Great game but shit was too easy, Ganon was disappointing

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great game

I can actually die in BOTW, which is something that hasn't happened in a 3d Zelda since Majoras Mask; I'm happy enough with that

zelda has not been difficult since Zelda II
not sure what you expected but botw is the hardest zelda game in years

game with good biomes and art style. literally everything else was subpar. fine first entry to show the nu zelda open world formula will work. hopefully it gives nintendo confidence to invest heavily into improving the formula and make botw2 a vast improvement that's actually a good game instead of proof of concept tech demo.

I died a good number of times in BOTW.
When I played Twilight Princess HD last year, I didn't die a single time.

i played both zelda and mario odyssey on my friends switch and they were kind of entertaining but i never understood how they could be a system seller, especially if its a system with incredibly weak 3rd party support and hardware
im not saying they are bad games but like, they arent really that good either and if you stripped away the mario or the zelda names people wouldnt give a shit about them

Dungeons are shit.

Otherwise, great game

>posting the worst Zelda when you have Linku in the game


If you got rid of the X name of any game series nobody would give a shit about them. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. The reason why people still play FIFA/CoD year after year isn't the because people told each other the gameplay was the shit but the brand name. There are a million shooters out there and it's the brand name that functions as the seal of quality given there are a million wannabe clones of every genre.


>"Well, the royal bloodline must continue"

Ganon is intentionally easy. The whole game is about making sure Ganon has no chance at defeating you.

My only complaint is that without the DLC the champions must have felt a little lacking and the main quests quick to complete. Enjoyed the Sword Trails and the Boss Rematches, The champion memories are the best memories in the game, and the DLC dungeon is by far the most interesting one. Also, love that boss. By the time I completed the DLC I truly felt ready to stop Ganon.

It's been said a million times but this game was way too repetitive, lackluster shrines did not make up for the lack of dungeons, each boss was essentially the same, cringe worthy voice acting, not many different enemies, climbing anything and the abilities were cool though

>he didn't play with Japanese vocals

so glad this option was available to me by the time i got the game. can only imagine how bad the english dub is.

t. not even a weeb.

i dont think comparing your games to cod and fifa is a great argument senpai but its technically true
people play those games because they are fucking retards, just like nin ten year olds play painfully mediocre games for the same reasons but with the added bonus of post open mouth selfies with their hardware on reddit

its basically elder scrolls but significantly worse, which is saying something
>b-but you can use a tree branch to hit stuff!! how can you not love a bunch of minor gimicks?! what? actual content? what is that?

incorrect you can pause the game to heal this combined with the game always letting you survive a hit that would kill you makes it impossible to die unless you run out of healing which never happens unless this is your first video game

Play master mode
Enjoy the sword trials and Champion's Ballad
Fucking hell, I'm not sure I'll ever replay BotW again because I hate Master Mode but don't want to lose golden enemies

Anywho, BotW's worst sin is constant mention of Hylia
Fuck her and her horrendous butchering of a Zelda-verse origin story. I sincerely hate that fat bitch more than I hate Tingle

i feel like nintendofags must have some sort of extreme Stockholm syndrome, i mean mario and zelda aren't necessarily bad but holy shit are they ever mediocre in every conceivable way, yet some people here and probably everyone on reddit act like they are the second coming of christ
i mean come on man, none of the consoles this gen have overly notable exclusives aside from bloodborne but at least with the xbox and ps4 you have multiplats to play

>*one-shots you*
>*combo's you*
You were saying?

funny thing, hylia is the godess of the origin story.
in the legend of zelda, on nes, they talk of hylia.

the three golden goddesses are not shown before ocarina of time.(i still find them way more interesting than hylia)

Enemies are slow af. This game has fake difficult; you fuck up a little bit and you die instantly. However, fucking up is rare as long as you're not brain dead or the 12 year old child this game is aimed at.

her anus is too puffy

>in BotW

So you haven't played it


>in the legend of zelda, on nes, they talk of hylia


It is the hardest Zelda since Zelda 2.

>Ganon was disappointing
Sure, they dropped the ball on that final fight, but that doesn't make the previous 100 hours bad.

The lake in the center of the map was retroactively called Lake Hylia, but I don't think it was even named in the manual.

>It is the hardest Zelda since Zelda 2

It's not. The only difficult part of Breath of the Wild is doing Trial of the Sword on Master Mode.


Which is harder than any other previous game in the series since Zelda 2.

>Ganon was disappointing
Sure, they dropped the ball on that final fight, but that doesn't make the previous 100 hours bad.
Design-wise, Ganon fucking sucked in this game. I would have preferred if the physical manifestation of Ganon's rage wasn't just a one-eyeballed Guardian looking motherfucker, but the entire game needed to back off on the Shrine aesthetic in every portion of it so at that point it was just more of the same.

The first phase of Ganon was all right. I liked how it kind of incorporated all the elements from the previous Ganon fights. I wish it had looked a little better than a clusterfuck of the Blight Ganons or had maybe assumed a more humanoid form initially before unleashing the clusterfuck, but whatever.

The second phase of Ganon was the most pathetic excuse for a boss fight I've ever seen. Literally just shoot the gigantic targets and you win.

>game requires optional double DLC to be hard
You're fucking stupid.

Lake Hylia's not a divine lake anyway

Fucking every other deity in the franchise are better than Hylia and Demise
The three goddesses, the four giants, Majora, the Windfish, the great Deku tree, Jabu Jabu, Fierce Deity
Heck, even non deities like Majora's tribe, the Twilii, or the seven sages are more interesting

I fought Ganon once I had done every single shrine and whatnot, so he was a cakewalk. When should I fight him if I want an actual challenge, but he's still possible to beat? Does he change at all for hard mode?

It's hard out of the gate, you fucking retard.

>didn't even play the game

>too puffy
No such thing

Maybe if it's your first Zelda game or first game in general

what statement of his was wrong?

I don't like exploring in this game honestly. I can understand people liking it, but I don't. Think I'm going to drop it. I am enjoying the shrines, but I'm not sure I want to put all the work into finding them.

I've been really enjoying the game, but I've realized that it has exactly the same problem that Paper Mario Sticker Star does. There's literally never any incentive for you to fight enemies because it breaks your equipment, so you never get good at combat. I realized this when I had my first encounter with the Yiga Clan and got my shit wrecked.

Equipment durability is the single biggest flaw with the game and every game with it has the exact same problem.

Did Nintendo actually make this?

Monsters drop body parts which sell for a lot of rupees and they also drop decent weapons sometimes so that broken sword might get upgraded too.

I'm with you. I find myself avoiding enemies at all costs.

>There's literally never any incentive for you to fight enemies

1) To take their weapon
2) To collect monster bits
3) To unlock chests
4) Because they're in the way
5) To complete quests

What other reasons do you need?

Monster parts are needed for Armor upgrades too. It's clear that people who complain about this don't even own/play the game.

kys faggot

To bully them, it's also the best reason.

I thought she was great in skyward sword and I'm one of the people who hates almost everything in that game. Having Zelda be the human incarnation of the goddess who set the eternal cycle into motion is a really neat way to explain why it's the legend of ZELDA after 25 years.

But it should've stayed the focus in just that game. It's really weird to see her religion have this huge resurgence so many years later. And yeah, she's really not interesting at all in BotW.

IRL Hylia

>Having Zelda be the human incarnation of the goddess
Zelda now gets the Triforce of Wisdom because she's a goddess incarnation reincarnation, not because she's the wisest Hylian
That one storyline negates any of her individual accomplishments in the series because the fatty goddess who was bffs with the three goddesses and totally responsible for the triforce fell in love with Link before anyone anywhere ever and became a fit princess to ride his master sword
Hylia's contributions were to make Zelda worse and oust other religions from Hyrule. The fucking Rito have a shrine to her instead of, oh, any deity relevant to the Zora

>The fucking Rito have a shrine to her instead of, oh, any deity relevant to the Zora

My bad, I changed my mind about which race to go with mid-sentence, though, given the Rito's origins, it still could work



>shit was too easy
I actually thought there was a high level of challenge. Boredom can also make the game quite hard.

It was harder than any other Zelda barring the NES ones. That's not saying much of course, I've had shits harder than most Zelda games.

You die all the time in the early game but it has by far the easiest mid game and end game in the series.
>Upgraded armour may as well make you invincible against most enemies
>Even if you do take a lot of damage you can instantly heal it all by just stuffing your face with hundreds of apples or even some cooked wood
>If you somehow manage to die despite all of that you've got Mipha's Grace and something like ten fairies in your pockets to get you back up
Consequently, the early game (along with places like Eventide Island and the Trial of the Sword) is also when the game is at its most enjoyable.

I used to be really afraid of the moving guardians but once i learned that they basically become sitting ducks for several seconds every time you break one of their legs they became piss easy.
Zelda games aren't that hard in general except for very few instances so I'm not getting the "BotW is a hard game guise!!". Granted I haven't done the hard mode yet so hopefully it'll be a nice change of pace.


>4) Because they're in the way

But they're virtually never in the way.


It's not required to beat the game when you can take a Hearty X and learn the movements of the enemies.

how do you beat the guardians easily? i suck at parrying with the shield

BOTW was actually kinda brutal for a Zelda game at the start before you get a bunch of hearts. But really, you should expect every Zelda to be easy as fuck.

Ancient arrow to the eye
1shot kill + loot.

The problem is not the durability system, it's the lack of a real reason to kill monsters other than collecting more monster parts that your bags are already full of. I think a leveling system of some kind would have been good

The freedom to choose the dungeon order has got to be the biggest meme. The trash DLC was the only time the devs were able to balance the game somewhat properly.

yeah but isnt it hard to make them? takes a lot of guardian supplies right

What's your real reason to kill over-world monsters in other Zelda games once you have max rupees (bag's already full of it)

This game has solidified my opinion that, while open-ended games can be enjoyable, I much prefer a more structured progression.
I hope that maybe in the future they try something similar to Xenoblade, with individual areas being massive and open, but having to unlock each one in a set order either through story progression or new items.

If I remember right, killing one guardian should get you enough material for a few arrows. It's not a net-drain

Durability can work, it's just that BotW made it more about just holding back a few good weapons for big fights and using weaker ones to whittle down a monster's HP. I think something like the system New Vegas would be fine, wherein your weapons lose their effectiveness as they get used, and don't so much as break as they just become completely ineffective. You could still keep the breaking thing, but only if you chuck it at an enemy, otherwise the weapon just won't do squat and you have to switch to another one. You would also be able to repair shit like in NV, using materials and extras of a weapon, maybe even restoring a withered, rarer weapon to better working condition. This would create more incentive to collect shit instead of only for your clothing upgrades, as well as allowing for weapons to be sold and purchased in the towns. Hell, a whole quest could revolve around having to trade away certain weapons in order to get a certain merchant to put up a rare weapon for purchase.



I hope the next BoTW style Zelda is based on Ages and Seasons


The DLC sucked ass.


Thanks user. I'll see how it goes.

It's anime dub tier. I switched too.

Everything related to main story was pretty easy and ment to be beaten easily. But I enjoyed most the controls, creative ways to interact with anything and exploring every corner. Too much overworld tho, I want my fucking dungeons and caves back.
I wouldnt mind if the next zelda game was totally based on an underground world.

The entire game was a great walking simulator though.

>"Equipment durability is the single biggest flaw with the game and every game with it has the exact same problem."
>Game adds an element of progression through degradable weapons seperated into different tiers with different strengths and weaknesses, making them an intrinsic reward for defeating a particular enemy.
>Also adds an element of choice towards engagements, forcing you to ask yourself whether its worth a straight up fight, whether there's something else you could do to even the odds or alpha strike them, or simply avoid the encounter entirely.
>Literally a treasure chest within particular camps of enemies that unlocks after killing them all.
>Hurr durr, no incentive.

I tried this and Im still struggling. I shoot an ancient arrow right at the eye but it only takes about less then half of the health. Can you really one hit kill them with a properly timed shot?

It doesn't need to be timed, I'm gonna guess you're missing due to arrow drop
I'd recommend trying a few times while falling or on the legless guardians before doing it while facing a beam and being panic-y
I think the legless guardians would be a net drain though, so you can't farm them for more arrows

I think the large world was fine, but yea, they needed more secrets than just literal tree turds. Caves, mini dungeons, and regular dungeons definitely need to come back. They could easily keep the open world part and just make it that you have to do certain things to get gear for the main dungeons, while maybe including ways to enhance the gear like what Skyward Sword did (but more robust instead of like ONE upgrade and then never asking again)

>tfw you fell for the switch meme
i mean, i can play mario cart with friends every weekend i guess but you dont need a switch for that

>Mipha's ability brings you back to full health when you die and gives you extra hearts
>You can get 2 fairies that will instantly bring you back to life with 5 hearts
>You can carry around an infinite supply of meals that heal you to full health and give you extra hearts
>Enemies are easy to dodge if you watch them for more than half a second
>Implying that there is any point to upgrading armor past the second tier
The second you get 2 stamina wheels and 13 hearts you basically become a unkillable God that has no reason to fight anything because you have all the armor and weapons you're going to need, don't need to upgrade anything, and don't need to collect anything. You also lose any incentive to completing shrines because you already have everything you're going to need in the game to fuck up any and all bosses you come across.

>to take their weapon
Almost all of their weapons are shit-tier and aren't worth collecting.
>To collect monster bits
Almost completely pointless once you upgrade shit past the second tier.
>To unlock chest
The monster chest don't depend on how tough the monsters guarding it are, so you can just go to the starting area and fuck those guys up for their chest.
>Because they're in the way
It takes more time to fight them than it does to run around them.
>To complete quests
Almost all the quest are tedious trash that give nothing good, and the ones that do give good shit rarely involve fighting monsters.
Everything he said was absolutely true, and if anything he only scratched the surface of the shit wrong with this game.

>Great game but shit was too easy
Yeah, it`s a game for little kids.
Of course it willl be easy for a (man) to beat.

Unless if you're fighting small enemies. Lynels can knock out that many hearts or more if you're not careful, while Moblins can take big chunks and even send you off cliff.

I'd say at least half the shrines were really good, with half of the special ones also having great ways of unlocking them. The ones that were just sitting out in the open really could have used a bit more. Like maybe being buried under rubble you have to blow up or something to at least earn getting in than just waltzing up.

>Getting hit by a moblin
>Willingly fighting lynels

Gee, it's like you can't be ganged up on when there are more multiple moblins or something. And of course people are going to fight Lynels. If you don't, you can't say shit about the combat as they are one of the few real challenges to fight.

That's an understatement. I think that between Mipha and that faggot Gordon kid that this game had easily the worst voice acting of any media I've ever consumed of any medium or genre. What the fuck were they thinking?