This is bad, this is really bad. This is the worst beta I've ever played. How fucked is Konami?
Metal gear survive beta
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Not at all considering their profits and stock price is at an all time high since firing kojima.
Fuck off, Kojimbo
Tell us why you rampant faggot
Well it probably cost them like 1 million to make this shit so its probably nearly all profit.
The series should have died at 2, I seriously wish they didnt make anymore
It's fucking fine, what are you talking about?
Kojima babbies are pissed for no reason.
If it was literally just called "Survive" no one would be complaining.
In 2 years, konami has a game in open beta, goes on sale in 1 month.
Kojima has 3 6deep13u trailers and no gameplay to be found
Reminder to boycott this trash. Lootboxes galore, Pay to win, no Kojima creativity, glorified mod
This isn't Metal Gear no matter how hard you spin it. At least MGR was Kojima-approved.
Survive is bad, just like MGS5 was bad.
>the most egregious example of a AAA asset flip in modern history
>all to make another horribly boring and monotonous """"""survival"""""" game that is 4 years late to the genre
>"if dey jus changd de naem u'd liek it!!!"
I think the game is alright at it's current state
It's not just a polished asset flip
Kojima drones are absolutely pathetic. Worse than nintendo fans.
I take it that you never tried the Dragon Ball Fighter Z demo then? Ok.
I don't mean to be that guy,
But have you actually played the beta? Let alone see other people's footage that isn't doctored?
The video proves it is undefendable garbage. Downloading would be supporting Konami. FUCK THEM.
Let me guess, you played the beta with a friend and think it's not bad?
The game is fine. Im so sick of the fuckonami crowd holy shit get a life
Revengeance did the same.
we're reaching tumblr levels of retardation
You have to be some sort of super newfag to say this is the worst beta you ever played. There are far worse beta's out there.
Fuck you, shill. Konami fucked over one of the best in the business and now think they can shit all over his series with this fad-chasing tripe? #FuckKonami, now and forever.
Revengeance an asset flip of an existing product?
Bayonetta with Vanquish.
So like whos actually played the beta here anyways? Trying to find a game now for the past 10 mins. Being in Oceania sucks ass.
You're an idiot.
>one of the best
Wow, that delusion.
For one the UI is awful and unintuitive. You run out of stamina after a couple seconds of sprinting. The crafting is a joke you have to grab everything in sight just to make one fucking fence. Fighting wave after wave of mutant zombies is not fun.
Better than kojimas new game, oh wait
Hadn't heard that name in more than a decade.
Don't buy this insult to Kojima's name. Ignore the shills. Tell everybody you know how garbage this game is.
Solo actually, and then with a couple of randoms.
What I can say, of what is there, is that it's good.
Not great, not terrible, solidly good.
I feel you man, being in Western Australia it took me about 15 minutes to find a game.
>loosely similar art style
>fairly similar gameplay
It's not an asset flip, retard.
I thought the demo was great, really interested in the single player.
These retards will chew you out for not thinking it looks like garbage. I had one fag call a traitor because I was willing to play the damn thing without paying for it before making an opinion. What a bunch of fucking faggot all of you are, Kojima might as well be their lord and savior the way they attack anyone that isn't part of their cult.
>the most egregious example of a AAA asset flip in modern history
I thought that award already went to Saints Row 4.
Post proofs.
Riding on the name of an existing(and the same) franchise, and I'm quite sure they didn't re modeled all the repeating assets from 4.
>similar aesthetic = asset flip
user are you retarded? I'm being generous here because they have vague similarities at best but I think you just listed the first platinum games that came to your mind
Thats what the matchmaker is calling it.
Could be worse you could be a kiwibro because they can't even download this shit. I had to change my region for a bit just to get access to it.
Google it retard.
>hating some twink gook and his autistic followers so much that you'll defend a shitty asset flip AAA survival game in 2018
How sad
Should've been fucking free DLC to win us back. Fucking money grubbing motherfuckers.
Charging us for a disgusting spit on the series? Fucking zombishit?
Where's the geopolitics? The pyschological aspects? The existentialism? The socioeconomics? The war economy?
This isn't fucking Metal Gear.
Revengeance used a unique assets and design. This is a legit mod that they are gonna peddle for 60 jewbucks. The worst part is that it's not even a good idea.
>In 2 years, konami has a mod made out of recycled assets from a game where all the heavy lifting was already done
It's alright. A decent game at $30. I might buy it, but with monhun right around the corner I really won't be doing mush else, so it's a big maybe.
Oh look, a froathing kojimashill putting words in mouth, why am I not surprised. You people are worse than Star Shitizen fags.
yeah man what the fuck, where's the cyborg ninjas, vampires, ghosts, HILARIOUS diarrhea jokes, nanomachines? This just isn't the same game anymore because of zombies.
No, you made the claim, post proofs.
Yeah, and so has kojima. They literally handed him an engine and all of the horizon assets. Keep drinking that koolaid buddy
People in the thread defending an always online game. This is priceless
If this were a $20 game that came out on April Fool's day, I'd get it. But it's just a wave-based horde survival game (with only 3 waves. wtf). Kids make these games for free on PC. Hell, there were some of the most fun WC3 custom maps... somehow, professional developers seem to have managed to make it really boring.
Those made sense in Metal Gear's world.
There was consistency, logic, themes, depth, complexity.
>win us back
Why would they try, when you faggots will just bitch regardless because they fired Kojima. You will never be satisfied
>said the konami apologist
I've seen plenty of people using it to collectively refer Australasia and its friends.
Nanoma- I mean- Wolbachia did it!
I had to install the beta with another account because I can't find it on my local store, I'm convinced that matchmaking is slower than it could be because it still uses my location
I wonder if they'll allow you to globally matchmake
You know building your own engine from scratch isn't standard practice for games, right?
>and all the horizon assets
If you want to retain credibility, don't pull shit out of your ass.
kojimafags are so embarrasing, that they think that anyone that doesn't give a shit about him is a konamishill. That is more pathetic.
The only MG games I've played are MGR and MGSV. That gook does nothing for me and I couldn't care less if Konami sacked him, you fucking inbred.
>there was consistency, logic, themes, depth, complexity to diarrhea jokes
like pottery
He has to pull shit out of his ass because he can't defend that Survive has literally zero new assets. It's all repulled straight from 5. You know, the assets that Kojima made.
They literally did though. They even put death stranding easter eggs in horizon. Kojima is a fucking faggot hack who wastes money and time and the last 4 of his games prove it.
>hurr durr he must suck Konami cock cuz he called me a fag
Kill yourself, you fail abortion.
>Where's the geopolitics? The pyschological aspects? The existentialism? The socioeconomics? The war economy?
is this what mgs fans really think they're getting from these games?
I mean I played 2-5 and I think they're great fun games but I'd find it fucking sad if you think they're at all philosophically engaging or deep aside from the generic, tone deaf japanese trademark writing.
this is the worst post i've read in a long time
please hand in your posting license
Sorry it's 2018, you have literally been connected to the Internet nonstop since the year 2005, and will continue to be connected until you die. Actually always online is a good thing because it'll deter poor people from purchasing the game and ruining our good time
Good goy, stroke the Konami shaft.
>zombie creatures
>big headed zombie creatures
>literally a whole new map with destroyed buildings
>no new assets
Think about your words before you comment
Y'all niggers tricked.
We're talking about a lazy wave based survival mod made by a company that has killed off literally every worthwhile franchise it holds the rights to. Konami are justifiably being shat on for this.
Get fucked nigger, I don't give a shit about your history with MGS, you're part of the garbage that's still hysterical for what happened to that nip years ago.
I-I-I was just pretending to be retarded!
You'll never be able to discuss this game without the kojima defense force screeching at you.
yeah yeah, you were only pretending to be retarded, right
>death stranding easter eggs in horizon
>this means kojima is recycling all the horizon assets for DS
Did you even stop to think about what you were saying before you posted it?
Ripped from MGSV.
Ripped from MGSV.
Wow, somebody used the move objects command on a MGSV map.
Yep, no new assets.
>I picked the very first map on easy mode in the demo
I've set my setting to North America where I have had a few good games with the odd crash. Its pretty much dead in Australia for me at any time of the day.
Here's you last (You), faggot. Make it last because it's going to be a while before your Hollywood-reject of a developer completes his fetus game.
I sure hope Daddy Konami doesn't abort any more of the franchises you like.
I played the first normal map too. Very used to these types of games on PC was a breeze. Just set a bunch of traps and turrets and mounted machines guns, then go gather materials between the rounds. Only now it's ugly, boring, has poor choice of controls and $40 for some reason.
Solo'ing the normal desert map is the only reason for why I have blue gear alround now. All I did was spam the drill to S rank before pulling out after getting the drop boxing. Its faster that way.
I want kojima drones to fuck off. Go talk about kojimas non existent game somewhere.
Thank you. Link to source? Looks like any old graph over time.
B-But 3 was really good user.
>tfw 70 dollydoos
The game is better than I expected, it's fun.
Literal shill.
what is this
>V was trash
>peacewalker was trash
>4 was fucking pathetic
Why do you still defend this retard?
konami quality
I hope this game does well just to see the drones lose their shit.
Trash but scored 90+ on metacritic, really activates my almonds.
>reviewers played 10 hours of a 100 hour game
>literally none of them made it to chapter 2
>scored high
Gee i wonder