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>glorious bongland hasn't been taken by the numale fad
Oi, who's up for FIFA lads
It's already analdestroying all other home consoles in Japan
I thought Europe didn't like Nintendo?
no, that UK fags only, see
Add Portugal to that list.
switch is just a fad it will blow over people prefer real games a la assassin's creed fifa gta and tes 6 hammerfell
Only the UK and the Americans believe the UK represents Europe for some reason
Why are you posting fat ugly woman?
I live in the Netherlands and I haven't seen a single Switch irl yet, neither do I know anyone who owns one nor have I heard anyone talk about it.
Everyone plays on PS4 or PC here.
>Sony losing europe
They are so fucked
stupid monkey
Lol shut up Ahmed.
All those games are better than anything Nintendo has to offer.
>liking assassin's creed
Salesfagging won't change the fact that there are more Switch exclusives with season passes than not right now, that Nintendo is developing negligible content updates for WiiU with as little time or money as possible so they can count them as exclusives and charge full price (Aka Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the Mario Kart for the Switch's lifespan).
And what are they doing with that free'd up development time since they can just use WiiU titles to fill up the core gamers library? Now we finally have the answer, it's fucking Labo. Because you faggots made it clear to Nintendo that you're ok with eating shit and considering WiiU titles new games you have Labo instead of new Switch exclusives.
Nintendo's gone from the last bastion of consumer friendly business in the industry to just another industry jew, and even one of the worse ones.
Salesfagging doesn't address any of that.
>you have Labo instead of new Switch exclusives.
Yeah, because I'm sure every single person at Nintendo is working on Labo.
Starting a new product line, especially one even more intricately involved with software than even amiibo were, is absolutely going to take up a lot of dev time.
Keep in mind these are just the first two sets. Nintendo took down the WiiU section on the navigation bar and replaced it with a Labo section, they're planning more of them, a lot more.
>Starting a new product line, especially one even more intricately involved with software than even amiibo were, is absolutely going to take up a lot of dev time.
are you seriously implying Labo requires anything bigger than a 10 man team?
how incompetent are you?
Only mudslime countries like UK prefer Sony.
Who is she? Is there more of her? Cosplayer not mei
If this keeps up Nintendo just might outsell Sony with a fucking hybrid system and fucking cardboard. It's absolutely insane.
I thought if it's popular it's shit, according to Sup Forums?
No one gives a single fuck about it here and it sells like dogshit.
no you are into as logic fallacy.
>Not all that is popular is good
>All that is popular is shit
>fastest == best
In terms of total sales, isn't the Switch still behind even the Xbox One?
I guess he's referring to it being the fastest selling Nintendo console here with 600k units sold
What's with all this Nintendo marketing fake news recently?
I fucking doubt it at this point.
genuine question, when the last fastest/best selling console, the Wii was around, and there was no guarantee of many good games despite those sales (doesn't matter much now I guess, there are already some good games on switch) but, there was also massive appeal given to gimmicks rather than what would be considered 'traditional' development (I.E. LABO, which honestly looks fun for kids,) what exactly does being the fastest/best selling console actually mean aside from 'Nintendo themselves are doing well?'
>In terms of total sales, isn't the Switch still behind even the Xbox One?
>Is a console 10 months old behind in sales behind a 5 years one
nigga, you are not an smart one, are ya?
Absolute bullshit
t. euro
i fell for the meme and now I have nothing to play. thanks based nintendo
Wait till Switch release on China and India, and Indian Chain Store says they get asked more for Switch than PS4 or Xbone
It means everyone loves it if that counts.
I live in Norway. I think PS4 is the most popular here, but I see people with Switches all the time, and it was genuinely hard to get a Switch Pro controller for a long time in my city.
And China has a very good relationship with Nintendo. It's pretty much over now.
There's that word again
true enough, it definitely seems like it would be a decent purchase, hopefully they push for more third-party support (even ports, or maybe a soft remaster, because honestly having a smaller-than-a-laptop portable experience is good) based on it's popularity
This is what I'm concerned about. I bought a Wii U right after they had a strong E3 showing, played a handful of games, and then there was literally nothing for it. I don't quite regret the purchase, but it didn't live up to my expectations either. At this point I'll wait for the less retarded redesigned model of the Switch and evaluate what the software landscape looks like then.
Being the fastest selling doesn't make it the most sold. For example Switch is the fastest selling in Canada (and now Spain, apparently), and broke the previous record which was the Wii, but Wii is the 5th most sold console of all time.
Selling fast doesn't mean that the momentum will keep up in 3, 4, 5+ years.
We can look at your own example. Wii sold the fastest in Spain before the Switch, and yet (many) more PS2's were sold there than Wii's
>less retarded redesigned model of the Switch and evaluate what the software landscape looks like then
what is retarded about the Switch design? anyway I don't really regret buying the console. I bought a Wii U too and was burned but the difference here is that the Switch has a more solid lineup of games on the way than I ever really had for the Wii U. It's also actually successful and games are selling well on it which means developers will at least try to make it work. there's no reason to buy one now but I don't believe it will suffer the same fate as the Wii U
Just waiting for the price to drop around 200 yupoors used.
Sweden, of course.
I'm not sure Nintendo's products are available in North Africa already.
>what is retarded about the Switch design?
There's not much that isn't. A dockable phablet with snap on controllers isn't portable enough for a handheld and isn't powerful enough for a console. They need a mini version that's actually pocket-portable and discards the stupid TV dock.
oh so i guess no one is going to bother to finish developing metriod prime 4 or yoshi
nintendo doomed as always
But then it'd be more under powered. Unless they can fit 1080p and more memory/power into a smaller version.
Have you not noticed the huge uptick in shitposting about Nintendo recently? The entire soyboy meme seems to be aimed squarely at them now, drowning out how the previous cuck iterations ragged on Sony for being the mainstream console of choice and all their political PR pandering.
Prime 4 could easily be 2019 and Yoshi's 2.5d gameplay looks like absolute trash
This year is going to be fucking nothing but Kirby, games you could already play elsewhere, and Labo
thank god you're not working at nintendo
I'm sure this is what helps you sleep at night
Nigga I own a Switch.
I'm surprised Sup Forums didn't make "soyboy wojak" versions of nips and leafs yet.
And Bayo, Pokemon and No More Heroes plus whatever they reveal on the next months directs.
Remember that most of the stuff released this year for the Switch was announced less than a year before its release.
1080p isn't even consistently available on the dock with unconstrained power, much less in handheld mode.
>But then it'd be more under powered.
How? Switch's hardware doesn't change if it's doked or not, it's always there. They could even not underclock it if they removed the retarded joycon concept and just made 1 solid unit, where there's more space for a larger battery (beneath the face buttons, where the joycons would be)
not him btw
Stop making sense. You are trying to convince and prove something to mentally ill rabid fandrone Nintendicksuckers who have braindamage from all the Nintendo semen they gulped in all those years and have tunnel vision. Also don't forget the (ironic) shitposters.
This place died years ago to have any sensible and decent discusison about video games.
I personally come here to shit and piss these days. I gave up probably some 4 years ago trying to talk to people here.
You can blame the MODS for killing this place.
We don't, get these toys out of here
>the Switch continues to be one of the fast selling consoles on the planet
>people still posting shit like this as if it apparently matters
The success of the Switch is literally unbelievable to people. No matter how well it does, how well games on it sell, how well it's received, people keep acting as if this is January of last year and we're predicting all the ways it's obviously going to fuck it all up. The better it continues to do, the more ridiculous stuff like this looks. Obviously the Switch doesn't appeal to everyone. There's real problems with its services and if you don't like the whole ease of going from handheld gaming to tv gaming, it's not going to do it for you with the compromises it had to make. But it's become clear that it's perfectly fine to a great many people so stuff like this mostly just seems like personal bitching than any sort of real analysis.
>You can blame the MODS for killing this place.
You are right there, if only those retard pics were deleted this place would be so much better.
and? that doesn't mean they'll stop developing those games to work on labo. why the hell would everyone at nintendo need to stop what they're doing and work on printing out designs on cardboard?
Fuck off to reddit, console wars have always been here in Sup Forums
It's not just the pics. People like you, that mentally ill faggot here and 99% of this board's posters need to be deleted.
This place is a huge pool of piss and shit, I can't take anyone seriously anymore.
People keep saying this. Do you really carry your console in your pockets though? The Switch is definitely portable. The console itself with the joycon removed is just barely larger than my 3DS XL. You're meant to put it in your bag, not your jeans. If they make the screen any smaller then game UIs are going to be a nightmare. there also isn't any reason to ditch the dock as you do not have to use it. they could sell a version without the dock though if that cuts costs
Yes, exactly. It's the compromise system. It's not what anyone actually wants, or wanted, but it has merry-o and zelda so it sells anyway to the gaymur xD crowd.
The Switch has already surpassed the Wii U and is around 15 million now, they havent released Pokemon and Animal Crossing yet. This time next year we can easily see it surpass Xbox One lifetime sales.
>people explicitly say X, which makes sense in the context
>but why are you not saying Y that makes sense in a completely different context?
Yes, I'm sure Switch's sales will drop to zero any moment now.
>You're meant to put it in your bag
So it's made for women?
>I can't take anyone seriously anymore
The sheer hypocrisy of this post
>This time next year we can easily see it surpass Xbox One lifetime sales.
>The Switch will be DOA!
Becomes instant overnight success
>It just Nintenbros who are buying it, the sales will soon drop off!
Remains out of stock for most of the year as Nintendo struggle to cope with demand and the system becomes one of the biggest sellers on Black Friday despite not even having a discount.
>I-its only big in Japan! Japan is irrelevant!
Become the fastsest selling console of all time in the USA.
>USA is irrelevant! Europe is the only market that matters!
Analysts predicting theres no slowing down of Switch sales
>it will fail in 2018! Nintendo are finished!
The goalposts keep moving.
People actually thought the NES would be a failure. Nintendo: Doomed since 1985
>short time record
do you guys remember how fast the 360 sold but how the PS3 sold more units in the long run ?
top kek
you have the IQ of a nigger. stop posting on the internet.
How many units have been sold since? And don't bring VGCharts up.
I wonder why Aladdin?
A well crafted ad hominem in lieu of an argument, I like it.
That's the point you chucklefuck assbirth. You are just another sub 90IQ shitbreather to me who killed this site for good. I hope you get pancreatic cancer and die a slow aind painful death, shitting the bed, making your mom clean up your feces.
>give me numbers but only the ones I like to see
The mental state of reality bending Nintendickriders, ladies and gentlemen.
The problem is any and all discussion that isn't sucking Nintendo's dick is smacked down with the banhammer these days. We just not even half an hour ago had a thread pointing out the issues with Labo that got 404'd.
No. VGCharts is just a very unreliable source and everyone fucking knows it.
>Nintendo's fucking me so hard and making so much money, aren't you jealous?
Microsoft doesnt bring up numbers, so we all know Xbox One is selling like shit. I think its around 25-30 million. So Switch will surpass that soon.
I love Nintendo so much I wish I could bend it over and fuck it up the ass.
You could just scream and rant about how the Switch's success causes you physical distress, like the old days. There's really no reason for all this pretending that the Switch in particular is what's killing the board. It survived the fucking Wii, it'll survive the Switch.
I wanna fuck this arab girl.
What do you want if threads are only filled with wojak that each time become more disgusting?
>Only women own bags
This this this. Switch needs a hardware revision BADLY. It's just fucking inexcusable the way it is in it's current state.
Too big and clunky, and not enough battery life to be a proper handheld.
Too weak to be a console and the joycon gimmick is stupid, get rid of it.
Switch won't be a real success until it's smaller without the removal joycons because that's just retarded. It also needs longer battery life, this shouldn't be a problem in this day and age. It also needs to be more powerful, there's no excuse for it's own games to run like absolute shit.
All this and a decent price drop and I might even buy this thing.
>Too big and clunky, and not enough battery life to be a proper handheld.
It's more like a slab of iron.
>Switch won't be a real success until
Too late
> Switch needs a hardware revision BADLY.
Its selling tremendously well and breaking sale records, Nintendo wont touch it and waste money. We wont see a revision or a price cut for at least another year.
As it is now, it can't be called a real success without major revisions.
The ones you listed are not design problems, the actual design problem is that the dock scratches your Switch. They should make a new one.
>We wont see a revision or a price cut for at least another year.
And this is why the Switch is going to fail. Nintendo are too fucking stupid to fix the problems we're all having with it. We're going to fucking riot for fixes if this keeps up.