mean no, I wasn't really trying to meme you or anything, but you are showing classical signs of a spectrum disorder to be quite honest.

Nintendo exclusives are literally aimed at 8 year olds, and are designed to sell toys.

Hmm, that's an interesting perspective. What exclusives would be better for an adult on competing systems? Bloodborne, or perhaps an anime JRPG? I am legitimately curious.

And you are showing signs of being an in-denial manchild who is desperately trying to justify his love of children's toys.

You sound pretty triggered by the fact that I've correctly pointed this out.

I don't care all that much about Nintendo exclusives either and it is still a really nice pair.
Also an emulator won't make my stationary pc portable regardless.

EVE Online
Europa Universalis IV

You know. Games that aren't for 8 year olds.

Are you seriously having trouble distinguishing between children's media, and media designed for and marketed to adults?

What makes you think I'm triggered? I'm trying to be reasonable with you. I mean, the first thing you replied was an insanely butthurt post about how owning a Switch makes you a pedophile or something. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, but that does kind of sound like a bit of projection on your part.

What do you mean?

Yeah but BotW is mostly emulateable, and I have no friends to play smash with, really the only 2 I care about.

>You know. Games that aren't for 8 year olds.
>Are you seriously having trouble distinguishing between children's media, and media designed for and marketed to adults?
Wait, are you telling me that you actually go through your day to day life caring about what other people think? I mean, you're not capable of having a job, friends, a girlfriend, and still enjoying Nintendo games? Do you want to talk about that?

You're not being reasonable at all, friend. You're attempting a different strategy; you started off with Sup Forums buzzwords, because I expressed an opinion that made you uncomfortable. And now, having failed with that angle, you're trying a new approach, in which you pretend to be a calm and reasoned person in search of a complex conversation about the nature of children's entertainment.

Nintendo makes toys for children. You may enjoy them, you may love them, and they may make you feel good. But, that doesn't change what they are. You are an adult who enjoys playing with children's toys. Can you at least admit that and accept it?

I can't wait to be a successful adult like you, user!

Sure! What would you like to talk about specifically? Your claim that you 'don't care what anybody else thinks', or the fact that you are playing with children's toys into adulthood?

If you saw a 40 year old playing with action figures in a restaurant, would you applaud his dignity, maturity, and sense of self-worth? I guess you would.

You're going to be waiting a long time, kiddo.

I don't really understand your perspective. Your first response to a harmless post was to imply that owning a Switch makes you a pedophile, a manchild, and someone who craves to recapture childhood experiences. I'd say most of those phrases can be considered "buzzwords". I'm sorry if you feel like calling you autistic was insulting, I'm really not attempting to do that. I'm simply stating that it seems like you have some problems. I mean, if you want me to admit they're children's toys, then sure. Ice cream is for children, rollercoasters are for children, games in general are for children. That doesn't make them any less fun. Are you saying you feel like you're going to be made fun of if you do anything that isn't explicitly made for adults? If that's the case, I feel sorry for you. You should associate with people who treat you better.

>Sure! What would you like to talk about specifically? Your claim that you 'don't care what anybody else thinks', or the fact that you are playing with children's toys into adulthood?
Well, frankly, I think this is more about you than me. I'm pretty comfortable with myself -- good looking, good paying job, wife, friends, the works. I don't mind indulging in "children's toys" because I don't allow the perception of other people to effect my actions. I don't happen to enjoy playing with action figures, but if I did, I wouldn't really care if you thought it was strange. I mean, it sounds like you're just a weak person who lets other people dictate your habits and beliefs. I find that kind of sad, really.

No, there isn't. But you can never have too many options.
That said, the PS4 is used near exclusively as a blu-ray player these days, literally had to remove the dust from the dualshock for this snap.

You seem to be very invested in justifying the idea that adults should spend a lot of time playing with children's toys, and that critiquing this is a sign that you are 'autistic', or that you have been abused. It's a really bizarre and hilarious defense, coming from a person who is clearly feeling some kind of shame at how embarrassing his behaviour actually is.

The fact that you fall back on the 'but it's fun' defense is quite telling. As I asked the other creepy user in this thread - if you saw a 40 year old man at a restaurant playing with his action figures, and having a lot of fun, would you admire his dedication to pursuing his own interests in a way that is free of self-doubt?

Also - . Pretending to be two people is kind of sad, user.

Come on, user. Let him have this. Feeling superior to other people on the internet based on their choice of toy may be one of the few sources of genuine joy in his life.

>Is there a more perfect combo?
more than two platforms

Why is it such a big deal to people what piece of technology you use? PCs have children's games too does that mean we should stop using PCs too? I legitimately do not understand. If all you play are cutsey games on the Switch then yeah it may be childish but at the end of the day the switch is just a bunch of computer hardware and there is nothing inherently juvenile about it. Or does any piece of software that runs on the Switch automatically a toy for children?

Well actually, there's nothing explicitly "autistic" about "justifying" a harmless hobby. To be quite honest with you, if we both sat down with a group of clinical specialists, and they knew I played a Nintendo console at the age of 25 in my spare time spent away from a 60k a year job and family, and you spent the majority of your day calling people pedophiles and manchildren for doing so, they would probably label you not only autistic but severely emotionally disturbed. I really would like to help you, honestly. What is it about playing a video game that makes you so insecure?

Also, I don't recall pretending to be two people, I made two responses to two different people... unless, you're admitting to samefagging?

>Not playing only with Cardboards

games on a screen are for amateurs

What on earth makes you think I spend 'the majority of my day' calling you a pedophile and a manchild?

Sounds like you might be projecting a little. Do you want to talk about that? You sound like you're a bit ashamed of something.

>Having this much contempt for a video game system, and casual vidya

When was the last time you saw sunlight, user?

Switch and ps4 is a better combo. Just play both their exclusives cuz 3rd party games are shit

>What on earth makes you think I spend 'the majority of my day' calling you a pedophile and a manchild?
Well, the first thing you did when you saw this thread was call anyone who owned a Switch a pedophile and a manchild. I suppose I can't guarantee you do this a lot, but it's frankly a little disturbing that something so innocent drives you to the point of calling other people child molesters over a video game console. I'm not really sure how you think this is me projecting, I mean, I'm not the one calling people pedophiles and manchildren, so I don't think we really have anything to discuss on my end. Seriously though, if you just need a friend, someone that can help you get out of the ditch you're in, I can help you with that. I've been where you are, it sucks feeling angry over inconsequential things, but that anger will only manifest into self-loathing eventually. It might even be good for you to play some simple Nintendo games and just relax instead of getting so pent up.

Same reasons people get emotionally invested in sports teams, car manufacturers, political parties, whatever. Inherent human inclination toward tribal conflict, purchase rationalization, the need to convince yourself that YOU make good decisions, etc.

I have noticed, though, that the only places I've ever encountered console warrior fanatics have been A) school, and B) the internet, where everyone is a mature adult and definitely not young enough to still be in school.

why do these lists not have Y0
Y0 is the best game on the console by far. BB is overrated and goes to a 5/10 the second you leave Yharnam
P5 is so bland with the least interesting villains and worst combat system I've ever seen. 90% of the gameplay is one fucking song

Y0 completely stomps on them both


>mfw people say PC games are for adults only


Looks like someone missed the subtle social commentary

>Sam Pyjam
lmao, fucking frogs.

So, in other words, your attempt to suggest that I 'spend all day' having opinions that you don't like is, essentially, something that you dreamed up in your attempt to justify your love of children's toys.

Look, you're right. Maybe I was a little unfair. Maybe you're not a pedophile, and that was a really cruel taunt. What is important, though, is that you look like one. When you sit in public playing your children's games, you look deeply creepy. I'm sure that in your head, your parents are proud of you, but we both know that they wish that their son wasn't such an embarrassment.

I want you to know that I understand. I've helped a lot of people to be much better than they currently are; and I'm sincerely offering you my friendship if you want me to spend some time working with you, to see if we can restore some of your confidence, and find you hobbies that don't include playing with children's toys. If you think that would help you at all, just say so.

>look into the prices and what it costs to build a decent pc
>look into what games the Switch has


>not owning everything
>in one of the cheapest hobbies around

So, you agree with OP that a Switch and a PC are the best combo?

PC is dead, Xbox One X and the Switch is the only combo.

>So, in other words, your attempt to suggest that I 'spend all day' having opinions that you don't like is, essentially, something that you dreamed up in your attempt to justify your love of children's toys.
Not really, it was more an observation based on the fact that you became deeply upset over someone mentioning a "toy" that you dislike.
>What is important, though, is that you look like one. When you sit in public playing your children's games, you look deeply creepy.
I don't really understand this, where did I say anything about playing in public? I have never even taken my Switch out of the house. I mean, if I did, I think we both know it might look nerdy but not exactly comparable to playing with action figures.
>but we both know that they wish that their son wasn't such an embarrassment.
This kind of sounds like you're projecting, user.
>I want you to know that I understand. I've helped a lot of people to be much better than they currently are;
To be honest, I really doubt that. Good people don't call other people child molesters because they hate a child's toy. That's extremely disturbing.

Look, I get it. I know you're trying to just flip the argument back around on me, but I was sincere when I said that I'd like to help you. If a video game console makes you feel this insecure, you legitimately need help. I'm not saying that in a hurtful, you seriously do need clinical help to get you back on track.

user, stop. No one is gonna believe the Mature, Well-Adjusted Adult act when you're regurgitating fucking Quentin comics.

>faggots on Sup Forums argue over toys literally made for children
hard not to troll when the fish don't stop biting

>Play switch on the train to and from work
>A handful of the guys I work with do it too
The trick is to realize that literally everyone else is looking at a screen and nobody cares which type of screen you're looking at aside from the mentally retarded.

>you became deeply upset
Did I? Sorry, user - you're projecting again. I made a comment that you didn't happen to like.

>I mean, if I did, I think we both know it might look nerdy but not exactly comparable to playing with action figures.
No, it very much is.

>Good people don't call other people child molesters
They absolutely do.

>Look, I get it. I know you're trying to just flip the argument back around on me

What's the 'argument' here? You've admitted that I'm right, user. You admitted that Nintendo makes products for children, you've admitted that playing it in public is embarrassing, but you're continuing with this 'YOU CRAZY' line of attack that is kind of embarrassing. As I said, it is fairly obvious that you're in pain. You're trying to recapture that feeling from when you were 8 years old, and I get it. Adult life must be very difficult for people like you. Know that you're not alone.

Another good trick is when you realize that what screen you look at with doesn't have to be integrally linked to your social status or self worth.

desu i'd rather be seen playing a switch in public than FGO or FEH or GBF

Well, that's not exactly true. There may be some manchild from Sup Forums feeling superior to you because they play MATURE games like Persona. And in that way, you're making his day a little brighter!

user, why are you feeding him?

>Did I? Sorry, user - you're projecting again. I made a comment that you didn't happen to like.
I'm not really sure you understand what projecting means. I mean, I can't prove you were physically angry or anything, but calling someone a child molester for owning a Switch isn't exactly something a calm, collected person needs to do.
>No, it very much is.
I'm genuinely curious, what about playing a Switch on say, a bus, what about that would make you feel insecure?
>They absolutely do.
Now wait, didn't you just apologize for likening Switch owners to child molesters? I suppose that wasn't sincere. This kind of rapid change in emotions and tone is very indicative of an emotional and/or psychological problem.
>What's the 'argument' here? You've admitted that I'm right, user. You admitted that Nintendo makes products for children, you've admitted that playing it in public is embarrassing, but you're continuing with this 'YOU CRAZY' line of attack that is kind of embarrassing. As I said, it is fairly obvious that you're in pain. You're trying to recapture that feeling from when you were 8 years old, and I get it. Adult life must be very difficult for people like you. Know that you're not alone.
I'm not sure what you're having trouble understanding. The "argument" is that I don't feel the need to pretend what video games I own is a direct reflection of my social status or something. I mean, that's just weird. Imagine going through your life saying "I want that, but I can't have it, because it'll make me feel like a manbaby". That must make you feel very claustrophobic. I mean, will you never eat candy again? Never see a Pixar movie? If so, I find that very sad. I'm just lucky that I'm surrounded by an environment and people who don't equate my personal objects to me being a pedophile, I suppose.

I find these kind of people interesting quite honestly. It's weird to see someone who can go about their daily lives being completely happy, meanwhile another person gets deeply upset because someone totally different is doing something they dislike. It fascinates me, really.

>I mean, I can't prove you were physically angry or anything

No. All you can do is pretend that I'm 'angry' because you didn't like my opinion.

>what about that would make you feel insecure?
Do you honestly need me to explain to you why adults being seen in public playing with children's toys is considered abnormal and, frankly, embarrassing?

>Now wait, didn't you just apologize for likening Switch owners to child molesters?
Not at all. I was referring to one particular case - you.

>The "argument" is that I don't feel the need to pretend what video games I own is a direct reflection of my social status or something

Of course you don't. Didn't you say that you are 25?

Reading through your posts indicates one very reassuring thing for me, friend; you still have so much to learn. Right now, you don't understand the distinction between the behaviours of children and adults. But, you will. Eventually. As I said, I'm here for you.

>Right now, you don't understand the distinction between the behaviours of children and adults.
But children are the ones most likely to judge others over insignificant things. The world isn't filled with manchildren like you.


>Uncharted 4
>Open World

You what user?

>But children are the ones most likely to judge others over insignificant things.

What a bizarre statement.

Not if you stay mad a video game consoles

Lmao, alright this is getting kind of boring. I'll be honest though... I don't even own a Switch. I've just been fucking with you. Seriously though, get some help. Getting so upset over a video game console is extremely unhealthy.

>Imagine going through your life saying "I want that, but I can't have it, because it'll make me feel like a manbaby"

user, don't you remember what it felt like to be an insecure teenager? I'm certainly not insinuating that the other user is an insecure teenager. This is an 18+ website, after all. But some people continue to think that way well into adulthood.

If only the switch had games or a decent battery life to enjoy the shitty gimped ports.

Why are you still saying that I'm 'upset', you strange little guy?

I get that you're tired. So am I. To be honest, I thought this would be much funnier than it ended up being.

>my opinion

Your opinion being that the other user is a pedophile for owning a Switch? I think you're confusing opinions and facts, user. Facts require evidence.

>you strange little guy?
Damn user, that hurt my feelings. What a badass.

It's true.

>Why are you still saying that I'm 'upset
>tfw you spend an entire thread having a literal autistic breakdown over somebody playing a video game console that you don't like and then trying to argue that you aren't upset


are you legitimately this retarded user?

I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, bud. You just weren't funny enough to maintain my interest, and the fact that you're STILL going is very strange.