Metal Gear Survive

You ARE buying RAYs new game, right Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Idk why they are bringing back RAY.
its going to be impossible to out do the MGR fight.


Why would RAYs exist in the 1970's?

Honestly, the game wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but it really should be f2p or have the price reduced significantly at least. It's clearly competing in the same field as Fortnite.

Wormholes don't give a shit about time or space.

Hope to you see online Diamond dog.

Why is Donald Anderson there?

>Kojima is a big The walking dead fan
>kojima drones shits on this game
>kojima wanted to make this game


While I did enjoy playing the beta with other, this is the kind of game that people make for free on PC. I won't pay more than $10 for something so shallow.

Christ, this game is actually really fun with a full squad

RAY a shit. Call me when they bring back GANDER.

It's not made by kojima. And MGS V was a huge train wreck. Why would anyone want anything that came after it from Konami?

>haha it's got a ray thread no# 7
go away shill

> no REX
> no Shagohod
> no Peace Walker or ZEKE
> fucking RAY.
They can go fuck themselves

My nigga

we know you liked it. Just that you rather suck Kojima off.

Why would anyone want someone from Kojima and Konami after that?

Exactly. Death Stranding hasn't even shown off anything remotely looking like gameplay and this smoke and mirrors shit doesn't bait me.

*Why would anyone want anything

Every fight out does the MGR fight, because the MGR fight was over the top and retarded.

why this shit here, is the 80s

>broken shoulder version of ray
The worst.

Imagine if instead of just RAY it randomly summoned one of the 10 or so Gears, and a super low chance to summon a ZoE mecha

ended up liking it more than I thought I would but I feel like I should just go play fortnite because it does everything better.

konami shits on mgs

>rex and ray in the 60's

I'm not disinterested in the game, but I feel you on that shit, nothing for the game has even really been shown, and the cryptic ass Hollywood trailers aren't selling me on shit, I don't understand the people who are wetting their pants over a game that we've seen practically nothing for yet. Shits retarded.

Does it have Microtransactions and is it a full priced game?

>You ARE buying RAY that stays for 5 seconds' new game, right Sup Forums?

no and 40 buck

So what?
Not all of his ideas are good, and some devolve into terrible videogames like MGS4, Peace Walker of MGSV.

The lengths that Survive apologists go to shill their turd is just amazing, although repetitive.
30 posts and we have already covered the three phases of an MG Survive thread.

Dead on arrival.

>saving your own text
lol Kojima fags these days. Just deal with it. The game is fun.

yes and yes

konami plz go

RAY a cute

the absolute state of Sup Forums
now we have Survive shills

Yeah, a generic zombie game with no redeemable features built on top of a mediocre stealth game, even though stealth is pointless in this game.
On top of that they include Metal Gears, but you can't ride them.
They include co-op, but it's not in the open world, just for a couple of missions.
Then, the game is not balanced for either mode, singleplayer throughs way too many zombies at you, and co-op is just way too easy.

you mean konami paid shills

bottom fucking line; IS THIS FUN!?

and how do i into beta, i don't see it on PSN or XBL stores.

They've been shilling this game ever since it was announced.
The only argument they have is that if you don't like it you are a Kojimadrone and that they want more FOX ENGINEā„¢ videogames.

>playing alone
Look at this loser lol.

It's actually still the 70's. You wake up 6 months after the XOF attack on MSF

It is good to know you are here to defend me against them, user. Being in a thread about a thing you don't like really takes guts.

Well, I have no choice, the co-op is not for the entire game.
Unless you suggest that I just play that garbage tower defense mode over and over and over again?
Trust me, I would love to play in the open world or the singleplayer missions with my friends, but Konami just decided that fun is not allowed.

Man, animations have really taken a nose-dive in quality.

Give it a try. Its fun.

this place is for discussion not to worship every game

Into the trash it goes then, thanks guys.

Theres no microtransaction or lootboxes.

>this is a place for discussion
this is a place for shitposting

probably, looks fun as hell and only butthurt Kojima drones will continue to dislike-bomb trailers and refuse to have fun.

they can go enjoy Death Stranding with its ZERO gameplay

>Theres no microtransaction or lootboxes
But it do tho

Not really.
The co-op zombie game thing has been done plenty of times already and much better than this.
Plus, the survival mechanics are just obnoxious with the scarce ammo, losing stamina for everything, then having to do menu crawling to heal yourself, and if you haven't grinded enough earlier, you are out of luck.
Did they really spend 2 years to release this whole bunch of nothingness?
It's just a mod for MGSV, and not a particularly entertaining one, they just went full retard with the grinding to the point of making it annoying.
Plus, they completely changed MGSV's control scheme for no reason at all even though it was fine.
More than fine, actually, MGSV's controls and their responsiveness is one of the highlights of that game.
The HUD is also fucking atrocious, it's like some placeholder thing from an early version of the game. (and don't come at me with the "b-but its a beta" thing, the game is 3 weeks away from us)
It's just completely unnintuitive.
And also, finding a co-op match takes a fuckload of time, and it's only for some missions, you can't fuck around in the open world, which is what I was looking forward to the most.
Also, the graphics sometimes look worse than MGSV, particularly several textures look really low resolution.
There's just some design choices that I just can't comprehend, like why would you change the HUD or why change the controls.
They rehashed MGSV, and they managed to damage the few good things it had.

I don't know, I guess i'd be okay if it was a F2P game, but at $40 I just can't recommend this.

>"d-don't worry guys, stealth is a part of MGS and we will ensure that we keep it!"
>it's actually completely pointless, it's only in the game because they recycled MGSV's gameplay

>mfw people still don't realize Metal Gear can only be good again if it abandons its retarded canon
The wormholes are a good thing faggots. A Metal Gear game with every single character and Metal Gear would be amazing.


I like that you can mess around in the lobby

>Soy-Sup Forums sucking konami's dick because DEVS ARE ALL OUR FRIENDS XD twitch brainwashing
This place is sad. Millennials are still young, we still have time to genocide the gen Z kids and repopulate, learn from past mistakes.

What makes you think I want more MGS?
The franchise has nothing left to offer.
Hell, it should have ended with 4.
PW and V were completely pointless and didn't add anything of value.

10 bucks were deposited in your bank account, thanks for your support goy

It's just a bunch of shills, they will all be gone once the game comes out.

>ZoE mech
That would be great, but who am I kidding, this game will be complete dogshit.

Good luck taking out Jehuty/Anubis/Even a fucking Raptor with an RPG-7

>Konami makes a canon Metal Gear game

>Konami makes a non-canon Metal Gear game

They're not going to throw away the IP you fucking faggots

Who cares about industry politics, if a game is fun a game is fun.

>They're not going to throw away the IP you fucking faggots
If enough games flop they will.
This franchise's death is 10 years overdue already.

You almost understood why it was wonderful and fucked it all up. Protip. Metal Gear Solid is over the top and retarded. Rising just commits to the nonsense.

>this autistic mongoloid thinks a tiny portion of the game, a single game mode for co-op (out of 8), is representative of the full game

tip top fucking kek.

They threw away the game division, I say it is close.

Considering Rising is Sup Forums's favorite Metal Gear, I don't think people would mind them making a new canon game without Kojima.

Oh, sorry for not being able to play the full game and judging what I have in my hands, would you rather I just join the fuckfest and start screaming about shills like most of the retards in here?

If there's nothing to this game, there's nothing.
I'm not going to praise this because it's just not entertaining.

The difference is that MGR was made by competent developers, and even then it still sucked compared to Bayonetta.
This franchise is dead and has died without an identity, with it's last 3 main games being nothing but a mashup of different concepts, of which none was polished or deep enough.

Z for Buddha
S for Natzis

post some boobies.


I wonder if they'll ban people for doing this, because I'm definitely going to do this.



more !

That's all the boobies I have on me I'm afraid.


this, all MGR did was triple down on the bullshit, which made it more fun

In an interview when asked about Survive.

"The Metal Gear games are about political fiction and espionage," he explained. "Where do zombies fit in with that?"
>inb4 "b-but those guys from MGSV."

True. Ray is weak.

Why do all my traps and fences disappear at the end of each wave? This is bullshit

Don't put your shit inside the red circle

Well I'm a fucking idiot.

can i get a source for 8 different co-op modes? the only shit i've seen online is 5 maps for the salvage missions at launch

100% no. finish MGS5 development first.

this game doesn`t look that bad and it might be fun

too bad icant play it

Every MGSurvive discussion ever:

>It is literally the worst game to ever exist
>Yes, it's worse than ET and Superman 64
>No Kojima = no Metal Gear Solid
>It's just a quick, shameless cashgrab, developed in like two months
>Game is dead. Literally nobody wants it. Dead dead dead. Did I mention it's dead?
>MGS was never good.

So why do I have diamond dogs stuff if technically the organization was still the MSF at this time?

I'm really looking forward to forgetting this game exists.

Because of nanoworm holemachines, son.

You forgot an important one.
>from stealth for babies to generic zombie grindfest

worm hole.

tfw it actually looks enjoyable in co-op

And maybe this will have a working MGO component too