ITT: We badly describe a game, and anons try to guess what game it is. I'll start

ITT: We badly describe a game, and anons try to guess what game it is. I'll start
>300 conversations later
>"Can't hurt allies like the first game"
>Fuck off



Assassin's creed origins




mafia 3

>Luck is going to fuck you at some point whether you like it or not
>You can recover from it but it's gonna suck
>At least the voice acting is godly

Mfw this thread deserves to be in page 9 and I created it

>At least the voice acting is goodly.
Welp it's not Kingdom Hearts

do not worry satania

>Fuck with the nature
>Want to make the world drowns
>Actually initiate the flood that could drown the fucking earth
>"Oh no I don't wanted this, oh poor my"
>Kid stop the flood
>Welp, the police let me be free, I'm going to a water park. Bye bye niggers


>Be a child
>Buying own home
>Have debts
>No parents
>Your principal objective in life, is catch bugs


That's all you need to know to guess it if you played it.
Those two words.

Animal crossing

Kingdom Hearts 2?

No but close.

Homo does a bunch of gay shit and faggotry ensues.

darkest crouton


You have sex with animals

>You have to kill dangerous space Aliens


No idea then, I was just remembering Roxas's flashback to where Riku asks "Why...why do you have the Keyblade?" and his reply was just that before getting BTFO

>helicopters crashed because ????
>assemble team of faggots and enter a gas chamber
>leave on helicopter after exploring a spooky basement

>weird ass world is full of color
>go around killing things
>now there's no more color and babies are everywhere
>Oh and the soundtrack is mostly breathing noises and jazz

the void
if thats not the name then all i can say is that its russian

Wasteland 2?

>the protagonist is the bad guy who turned good by absorbing a little boy inside him

Mothefuckin X-COM.

Holy shit the world is ending! Better go slap shit with this book!



Fly around and collect keys. Escape.


Hey kid I dare you to come and kill me when I'm done raping your village

Close, but no.

It was made by Europeans, though


>You don't gonna need a condom because this game is going to give you AIDS anyways

ding ding ding

Black and White 2

You play as a KKK member in a world of cotton committing genocide against a group of immigrants because they're invading and multiplying on your land.

It's rumored this game actually has an ending but I doubt anyone has lived to see it because the fucking last chapter is locked behind rng


Nah you play as the kid killing the thing

is it real life?

Sounds like Yoshi's history

No but seriously? Did that really happen in that game?

Actually close, if Real life had magic and dragons

Dragon's Dogma


Except this time, it actually is you

Some might say getting the nuclear cutscene is RNG.


rising storm 2 vietnam

You killed your mentor, yet you are not his murderer

>your the chosen one
>so is everybody else
>at the end your fed up with everything and decide to go drinking with your new friends

My legs are okay
You gain Brozouf

EYE devine brouzuf

E. A. R


>You manage to avoid drowning
>You prevent yourself from being born

>be in space north korea
>kim jong whatever gets merc'd
>blow shit up

You're the prophetic hero meant to save the people. The people are a bunch of assholes. You must learn from all the great people and wise elders how to complete your quest. They're a bunch of cunts. You still save the day anyways. Suddenly everyone loves you.

>be me
>brother gets killed
>"oh shucks"
>spam kicks through the whole game
>fuck couple o chicks meanwhile
>if it's a girl and you can talk to her, it's fuckable
>"ha we the bootleg mafia, killed your dad too ask your uncle"
>ask uncle
>he spills the beans
>later that night
>gets killed
>spam more kicks and kick the boss' ass
>there is an even bigger boss
>scratch his eyes off while he's riding a bike and make him go off a cliff
>fuck his daughter

That movie sucked. Why preventing yourself from being born would fix everything like your gf's uncle being a pedo or your gfs brother being a fucking nutjob and even your best friend being an autist

Bullshit! Ultra failed correct guess.

>4 wizards skip the dialogue and then kill each other

>Any sense of difficulty is all but removed once you recruit based old man
>The hardest fight in the game can be pathetically easy if you train certain skills


Shining force?

You wear sunglasses at night

No, but you've got the genre right


deus ex
it's like you're not even trying

Not a movie

Deus Ex

i dont know if its the translation job or anything but the culters just seem so relateable
its kinda like a bunch of nerds got power armor and god magic
"you wouldnt talk like that to me if you knew who i really was" always makes me laugh

>Not a movie
Silly user. If it has "Cinematic experience" on it, it's a movie.

>You get the strongest character basically immediately
>Your best friend pulls a Gary Oak and does the opposite of whatever you do at one point and you have to do the "evil" path to keep him alive and recruitable
>Archers are retardedly good

I unironically love EYE's dialog. It really pulls the whole "MC has zero clue who he is or what's going on" thing off well.

Why kill shit with your hair and turn into an elephant


>autist fixes industrial machinery to save dead girlfriend

>you're a fucking vending machine

purple haired genie lady

got it

>Wake up in the middle of a field
>First three people you meet make fun of you for having amnesia
>Spend the rest of the game trying to be an arsonist
>You can't technically die still hard as balls

You're here to clean up the mess your relative who did everything wrong left behind

>doom your entire country because you're pissed
>Dislike music

this game sounds interesting
please tell me what it is

Darkest Dungeon




you're an eagle that shoots shit

You're the chosen one and you kill the dragons. It's a great game, if you need a tip.


sounds like postal