Who was the best Link?

Who was the best Link?

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BotW > OoT > Awakening / Oracle > SS >WW

Trap Link

Wind Waker by far, unless BoTW happens to be better since I haven't played it.

Childish character for a childish series. The rest are androgynous shoju bait.

Whichever game that link is from, anyways
Looks like me but blond

hi :3

>Looks like me but blond

Who was the best Link?

Yeah, guess I'm like the one below him more, but happier n stuff

top left.

Wind Waker.

inb4 gimme a boyfriend

Retarded cat Link and cute shota Link.
OoT adult and Wolf Link are also okay.

They're all great in their own way.

The gay one.

This fucking faggot ruined Link threads forever.

Links always been a gay icon user

would bang all of them except Toon Link

fierce deity


Ever since Ocarina of Time


You got a discord cutie?

Id bang toon srsly

But also a bf
Ler's keep talking about vidya though, post cute bois!
[spoilers] if you post discord/throwaway email i could add you :o [/spoilers]

I don't even play Zelda.

Chicks and homofags have wanted to fuck Link since OoT =/= Link has always been a gay icon
Besides, those Links weren't complete androgynous twink faggots like the one in BotW.

Link isn't even a gay icon now.

i think hes referring to the guy who made the animation

You have Kik?

Best for what specifically?

step-up your game!

Whats yours?

You first.

best link shota?

>Tfw honestly think SS Link is cute
>Everyone thinks he's a nigger lipped manlet

Don't want my bf seeing it
Oh well

This is gonna out me as a scrub, but besides the obvious, which link is which in this image?

Also, pretty sure that everyone knows Windwaker Link is by far the best Link. He's got the most character.

I'm pretty sure the only gay icon over at nintendo is Bowser.

LoZ, ALttP, OoT, MM, TP, SS, BotW, Toon Link

I guess it would make sense that ALttP would be drawn ala Link Between Worlds. What's the basis for the OG LoZ Link? Concept art didn't look like that, as far as I know.

Twilight Princess Link's hair is the only one parted to the opposite side because the Wii version was mirrored to match up with the motion controls.

The more you know.



Jack Link's the best!!

The one who crossdressed

BotW and OoT Link are my favorites.

TP and BotW for me

original game

series went downhill fast afterwards

those bare shoulders are haram.

yes. Even mainstream western media paradied him back in 2003.

Whichever one you faggots don't jerk your gherkins to.



I wish I looked like Link

He's literally the ideal male form


>not liking cutest link
You had bad childhood right

>been playing botw recently
>decided to brush up on lore because I have the historia
>been playing the game alongside the historia, reading it now and then between playing

Kind of tells you what kind of person Link is. The spirit that is. It's essentially the same person every time. The same face, just with different hairstyles. He looks different in every game because of the art style in every game he's in. Zelda is the same way.

I guess the second difference is personality. Each link is a little different I assume because each timeline and upbringing will change him a bit.

But here is the thing that gets me. It's canon why he does what he does, and it's not really about Zelda, not at first. He just loves Hyrule with all his heart. He loves the people, the food, and nature. He loves sitting under trees and enjoys seeing other people at peace too. It's why he's the "chosen" warrior of the gods. No one loves Hyrule more than him.

When you consider what he does, especially what he sacrifices just to be able to relax and find his place in the world. It really gets to you.

I've played through ww like 3 times it's still my least favorite 3d zelda and toon link is my least favorite link


5 is my bf, 7 is nice too though

>he does what he does because he loves hyrule

meanwhile 5 zelda games don't take place in hyrule

Those 5 games are links from previous games who previously saved Hyrule.

which Link has the most stamina though?

I love shipping Sidlink!


Eyy what's up just crashing into this thread to call everyone fags.

Not sure if fag
I'm thinking this might be a woman posting. If a woman wants to fuck link it's fine.

Thanks for your time cya

Majora Mask Link
more specifically Deku Link

Have a good day user!

He is the chosen warrior because he has autistic courage.
But you are right, Link does what he do out of love for his home rather than a sense of duty or for Zelda.

All are good links but 2 and 7 are best

>There's no where on Earth that you will ever feel this much desire to protect